1,335 research outputs found

    Computer Vision Algorithms For An Automated Harvester

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    Image classification and segmentation are the two main important parts in the 3D vision system of a harvesting robot. Regarding the first part, the vision system aids in the real time identification of contaminated areas of the farm based on the damage identified using the robot’s camera. To solve the problem of identification, a fast and non-destructive method, Support Vector Machine (SVM), is applied to improve the recognition accuracy and efficiency of the robot. Initially, a median filter is applied to remove the inherent noise in the colored image. SIFT features of the image are then extracted and computed forming a vector, which is then quantized into visual words. Finally, the histogram of the frequency of each element in the visual vocabulary is created and fed into an SVM classifier, which categorizes the mushrooms as either class one or class two. Our preliminary results for image classification were promising and the experiments carried out on the data set highlight fast computation time and a high rate of accuracy, reaching over 90% using this method, which can be employed in real life scenario. As pertains to image Segmentation on the other hand, the vision system aids in real time identification of mushrooms but a stiff challenge is encountered in robot vision as the irregularly spaced mushrooms of uneven sizes often occlude each other due to the nature of mushroom growth in the growing environment. We address the issue of mushroom segmentation by following a multi-step process; the images are first segmented in HSV color space to locate the area of interest and then both the image gradient information from the area of interest and Hough transform methods are used to locate the center position and perimeter of each individual mushroom in XY plane. Afterwards, the depth map information given by Microsoft Kinect is employed to estimate the Z- depth of each individual mushroom, which is then being used to measure the distance between the robot end effector and center coordinate of each individual mushroom. We tested this algorithm under various environmental conditions and our segmentation results indicate this method provides sufficient computational speed and accuracy

    Human Motion Analysis Based on Sequential Modeling of Radar Signal and Stereo Image Features

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    Falls are one of the greatest threats to elderly health in their daily living routines and activities. Therefore, it is very important to detect falls of an elderly in a timely and accurate manner, so that immediate response and proper care can be provided, by sending fall alarms to caregivers. Radar is an effective non-intrusive sensing modality which is well suited for this purpose, which can detect human motions in all types of environments, penetrate walls and fabrics, preserve privacy, and is insensitive to lighting conditions. Micro-Doppler features are utilized in radar signal corresponding to human body motions and gait to detect falls using a narrowband pulse-Doppler radar. Human motions cause time-varying Doppler signatures, which are analyzed using time-frequency representations and matching pursuit decomposition (MPD) for feature extraction and fall detection. The extracted features include MPD features and the principal components of the time-frequency signal representations. To analyze the sequential characteristics of typical falls, the extracted features are used for training and testing hidden Markov models (HMM) in different falling scenarios. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm and method achieve fast and accurate fall detections. The risk of falls increases sharply when the elderly or patients try to exit beds. Thus, if a bed exit can be detected at an early stage of this motion, the related injuries can be prevented with a high probability. To detect bed exit for fall prevention, the trajectory of head movements is used for recognize such human motion. A head detector is trained using the histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) features of the head and shoulder areas from recorded bed exit images. A data association algorithm is applied on the head detection results to eliminate head detection false alarms. Then the three dimensional (3D) head trajectories are constructed by matching scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) keypoints in the detected head areas from both the left and right stereo images. The extracted 3D head trajectories are used for training and testing an HMM based classifier for recognizing bed exit activities. The results of the classifier are presented and discussed in the thesis, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed stereo vision based bed exit detection approach

    Region of Interest Generation for Pedestrian Detection using Stereo Vision

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    Pedestrian detection is an active research area in the field of computer vision. The sliding window paradigm is usually followed to extract all possible detector windows, however, it is very time consuming. Subsequently, stereo vision using a pair of camera is preferred to reduce the search space that includes the depth information. Disparity map generation using feature correspondence is an integral part and a prior task to depth estimation. In our work, we apply the ORB features to fasten the feature correspondence process. Once the ROI generation phase is over, the extracted detector window is represented by low level histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) features. Subsequently, Linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) is applied to classify them as either pedestrian or non-pedestrian. The experimental results reveal that ORB driven depth estimation is at least seven times faster than the SURF descriptor and ten times faster than the SIFT descriptor

    Detection, location and grasping objects using a stereo sensor on UAV in outdoor environments

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    The article presents a vision system for the autonomous grasping of objects with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in real time. Giving UAVs the capability to manipulate objects vastly extends their applications, as they are capable of accessing places that are difficult to reach or even unreachable for human beings. This work is focused on the grasping of known objects based on feature models. The system runs in an on-board computer on a UAV equipped with a stereo camera and a robotic arm. The algorithm learns a feature-based model in an offline stage, then it is used online for detection of the targeted object and estimation of its position. This feature-based model was proved to be robust to both occlusions and the presence of outliers. The use of stereo cameras improves the learning stage, providing 3D information and helping to filter features in the online stage. An experimental system was derived using a rotary-wing UAV and a small manipulator for final proof of concept. The robotic arm is designed with three degrees of freedom and is lightweight due to payload limitations of the UAV. The system has been validated with different objects, both indoors and outdoor

