15,642 research outputs found

    Knowledge-based machine vision systems for space station automation

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    Computer vision techniques which have the potential for use on the space station and related applications are assessed. A knowledge-based vision system (expert vision system) and the development of a demonstration system for it are described. This system implements some of the capabilities that would be necessary in a machine vision system for the robot arm of the laboratory module in the space station. A Perceptics 9200e image processor, on a host VAXstation, was used to develop the demonstration system. In order to use realistic test images, photographs of actual space shuttle simulator panels were used. The system's capabilities of scene identification and scene matching are discussed

    Structural matching by discrete relaxation

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    This paper describes a Bayesian framework for performing relational graph matching by discrete relaxation. Our basic aim is to draw on this framework to provide a comparative evaluation of a number of contrasting approaches to relational matching. Broadly speaking there are two main aspects to this study. Firstly we locus on the issue of how relational inexactness may be quantified. We illustrate that several popular relational distance measures can be recovered as specific limiting cases of the Bayesian consistency measure. The second aspect of our comparison concerns the way in which structural inexactness is controlled. We investigate three different realizations ai the matching process which draw on contrasting control models. The main conclusion of our study is that the active process of graph-editing outperforms the alternatives in terms of its ability to effectively control a large population of contaminating clutter

    Structural graph matching using the EM algorithm and singular value decomposition

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    This paper describes an efficient algorithm for inexact graph matching. The method is purely structural, that is, it uses only the edge or connectivity structure of the graph and does not draw on node or edge attributes. We make two contributions: 1) commencing from a probability distribution for matching errors, we show how the problem of graph matching can be posed as maximum-likelihood estimation using the apparatus of the EM algorithm; and 2) we cast the recovery of correspondence matches between the graph nodes in a matrix framework. This allows one to efficiently recover correspondence matches using the singular value decomposition. We experiment with the method on both real-world and synthetic data. Here, we demonstrate that the method offers comparable performance to more computationally demanding method

    Graphical Reasoning in Compact Closed Categories for Quantum Computation

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    Compact closed categories provide a foundational formalism for a variety of important domains, including quantum computation. These categories have a natural visualisation as a form of graphs. We present a formalism for equational reasoning about such graphs and develop this into a generic proof system with a fixed logical kernel for equational reasoning about compact closed categories. Automating this reasoning process is motivated by the slow and error prone nature of manual graph manipulation. A salient feature of our system is that it provides a formal and declarative account of derived results that can include `ellipses'-style notation. We illustrate the framework by instantiating it for a graphical language of quantum computation and show how this can be used to perform symbolic computation.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. This is the journal version of the paper published at AIS

    Graph matching with a dual-step EM algorithm

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    This paper describes a new approach to matching geometric structure in 2D point-sets. The novel feature is to unify the tasks of estimating transformation geometry and identifying point-correspondence matches. Unification is realized by constructing a mixture model over the bipartite graph representing the correspondence match and by affecting optimization using the EM algorithm. According to our EM framework, the probabilities of structural correspondence gate contributions to the expected likelihood function used to estimate maximum likelihood transformation parameters. These gating probabilities measure the consistency of the matched neighborhoods in the graphs. The recovery of transformational geometry and hard correspondence matches are interleaved and are realized by applying coupled update operations to the expected log-likelihood function. In this way, the two processes bootstrap one another. This provides a means of rejecting structural outliers. We evaluate the technique on two real-world problems. The first involves the matching of different perspective views of 3.5-inch floppy discs. The second example is furnished by the matching of a digital map against aerial images that are subject to severe barrel distortion due to a line-scan sampling process. We complement these experiments with a sensitivity study based on synthetic data

    SPIDA: Abstracting and generalizing layout design cases

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    Abstraction and generalization of layout design cases generate new knowledge that is more widely applicable to use than specific design cases. The abstraction and generalization of design cases into hierarchical levels of abstractions provide the designer with the flexibility to apply any level of abstract and generalized knowledge for a new layout design problem. Existing case-based layout learning (CBLL) systems abstract and generalize cases into single levels of abstractions, but not into a hierarchy. In this paper, we propose a new approach, termed customized viewpoint - spatial (CV-S), which supports the generalization and abstraction of spatial layouts into hierarchies along with a supporting system, SPIDA (SPatial Intelligent Design Assistant)

    Mapping Tasks to Interactions for Graph Exploration and Graph Editing on Interactive Surfaces

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    Graph exploration and editing are still mostly considered independently and systems to work with are not designed for todays interactive surfaces like smartphones, tablets or tabletops. When developing a system for those modern devices that supports both graph exploration and graph editing, it is necessary to 1) identify what basic tasks need to be supported, 2) what interactions can be used, and 3) how to map these tasks and interactions. This technical report provides a list of basic interaction tasks for graph exploration and editing as a result of an extensive system review. Moreover, different interaction modalities of interactive surfaces are reviewed according to their interaction vocabulary and further degrees of freedom that can be used to make interactions distinguishable are discussed. Beyond the scope of graph exploration and editing, we provide an approach for finding and evaluating a mapping from tasks to interactions, that is generally applicable. Thus, this work acts as a guideline for developing a system for graph exploration and editing that is specifically designed for interactive surfaces.Comment: 21 pages, minor corrections (typos etc.
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