303 research outputs found

    Orbital Angular Momentum Waves: Generation, Detection and Emerging Applications

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    Orbital angular momentum (OAM) has aroused a widespread interest in many fields, especially in telecommunications due to its potential for unleashing new capacity in the severely congested spectrum of commercial communication systems. Beams carrying OAM have a helical phase front and a field strength with a singularity along the axial center, which can be used for information transmission, imaging and particle manipulation. The number of orthogonal OAM modes in a single beam is theoretically infinite and each mode is an element of a complete orthogonal basis that can be employed for multiplexing different signals, thus greatly improving the spectrum efficiency. In this paper, we comprehensively summarize and compare the methods for generation and detection of optical OAM, radio OAM and acoustic OAM. Then, we represent the applications and technical challenges of OAM in communications, including free-space optical communications, optical fiber communications, radio communications and acoustic communications. To complete our survey, we also discuss the state of art of particle manipulation and target imaging with OAM beams

    Orbital Angular Momentum-based Space Division Multiplexing for High-capacity Underwater Optical Communications

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    To increase system capacity of underwater optical communications, we employ the spatial domain to simultaneously transmit multiple orthogonal spatial beams, each carrying an independent data channel. In this paper, we multiplex and transmit four green orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams through a single aperture. Moreover, we investigate the degrading effects of scattering/turbidity, water current, and thermal gradient-induced turbulence, and we find that thermal gradients cause the most distortions and turbidity causes the most loss. We show systems results using two different data generation techniques, one at 1064 nm for 10-Gbit/s/beam and one at 520 nm for 1-Gbit/s/beam, we use both techniques since present data-modulation technologies are faster for infrared (IR) than for green. For the higher-rate link, data is modulated in the IR, and OAM imprinting is performed in the green using a specially-designed metasurface phase mask. For the lower rates, a green laser diode is directly modulated. Finally, we show that inter-channel crosstalk induced by thermal gradients can be mitigated using multi-channel equalisation processing.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Photonics-enabled very high capacity wireless communication for indoor applications

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    Multiplexage par division modale pour les applications à courte distance

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    Le multiplexage par division de mode (MDM) a reçu une attention considérable de la part des chercheurs au cours des dernières années. La principale motivation derrière l'utilisation de différents modes de fibre optique est d'augmenter la capacité des réseaux de transport. Les expériences initiales ont montré une grande complexité dans le traitement de signal (DSP) du récepteur. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la viabilité et les défis de la transmission de données sur des fibres à quelques modes (FMF) pour des systèmes MDM à complexité de DSP réduite. Nos études comprennent à la fois une transmission de données cohérente et non cohérente. Dans notre première contribution, nous démontrons, pour la première fois, la transmission de données sur 4 canaux dans une nouvelle fibre OAM sans démultiplexage de polarisation optique. Nous utilisons une complexité de DSP réduite: deux jeux d'égaliseurs MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) 2 × 2 au lieu d'un bloc égaliseur MIMO 4 × 4 complet. Nous proposons un nouveau démultiplexeur de mode permettant de recevoir simultanément deux polarisations d'un mode et de réaliser électriquement un démultiplexage de polarisation dans le récepteur DSP. Nous étudions également la pénalité OSNR due aux imperfections dans le démultiplexeur de mode et nous examinons la vitesse de transmission maximum accessible pour notre système. Dans notre deuxième contribution, nous étudions les dégradations modales dans les systèmes OAM-MDM, en nous concentrant sur leur effet sur la performance et la complexité du récepteur. Dans notre étude expérimentale, nous discutons pour la première fois de l'impact de deux modes non porteurs de données sur les canaux de données véhiculés par les modes OAM. Deux types différents de fibres OAM sont étudiés. Nous caractérisons notre liaison MDM en utilisant les techniques de mesure du temps de vol et de réponse impulsionnelle. Nous discutons des conclusions des résultats de caractérisation en étudiant l'impact des interactions modales sur la complexité de l'égaliseur du récepteur pour différents scénarios de transmission de données. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous étudions un nouveau FMF à maintien de polarisation et conduisons deux séries d'expériences de transmission de données cohérentes et de radio sur fibre (RoF). Nous démontrons pour la première fois, la transmission de données sans MIMO sur six et quatre canaux dans les systèmes cohérents et RoF, respectivement. Nous démontrons également, pour la première fois, la transmission de données RoF sur deux polarisations d'un mode dans une FMF. Nous discutons de la dégradation des performances due à la diaphonie dans de tels systèmes. Nous étudions également l'impact de la courbure sur cette fibre dans un contexte de RoF. La propriété de maintien de polarisation de cette fibre sous courbure est étudiée à la fois par des expériences de caractérisation et de transmission de données.Mode division multiplexing (MDM) has received extensive attention by researchers in the last few years. The main motivation behind using different modes of optical fiber is to increase the capacity of transport networks. Initial experiments showed high complexity in DSP of the receiver. In this thesis, we investigate the viability and challenges for data transmission over specially designed few mode fibers (FMF) for MDM systems with reduced DSP. Our studies include both coherent and non-coherent data transmission. In our first contribution, we demonstrate, for the first time, data transmission over 4 channels in a novel OAM fiber without optical polarization demultiplexing. We use reduced DSP complexity: two sets of 2×2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) equalizers instead of a full 4×4 MIMO equalizer block. We propose a novel mode demultiplexer enabling us to receive two polarizations of a mode simultaneously and conducting polarization demultiplexing electrically in receiver DSP. We also investigate the OSNR penalty due to imperfections in the mode demultiplexer and we examine the maximum reachable baud rate for our system. In our second contribution, we study the modal impairments in OAM-MDM systems, focusing on their effect on receiver performance and complexity. In our experimental study, for the first time, we discuss the impact of two non-data carrying modes on data channels carried by OAM modes. Two different types of OAM fibers are studied. We characterize our MDM link using time-of-flight and impulse response measurement techniques. We discuss conclusions from characterization results with studies of the impact of modal interactions on receiver equalizer complexity for different data transmission scenarios . In the third contribution, we study a novel polarization-maintaining FMF and conduct two sets of coherent data transmission and non-coherent radio over fiber (RoF) experiments. We demonstrate for the first time, MIMO –Free data transmission over six and four channels in coherent and RoF systems, respectively. We also demonstrate, for the first time, RoF data transmission over two polarizations of a mode in a FMF. We discuss the performance degradation due to crosstalk in such systems. We also study the impact of bending on this fiber in RoF context. The polarization maintaining property of this fiber under bending is studied both via characterization and data transmission experiments

