13 research outputs found

    Bounding the Probability of Error for High Precision Recognition

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    We consider models for which it is important, early in processing, to estimate some variables with high precision, but perhaps at relatively low rates of recall. If some variables can be identified with near certainty, then they can be conditioned upon, allowing further inference to be done efficiently. Specifically, we consider optical character recognition (OCR) systems that can be bootstrapped by identifying a subset of correctly translated document words with very high precision. This "clean set" is subsequently used as document-specific training data. While many current OCR systems produce measures of confidence for the identity of each letter or word, thresholding these confidence values, even at very high values, still produces some errors. We introduce a novel technique for identifying a set of correct words with very high precision. Rather than estimating posterior probabilities, we bound the probability that any given word is incorrect under very general assumptions, using an approximate worst case analysis. As a result, the parameters of the model are nearly irrelevant, and we are able to identify a subset of words, even in noisy documents, of which we are highly confident. On our set of 10 documents, we are able to identify about 6% of the words on average without making a single error. This ability to produce word lists with very high precision allows us to use a family of models which depends upon such clean word lists

    Learning to Read by Spelling: Towards Unsupervised Text Recognition

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    This work presents a method for visual text recognition without using any paired supervisory data. We formulate the text recognition task as one of aligning the conditional distribution of strings predicted from given text images, with lexically valid strings sampled from target corpora. This enables fully automated, and unsupervised learning from just line-level text-images, and unpaired text-string samples, obviating the need for large aligned datasets. We present detailed analysis for various aspects of the proposed method, namely - (1) impact of the length of training sequences on convergence, (2) relation between character frequencies and the order in which they are learnt, (3) generalisation ability of our recognition network to inputs of arbitrary lengths, and (4) impact of varying the text corpus on recognition accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate excellent text recognition accuracy on both synthetically generated text images, and scanned images of real printed books, using no labelled training examples

    Partitioning of the Degradation Space for OCR Training

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    Generally speaking optical character recognition algorithms tend to perform better when presented with homogeneous data. This paper studies a method that is designed to increase the homogeneity of training data, based on an understanding of the types of degradations that occur during the printing and scanning process, and how these degradations affect the homogeneity of the data. While it has been shown that dividing the degradation space by edge spread improves recognition accuracy over dividing the degradation space by threshold or point spread function width alone, the challenge is in deciding how many partitions and at what value of edge spread the divisions should be made. Clustering of different types of character features, fonts, sizes, resolutions and noise levels shows that edge spread is indeed shown to be a strong indicator of the homogeneity of character data clusters

    Multi-Character Field Recognition for Arabic and Chinese Handwriting

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    Two methods, Symbolic Indirect Correlation (SIC) and Style Constrained Classification (SCC), are proposed for recognizing handwritten Arabic and Chinese words and phrases. SIC reassembles variable-length segments of an unknown query that match similar segments of labeled reference words. Recognition is based on the correspondence between the order of the feature vectors and of the lexical transcript in both the query and the references. SIC implicitly incorporates language context in the form of letter n-grams. SCC is based on the notion that the style (distortion or noise) of a character is a good predictor of the distortions arising in other characters, even of a different class, from the same source. It is adaptive in the sense that with a long-enough field, its accuracy converges to that of a style-specific classifier trained on the writer of the unknown query. Neither SIC nor SCC requires the query words to appear among the references

    Multi-Character Field Recognition for Arabic and Chinese Handwriting

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    Two methods, Symbolic Indirect Correlation (SIC) and Style Constrained Classification (SCC), are proposed for recognizing handwritten Arabic and Chinese words and phrases. SIC reassembles variable-length segments of an unknown query that match similar segments of labeled reference words. Recognition is based on the correspondence between the order of the feature vectors and of the lexical transcript in both the query and the references. SIC implicitly incorporates language context in the form of letter n-grams. SCC is based on the notion that the style (distortion or noise) of a character is a good predictor of the distortions arising in other characters, even of a different class, from the same source. It is adaptive in the sense that with a long-enough field, its accuracy converges to that of a style-specific classifier trained on the writer of the unknown query. Neither SIC nor SCC requires the query words to appear among the references

    Efficient Multi-domain Text Recognition Deep Neural Network Parameterization with Residual Adapters

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    Recent advancements in deep neural networks have markedly enhanced the performance of computer vision tasks, yet the specialized nature of these networks often necessitates extensive data and high computational power. Addressing these requirements, this study presents a novel neural network model adept at optical character recognition (OCR) across diverse domains, leveraging the strengths of multi-task learning to improve efficiency and generalization. The model is designed to achieve rapid adaptation to new domains, maintain a compact size conducive to reduced computational resource demand, ensure high accuracy, retain knowledge from previous learning experiences, and allow for domain-specific performance improvements without the need to retrain entirely. Rigorous evaluation on open datasets has validated the model's ability to significantly lower the number of trainable parameters without sacrificing performance, indicating its potential as a scalable and adaptable solution in the field of computer vision, particularly for applications in optical text recognition

