4 research outputs found

    Reasoning about Cyber Threat Actors

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    abstract: Reasoning about the activities of cyber threat actors is critical to defend against cyber attacks. However, this task is difficult for a variety of reasons. In simple terms, it is difficult to determine who the attacker is, what the desired goals are of the attacker, and how they will carry out their attacks. These three questions essentially entail understanding the attacker’s use of deception, the capabilities available, and the intent of launching the attack. These three issues are highly inter-related. If an adversary can hide their intent, they can better deceive a defender. If an adversary’s capabilities are not well understood, then determining what their goals are becomes difficult as the defender is uncertain if they have the necessary tools to accomplish them. However, the understanding of these aspects are also mutually supportive. If we have a clear picture of capabilities, intent can better be deciphered. If we understand intent and capabilities, a defender may be able to see through deception schemes. In this dissertation, I present three pieces of work to tackle these questions to obtain a better understanding of cyber threats. First, we introduce a new reasoning framework to address deception. We evaluate the framework by building a dataset from DEFCON capture-the-flag exercise to identify the person or group responsible for a cyber attack. We demonstrate that the framework not only handles cases of deception but also provides transparent decision making in identifying the threat actor. The second task uses a cognitive learning model to determine the intent – goals of the threat actor on the target system. The third task looks at understanding the capabilities of threat actors to target systems by identifying at-risk systems from hacker discussions on darkweb websites. To achieve this task we gather discussions from more than 300 darkweb websites relating to malicious hacking.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Engineering 201

    Object recognition via local patch labelling

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    Abstract. In recent years the problem of object recognition has received considerable attention from both the machine learning and computer vision communities. The key challenge of this problem is to be able to recognize any member of a category of objects in spite of wide variations in visual appearance due to variations in the form and colour of the object, occlusions, geometrical transformations (such as scaling and rotation), changes in illumination, and potentially non-rigid deformations of the object itself. In this paper we focus on the detection of objects within images by combining information from a large number of small regions, or ‘patches’, of the image. Since detailed hand-segmentation and labelling of images is very labour intensive, we make use of ‘weakly labelled’ data in which the training images are labelled only according to the presence or absence of each category of object. A major challenge presented by this problem is that the foreground object is accompanied by widely varying background clutter, and the system must learn to distinguish the foreground from the background without the aid of labelled data. In this paper we first show that patches which ar

    Object Recognition via Local Patch Labelling

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    In recent years the problem of object recognition has received considerable attention from both the machine learning and computer vision communities. The key challenge of this problem is to be able to recognize any member of a category of objects in spite of wide variations in visual appearance due to variations in the form and colour of the object, occlusions, geometrical transformations (such as scaling and rotation), changes in illumination, and potentially non-rigid deformations of the object itself. In this paper we focus on the detection of objects within images by combining information from a large number of small regions, or 'patches', of the image. Since detailed hand-segmentation and labelling of images is very labour intensive, we make use of 'weakly labelled' data in which the training images are labelled only according to the presence or absence of each category of object. A major challenge presented by this problem is that the foreground object is accompanied by widely varying background clutter, and the system must learn to distinguish the foreground from the background without the aid of labelled data. In this paper we first show that patches which are highly relevant for the object discrimination problem can be selected automatically from a large dictionary of candidate patches during learning, and that this leads to improved classification compared to direct use of the full dictionary. We then explore alternative techniques which are able to provide labels for the individual patches, as well as for the image as a whole, so that each patch is identified as belonging to one of the object categories or to the background class. This provides a rough indication of the location of the object or objects within the image. Again these individual patch labels must be learned on the basis only of overall image class labels. We develop two such approaches, one discriminative and one generative, and compare their performance both in terms of patch labelling and image labelling. Our results show that good classification performance can be obtained on challenging data sets using only weak training labels, and they also highlight some of the relative merits of discriminative and generative approaches