    Automatic vehicle detection and tracking in aerial video

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    This thesis is concerned with the challenging tasks of automatic and real-time vehicle detection and tracking from aerial video. The aim of this thesis is to build an automatic system that can accurately localise any vehicles that appear in aerial video frames and track the target vehicles with trackers. Vehicle detection and tracking have many applications and this has been an active area of research during recent years; however, it is still a challenge to deal with certain realistic environments. This thesis develops vehicle detection and tracking algorithms which enhance the robustness of detection and tracking beyond the existing approaches. The basis of the vehicle detection system proposed in this thesis has different object categorisation approaches, with colour and texture features in both point and area template forms. The thesis also proposes a novel Self-Learning Tracking and Detection approach, which is an extension to the existing Tracking Learning Detection (TLD) algorithm. There are a number of challenges in vehicle detection and tracking. The most difficult challenge of detection is distinguishing and clustering the target vehicle from the background objects and noises. Under certain conditions, the images captured from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are also blurred; for example, turbulence may make the vehicle shake during flight. This thesis tackles these challenges by applying integrated multiple feature descriptors for real-time processing. In this thesis, three vehicle detection approaches are proposed: the HSV-GLCM feature approach, the ISM-SIFT feature approach and the FAST-HoG approach. The general vehicle detection approaches used have highly flexible implicit shape representations. They are based on training samples in both positive and negative sets and use updated classifiers to distinguish the targets. It has been found that the detection results attained by using HSV-GLCM texture features can be affected by blurring problems; the proposed detection algorithms can further segment the edges of the vehicles from the background. Using the point descriptor feature can solve the blurring problem, however, the large amount of information contained in point descriptors can lead to processing times that are too long for real-time applications. So the FAST-HoG approach combining the point feature and the shape feature is proposed. This new approach is able to speed up the process that attains the real-time performance. Finally, a detection approach using HoG with the FAST feature is also proposed. The HoG approach is widely used in object recognition, as it has a strong ability to represent the shape vector of the object. However, the original HoG feature is sensitive to the orientation of the target; this method improves the algorithm by inserting the direction vectors of the targets. For the tracking process, a novel tracking approach was proposed, an extension of the TLD algorithm, in order to track multiple targets. The extended approach upgrades the original system, which can only track a single target, which must be selected before the detection and tracking process. The greatest challenge to vehicle tracking is long-term tracking. The target object can change its appearance during the process and illumination and scale changes can also occur. The original TLD feature assumed that tracking can make errors during the tracking process, and the accumulation of these errors could cause tracking failure, so the original TLD proposed using a learning approach in between the tracking and the detection by adding a pair of inspectors (positive and negative) to constantly estimate errors. This thesis extends the TLD approach with a new detection method in order to achieve multiple-target tracking. A Forward and Backward Tracking approach has been proposed to eliminate tracking errors and other problems such as occlusion. The main purpose of the proposed tracking system is to learn the features of the targets during tracking and re-train the detection classifier for further processes. This thesis puts particular emphasis on vehicle detection and tracking in different extreme scenarios such as crowed highway vehicle detection, blurred images and changes in the appearance of the targets. Compared with currently existing detection and tracking approaches, the proposed approaches demonstrate a robust increase in accuracy in each scenario

    Automatic Food Intake Assessment Using Camera Phones

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    Obesity is becoming an epidemic phenomenon in most developed countries. The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. It is essential to monitor everyday food intake for obesity prevention and management. Existing dietary assessment methods usually require manually recording and recall of food types and portions. Accuracy of the results largely relies on many uncertain factors such as user\u27s memory, food knowledge, and portion estimations. As a result, the accuracy is often compromised. Accurate and convenient dietary assessment methods are still blank and needed in both population and research societies. In this thesis, an automatic food intake assessment method using cameras, inertial measurement units (IMUs) on smart phones was developed to help people foster a healthy life style. With this method, users use their smart phones before and after a meal to capture images or videos around the meal. The smart phone will recognize food items and calculate the volume of the food consumed and provide the results to users. The technical objective is to explore the feasibility of image based food recognition and image based volume estimation. This thesis comprises five publications that address four specific goals of this work: (1) to develop a prototype system with existing methods to review the literature methods, find their drawbacks and explore the feasibility to develop novel methods; (2) based on the prototype system, to investigate new food classification methods to improve the recognition accuracy to a field application level; (3) to design indexing methods for large-scale image database to facilitate the development of new food image recognition and retrieval algorithms; (4) to develop novel convenient and accurate food volume estimation methods using only smart phones with cameras and IMUs. A prototype system was implemented to review existing methods. Image feature detector and descriptor were developed and a nearest neighbor classifier were implemented to classify food items. A reedit card marker method was introduced for metric scale 3D reconstruction and volume calculation. To increase recognition accuracy, novel multi-view food recognition algorithms were developed to recognize regular shape food items. To further increase the accuracy and make the algorithm applicable to arbitrary food items, new food features, new classifiers were designed. The efficiency of the algorithm was increased by means of developing novel image indexing method in large-scale image database. Finally, the volume calculation was enhanced through reducing the marker and introducing IMUs. Sensor fusion technique to combine measurements from cameras and IMUs were explored to infer the metric scale of the 3D model as well as reduce noises from these sensors