35 research outputs found

    A survey of logical models for OLAP databases

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    Implementation of Multidimensional Databases with Document-Oriented NoSQL

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    International audienceNoSQL (Not Only SQL) systems are becoming popular due to known advantages such as horizontal scalability and elasticity. In this paper, we study the implementation of data warehouses with document-oriented NoSQL systems. We propose mapping rules that transform the multidimensional data model to logical document-oriented models. We consider three different logical models and we use them to instantiate data warehouses. We focus on data loading, model-to-model conversion and OLAP cuboid computation

    Document-oriented data warehouses : complex hierarchies and summarizability

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    There is an increasing interest in implementing data warehouses with NoSQL document-oriented systems. In the ideal case, data can be analysed on different dimensions. These dimensions follow strict hierarchies that we can use to roll-up and drill-down on analysis axes. In this paper, we deal with non-strict and non-covering hierarchies, common issues in data warehousing a.k.a. summarizability issues. We show how to model these hierarchies in document-oriented systems and we propose an algorithm that can deal with summarizability issues. The new approach is tested and compared to existing approaches

    Implementation of multidimensional databases in column-oriented NoSQL systems

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    International audienceNoSQL (Not Only SQL) systems are becoming popular due to known advantages such as horizontal scalability and elasticity. In this paper, we study the implementation of multidimensional data warehouses with columnoriented NoSQL systems. We define mapping rules that transform the conceptual multidimensional data model to logical column-oriented models. We consider three different logical models and we use them to instantiate data warehouses. We focus on data loading, model-to-model conversion and OLAP cuboid computation

    Damming the genomic data flood using a comprehensive analysis and storage data structure

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    Data generation, driven by rapid advances in genomic technologies, is fast outpacing our analysis capabilities. Faced with this flood of data, more hardware and software resources are added to accommodate data sets whose structure has not specifically been designed for analysis. This leads to unnecessarily lengthy processing times and excessive data handling and storage costs. Current efforts to address this have centered on developing new indexing schemas and analysis algorithms, whereas the root of the problem lies in the format of the data itself. We have developed a new data structure for storing and analyzing genotype and phenotype data. By leveraging data normalization techniques, database management system capabilities and the use of a novel multi-table, multidimensional database structure we have eliminated the following: (i) unnecessarily large data set size due to high levels of redundancy, (ii) sequential access to these data sets and (iii) common bottlenecks in analysis times. The resulting novel data structure horizontally divides the data to circumvent traditional problems associated with the use of databases for very large genomic data sets. The resulting data set required 86% less disk space and performed analytical calculations 6248 times faster compared to a standard approach without any loss of information

    Entrepôts de données multidimensionnelles NoSQL

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    International audienceLes données des systèmes d'analyse en ligne (OLAP, On-Line Analytical Processing) sont traditionnellement gérées par des bases de données relationnelles. Malheureusement, il devient difficile de gérer des mégadonnées (de gros volumes de données, « Big Data »). Dans un tel contexte, comme alternative, les environnements « Not-Only SQL » (NoSQL) peuvent fournir un passage à l'échelle tout en gardant une certaine flexibilité pour un système OLAP. Nous définissons ainsi des règles pour convertir un schéma en étoile, ainsi que son optimisation, le treillis d'agrégats pré-calculés, en deux modèles logiques NoSQL : orienté-colonnes ou orienté-documents. En utilisant ces règles, nous implémentons et analysons deux systèmes décisionnels, un par modèle, avec MongoDB et HBase. Nous comparons ces derniers sur les phases de chargement des données (générées avec le benchmark TPC-DS), de calcul d'un treillis et d'interrogation

    Implantation Not Only SQL des bases de données multidimensionnelles

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    International audienceLes systèmes NoSQL (Not Only SQL) se développent notamment grâce à leur capacité à gérer facilement de grands volumes de données, et leur flexibilité en terme de type de données. Dans cet article, nous étudions l'implantation d'un entrepôt de données multidimensionnelles avec un système NoSQL orienté documents. Nous proposons des règles de transformation qui permettent de passer d'un modèle conceptuel multidimensionnel vers un modèle logique NoSQL orienté documents. Nous proposons trois types de transformation pour implanter les entrepôts de données multidimensionnelles. Nous expérimentons ces trois approches avec le système MongoDB, et étudions le chargement des données, les processus de transformation d'un type d'implantation à un autre ainsi que le pré-calcul d'agrégats inhérents aux entrepôts de données multidimensionnelles

    Using Management Objectives to Specify Management Information Systems - A Contribution to MIS Success

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    Data warehouse projects, today, are in an ambivalent situation. On the one hand, data warehouses are critical for a company’s success and various methodological and technological tools are sophisticatedly developed to implement them. On the other hand, a significant amount of data warehouse projects fails due to non-technical reasons such as insufficient management support or in-corporative employees. But management support and user participation can be increased dramatically with specification methods that are understandable to these user groups. This paper aims at overcoming possible non-technical failure reasons by introducing a user-adequate specification approach within the field of management information systems.\u

    Implementing Multidimensional Data Warehouses into NoSQL

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    International audienceNot only SQL (NoSQL) databases are becoming increasingly popular and have some interesting strengths such as scalability and flexibility. In this paper, we investigate on the use of NoSQL systems for implementing OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) systems. More precisely, we are interested in instantiating OLAP systems (from the conceptual level to the logical level) and instantiating an aggregation lattice (optimization). We define a set of rules to map star schemas into two NoSQL models: columnoriented and document-oriented. The experimental part is carried out using the reference benchmark TPC. Our experiments show that our rules can effectively instantiate such systems (star schema and lattice). We also analyze differences between the two NoSQL systems considered. In our experiments, HBase (columnoriented) happens to be faster than MongoDB (document-oriented) in terms of loading time