62 research outputs found

    CRNet: Cross-Reference Networks for Few-Shot Segmentation

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    Over the past few years, state-of-the-art image segmentation algorithms are based on deep convolutional neural networks. To render a deep network with the ability to understand a concept, humans need to collect a large amount of pixel-level annotated data to train the models, which is time-consuming and tedious. Recently, few-shot segmentation is proposed to solve this problem. Few-shot segmentation aims to learn a segmentation model that can be generalized to novel classes with only a few training images. In this paper, we propose a cross-reference network (CRNet) for few-shot segmentation. Unlike previous works which only predict the mask in the query image, our proposed model concurrently make predictions for both the support image and the query image. With a cross-reference mechanism, our network can better find the co-occurrent objects in the two images, thus helping the few-shot segmentation task. We also develop a mask refinement module to recurrently refine the prediction of the foreground regions. For the kk-shot learning, we propose to finetune parts of networks to take advantage of multiple labeled support images. Experiments on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset show that our network achieves state-of-the-art performance

    Proposal Flow: Semantic Correspondences from Object Proposals

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    Finding image correspondences remains a challenging problem in the presence of intra-class variations and large changes in scene layout. Semantic flow methods are designed to handle images depicting different instances of the same object or scene category. We introduce a novel approach to semantic flow, dubbed proposal flow, that establishes reliable correspondences using object proposals. Unlike prevailing semantic flow approaches that operate on pixels or regularly sampled local regions, proposal flow benefits from the characteristics of modern object proposals, that exhibit high repeatability at multiple scales, and can take advantage of both local and geometric consistency constraints among proposals. We also show that the corresponding sparse proposal flow can effectively be transformed into a conventional dense flow field. We introduce two new challenging datasets that can be used to evaluate both general semantic flow techniques and region-based approaches such as proposal flow. We use these benchmarks to compare different matching algorithms, object proposals, and region features within proposal flow, to the state of the art in semantic flow. This comparison, along with experiments on standard datasets, demonstrates that proposal flow significantly outperforms existing semantic flow methods in various settings.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1511.0506

    Siamese Networks for Visual Object Tracking

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    Visual object tracking has become one of the hottest topics in computer vision since its appearance in the 90s. It has a wide range of important applications in real life, such as autonomous driving, robot navigation and video surveillance. Despite the efforts made by the research community during the last decades, arbitrary object tracking is still, in its generality, an unsolved problem. Recently, some tracking algorithms have used convolutional neural networks trained from large datasets, providing richer image features and achieving more accurate object tracking. Results show that deep learning techniques can be applied to enhance the tracking capabilities by learning a better model of the object?s appearance. The aim of this thesis is to study and evaluate the implementation of one method of this approach called SiamFC and to give a brief overview of the current tracking challenges. The code developed in this study makes use of an existing Python implementation of SiamFC and is publicly available at https://github.com/sergi2596/pytorch-siamfcEl seguimiento de objetos se ha convertido en uno de los temas más candentes en visión artificial de las últimas décadas. Se puede aplicar a multitud de situaciones en la vida real, como por ejemplo la conducción autónoma, la robótica o la videovigilancia. A pesar de que la comunidad científica ha estado investigando activamente en este campo, el seguimiento de objetos es todavía un problema complejo que necesita ser mejorado. Recientemente, algunos algoritmos han utilizado las redes neuronales convolucionales entrenadas con grandes bancos de datos para ofrecer un seguimiento de objetos mejor y más fiable. Los resultados muestran que las técnicas de aprendizaje profundo se pueden aplicar para mejorar las capacidades de seguimiento gracias a la oportunidad de aprender modelos más complejos de la apariencia de los objetos. Este trabajo busca estudiar y probar la implementación de uno de estos algoritmos conocido como SiamFC, así como dar una visión global de los retos actuales del seguimiento de objetos. El código desarrollado en esta tesis está basado en una implementación ya existente de SiamFC basada en Python y está disponible en https://github.com/sergi2596/pytorch-siamfc.El seguiment d'objectes s'ha convertit en un dels temes més candents en visió artificial de les últimes dècades. Es pot aplicar a multitud de situacions a la vida real, com per exemple conducció autònoma, robòtica i videovigilància. Tot i que la comunitat científica ha estat molt activa investigant en aquest camp, el seguiment d'objectes és encara un problema complex que necessita ser millorat. Recentment, alguns algoritmes han utilitzat les xarxes neuronals convolucionals entrenades amb grans bancs de dades per oferir un seguiment d'objectes millor i més fiable. Els resultats mostren que les tècniques d'aprenentatge profund es poden aplicar per millorar les capacitats de seguiment gràcies a la oportunitat d'aprendre models més complexos de l'aparença dels objectes. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és estudiar i provar la implementació d'un d'aquests algoritmes anomenat SiamFC, així com donar una visió global dels reptes actuals del seguiment d'objectes. El codi desenvolupat en aquesta tesis està basat en una implementació ja existent del SiamFC basada en Python i està a https://github.com/sergi2596/pytorch-siamf