    Improved optical character recognition with deep learning

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    Optical Character Recognition (OCR) plays an important role in the retrieval of information from pixel-based images to searchable and machine-editable text formats. For instance, OCR is typically used in many computer vision applications such as in automatic signboard recognition, language translation as well as in the process of digitizing scanned documents. However, compared to old documents or poorly printed documents, printed characters are typically broken and blurred, which makes the character recognition in potentially far more complicated. Although there are several OCR applications which utilizes techniques such as feature extraction and template matching for recognition, these methods are still not accurate enough for recognition. In this work, deep learning network (transfer learning with Inception V3 model) is used to train and perform OCR. Deep learning network is implemented and trained using Tensorflow Python API that supports Python 3.5+ (GPU version) which is available under the Apache 2.0 open source license. The Inception V3 network is trained with 53,342 character images consisting of noises which are collected from receipts and newspapers. From the experiment results, the system achieved significantly better recognition accuracy on poor quality of text character level and resulted in an overall 21.5% reduction in error rate as compared to existing OCRs. Besides, there is another experiment conducted to further analyze the root causes of text recognition failure and a solution to overcome the problem is also proposed. Analysis and discussion were also made on how the different layer’s properties of neural network affects the OCR’s performance and training time. The proposed deep learning based OCR has shown better accuracy than conventional methods of OCR and has the potential to overcome recognition issue on poor quality of text character

    Algorithms and Data Structures for Automated Change Detection and Classification of Sidescan Sonar Imagery

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    During Mine Warfare (MIW) operations, MIW analysts perform change detection by visually comparing historical sidescan sonar imagery (SSI) collected by a sidescan sonar with recently collected SSI in an attempt to identify objects (which might be explosive mines) placed at sea since the last time the area was surveyed. This dissertation presents a data structure and three algorithms, developed by the author, that are part of an automated change detection and classification (ACDC) system. MIW analysts at the Naval Oceanographic Office, to reduce the amount of time to perform change detection, are currently using ACDC. The dissertation introductory chapter gives background information on change detection, ACDC, and describes how SSI is produced from raw sonar data. Chapter 2 presents the author\u27s Geospatial Bitmap (GB) data structure, which is capable of storing information geographically and is utilized by the three algorithms. This chapter shows that a GB data structure used in a polygon-smoothing algorithm ran between 1.3 – 48.4x faster than a sparse matrix data structure. Chapter 3 describes the GB clustering algorithm, which is the author\u27s repeatable, order-independent method for clustering. Results from tests performed in this chapter show that the time to cluster a set of points is not affected by the distribution or the order of the points. In Chapter 4, the author presents his real-time computer-aided detection (CAD) algorithm that automatically detects mine-like objects on the seafloor in SSI. The author ran his GB-based CAD algorithm on real SSI data, and results of these tests indicate that his real-time CAD algorithm performs comparably to or better than other non-real-time CAD algorithms. The author presents his computer-aided search (CAS) algorithm in Chapter 5. CAS helps MIW analysts locate mine-like features that are geospatially close to previously detected features. A comparison between the CAS and a great circle distance algorithm shows that the CAS performs geospatial searching 1.75x faster on large data sets. Finally, the concluding chapter of this dissertation gives important details on how the completed ACDC system will function, and discusses the author\u27s future research to develop additional algorithms and data structures for ACDC

    Adaptive Analysis and Processing of Structured Multilingual Documents

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    Digital document processing is becoming popular for application to office and library automation, bank and postal services, publishing houses and communication management. In recent years, the demand for tools capable of searching written and spoken sources of multilingual information has increased tremendously, where the bilingual dictionary is one of the important resource to provide the required information. Processing and analysis of bilingual dictionaries brought up the challenges of dealing with many different scripts, some of which are unknown to the designer. A framework is presented to adaptively analyze and process structured multilingual documents, where adaptability is applied to every step. The proposed framework involves: (1) General word-level script identification using Gabor filter. (2) Font classification using the grating cell operator. (3) General word-level style identification using Gaussian mixture model. (4) An adaptable Hindi OCR based on generalized Hausdorff image comparison. (5) Retargetable OCR with automatic training sample creation and its applications to different scripts. (6) Bootstrapping entry segmentation, which segments each page into functional entries for parsing. Experimental results working on different scripts, such as Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Devanagari, and Khmer, demonstrate that the proposed framework can save human efforts significantly by making each phase adaptive