    A Study on the Dynamic Manipulation of Structured Light Using Orbital Angular Momentum for Wireless Underwater Links

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    In this work, the dynamic generation of structured light modes was demonstrated using coherent, co-aligned beams carrying orbital angular momentum (CCOAM). These modes are created using sources with blue/green wavelengths to study the effects of propagation and applications underwater maritime environments. Three techniques are discussed and are compared to simulation using a Rayleigh-Sommerfeld propagation kernel: concentric phase plates, Mach-Zehnder Interferometry, and the HOBBIT (Higher Order Bessel Beams Integrated in Time). These three systems are used to examine the modal integrity, controllability, and unique applications. Structured CCOAM modes were first demonstrated using a 450 nm source and concentric phase plates and were propagated through 3 meters of turbid underwater environments. Beam coherence was measured using image registration, and the wavefronts were found to maintain their structure despite propagation through extreme turbidity. In addition, the source was amplitude modulated to verify that the mode structure can carry an amplitude modulation signal. Next, an interferometry approach is used so that the two interfering modes can be controlled separately. The relative phase is controlled between the two interfering modes by manipulating the optical path length that each mode travels using an electro-optic phase modulator. Phase modulation allows for precise yet limited control of the wavefront and structure. Two setups were examined, a fiber-to-free-space Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and a HOBBIT system with two inputs. Phase only control was demonstrated using sinusoidal modulation and an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal applied to the phase modulator. The modulated signals were successfully transmitted 3 and 6 meters through turbid water. Phase only modulation allowed for the transmission of a constant-amplitude signal, which provides nonlinear manipulation of the signal, such as amplification and harmonic generation, which are both crucial in creating high-power signals in the visible regime. The interferometry setups are very sensitive and a phase drift was found to occur due to temperature fluctuations and small movements of optical fiber in the setup, so a preliminary phase-lock loop was designed and tested to eliminate the phase drift. Without applied modulation, a RMS phase error of less than λ/30 was measured. Lastly an acousto-optic deflector (AOD) was added to the HOBBIT setup, which adds mode tunability in addition to amplitude and phase control. The traveling acoustic wave also induces a frequency shift in the optical signal producing a continuous modulation of the output CCOAM mode. This is demonstrated by using a pulsed 450 nm diode to strobe the signal. Operation in pulsed mode enables the system to perform a self-referencing wavefront recovery from which the total OAM was extracted

    Development of Wireless Techniques in Data and Power Transmission - Application for Particle Physics Detectors

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    Wireless techniques have developed extremely fast over the last decade and using them for data and power transmission in particle physics detectors is not science- fiction any more. During the last years several research groups have independently thought of making it a reality. Wireless techniques became a mature field for research and new developments might have impact on future particle physics experiments. The Instrumentation Frontier was set up as a part of the SnowMass 2013 Community Summer Study [1] to examine the instrumentation R&D for the particle physics research over the coming decades: {\guillemotleft} To succeed we need to make technical and scientific innovation a priority in the field {\guillemotright}. Wireless data transmission was identified as one of the innovations that could revolutionize the transmission of data out of the detector. Power delivery was another challenge mentioned in the same report. We propose a collaboration to identify the specific needs of different projects that might benefit from wireless techniques. The objective is to provide a common platform for research and development in order to optimize effectiveness and cost, with the aim of designing and testing wireless demonstrators for large instrumentation systems