497 research outputs found

    Infinitesimal cohomology and the Chern character to negative cyclic homology

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    There is a Chern character from K-theory to negative cyclic homology. We show that it preserves the decomposition coming from Adams operations, at least in characteristic 0. This is done by using infinitesimal cohomology to reduce to the case of a nilpotent ideal (which had been established by Cathelineau some time ago).Comment: Included reference for identification of relative Chern and rational homotopy theory characters; some minor editing for clarit

    On the cohomological spectrum and support varieties for infinitesimal unipotent supergroup schemes

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    We show that if GG is an infinitesimal elementary supergroup scheme of height r\leq r, then the cohomological spectrum G|G| of GG is naturally homeomorphic to the variety Nr(G)\mathcal{N}_r(G) of supergroup homomorphisms ρ:MrG\rho: \mathbb{M}_r \rightarrow G from a certain (non-algebraic) affine supergroup scheme Mr\mathbb{M}_r into GG. In the case r=1r=1, we further identify the cohomological support variety of a finite-dimensional GG-supermodule MM as a subset of N1(G)\mathcal{N}_1(G). We then discuss how our methods, when combined with recently-announced results by Benson, Iyengar, Krause, and Pevtsova, can be applied to extend the homeomorphism Nr(G)G\mathcal{N}_r(G) \cong |G| to arbitrary infinitesimal unipotent supergroup schemes.Comment: Fixed some algebra misidentifications, primarily in Sections 1.3 and 3.3. Simplified the proof of Proposition 3.3.

    Higher homotopy of groups definable in o-minimal structures

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    It is known that a definably compact group G is an extension of a compact Lie group L by a divisible torsion-free normal subgroup. We show that the o-minimal higher homotopy groups of G are isomorphic to the corresponding higher homotopy groups of L. As a consequence, we obtain that all abelian definably compact groups of a given dimension are definably homotopy equivalent, and that their universal cover are contractible.Comment: 13 pages, to be published in the Israel Journal of Mathematic

    On Fields of rationality for automorphic representations

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    This paper proves two results on the field of rationality \Q(\pi) for an automorphic representation π\pi, which is the subfield of \C fixed under the subgroup of \Aut(\C) stabilizing the isomorphism class of the finite part of π\pi. For general linear groups and classical groups, our first main result is the finiteness of the set of discrete automorphic representations π\pi such that π\pi is unramified away from a fixed finite set of places, π\pi_\infty has a fixed infinitesimal character, and [\Q(\pi):\Q] is bounded. The second main result is that for classical groups, [\Q(\pi):\Q] grows to infinity in a family of automorphic representations in level aspect whose infinite components are discrete series in a fixed LL-packet under mild conditions

    Maximal equicontinuous factors and cohomology for tiling spaces

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    We study the homomorphism induced on cohomology by the maximal equicontinuous factor map of a tiling space. We will see that this map is injective in degree one and has torsion free cokernel. We show by example, however, that the cohomology of the maximal equicontinuous factor may not be a direct summand of the tiling cohomology

    McShane-type Identities for Affine Deformations

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    We derive an identity for Margulis invariants of affine deformations of a complete orientable one-ended hyperbolic sur- face following the identities of McShane, Mirzakhani and Tan- Wong-Zhang. As a corollary, a deformation of the surface which infinitesimally lengthens all interior simple closed curves must in- finitesimally lengthen the boundary.Comment: resubmitted after error revising another submissio