787 research outputs found

    Heat and mass source effect on MHD double-diffusive mixed convection and entropy generation in a curved enclosure filled with nanofluid

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    This paper examines the two-dimensional laminar steady magnetohydrodynamic doublediffusive mixed convection in a curved enclosure filled with different types of nanofluids. The enclosure is differentially heated and concentrated, and the heat and mass source are embedded in a part of the left wall having temperature Th (>Tc) and concentration ch (>cc). The right vertical wall is allowed to move with constant velocity in a vertically upward direction to cause a shear-driven flow. The governing equations along with the boundary conditions are transformed into a nondimensional form and are written in stream function-velocity formulation, which is then solved numerically using the Bi-CGStab method. Based on the numerical results, the effects of the dominant parameters such as Richardson number (1 ≤ Ri ≤ 50), Hartmann number (0 ≤ Ha ≤ 60), solid volume fraction of nanoparticles (0.0 ≤ ϕ ≤ 0.02), location and length of the heat and mass source are examined. Results indicate that the augmentation of Richardson number, heat and mass source length and location cause heat and mass transfer to increase, while it decreases when Hartmann number and volume fraction of the nanoparticles increase. The total entropy generation rises by 1.32 times with the growing Richardson number, decreases by 1.21 times and 1.02 times with the rise in Hartmann number and nanoparticles volume fraction, respectively

    Natural convection flow in a porous enclosure with localized heating from below

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    Natural convection flow in a two-dimensional fluid saturated porous enclosure with localized heating from below, symmetrical cooling from the sides and the top and rest of the bottom walls are insulated, has been investigated numerically. Darcy’s law for porous media along with the energy equation based on the 1st law of thermodynamics has been considered. Implicit finite volume method with TDMA solver is used to solve the governing equations. Localized heating is simulated by a centrally located isothermal heat source on the bottom wall, and four different values of the dimensionless heat source length, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 and 4/5 are considered. The effect of heat source length and the Rayleigh number on streamlines and isotherms are presented, as well as the variation of the local rate of heat transfer in terms of the local Nusselt number from the heated wall. Finally, the average Nusselt number at the heated part of the bottom wall has been shown against Rayleigh number for the non-dimensional heat source length

    Numerical Analysis Of Natural Convection In A Two-Dimensional Enclosure : The Effects Of Aspect Ratio And Wall Temperature Variation

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    Penyelidikan ini tertumpu kepada pengkajian berangka ke atas perolakan tabie yang beraliran mantap bagi suatu aliran udara dengan nombor Prandtl, Pr = 0.71 di dalam satu ruang tertutup dua-dimensi. This research is focused on the numerical investigation of a steady laminar natural convection flow of air with Prandtl number, Pr = 0.71 in a two-dimensional enclosure

    Numerical simulation of thermal radiation influence on natural convection in a trapezoidal enclosure : heat flow visualization through energy flux vectors

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    A theoretical and numerical study of natural convection intwo-dimensional laminar incompressible flow in a trapezoidal enclosurein the presence of thermal radiation is conducted, motivated by energy systems applications. Heat flow visualization via the method of energy flux vectors (EFVs) is also included. The trapezoidal cavity has an inclined top wall which in addition to the bottom wall is maintained at constant temperature, whereas the remaining (vertical side) walls are adiabatic. The governing partial differential conservation equations are transformed using a vorticity-stream function formulation and non-dimensional variables and the resulting nonlinear boundary value problem is solved using a finite difference method with incremental time steps. EFVs provide abundant details of the heat flow at the core of the enclosure. The larger energy flux vectors indicate high temperature gradient zones and the sparse EFVs correspond to low temperature gradient zone. Heat flow distribution in the trapezoidal enclosure can be clearly elaborated via energy flux vectors and provides a deeper insight into thermal characteristics. A comprehensive parametric study is performed to evaluate the impact of Rayleigh number (buoyancy parameter) and radiation parameter on transport phenomena. The computations indicate that local Nusselt number and velocity are increasing functions of the Rayleigh number and radiation parameter. Significant changes in streamlines, temperature contours and energy streamlines for high Rayleigh number are observed. The energy flux vectors show that a large eddy is formed within the enclosure which migrates towards the cold wall. Greater thermal buoyancy force accelerates the primary flow whereas it decelerates the secondary flow. The simulations are relevant to solar collector systems, enclosure fire dynamics, electronic cooling and fuel cell systems. Furthermore, the computations furnish a good benchmark for more general computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis with commercial software e.g. ANSYS FLUENT

    A comparative study of mixed convection and its effect on partially active thermal zones in a two sided lid-driven cavity filled with nanofluid

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    AbstractIn the present study, a two sided lid-driven mixed convection nanofluid flow with discrete heat sources have been numerically investigated. A two dimensional computational visualization technique is used to study the flow behavior using four different cases; depending on the direction of moving vertical walls with fixed upper and lower walls. Two discrete heat sources of equal lengths are taken on the lower wall and the rest of it is kept insulated. The other walls are kept at constant low temperature. The effect of flow governing parameters such as Reynolds number 1⩽Re⩽100, Richardson number 0.1⩽Ri⩽10 and solid volume fraction 0.0⩽ϕ⩽0.2 with Prandtl number Pr=6.2 is studied to understand the fluid flow pattern and the heat transfer effect using isotherms and average Nusselt number

    A Numerical Study of Lid Driven Cavity with Mixed Convection

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    Direct Numerical Simulation have been carried out for a two dimensional flow in a Lid driven cavity at Reynolds number 5000 and Prandtl number 7 with water as the working fluid. Both the side walls of the enclosure are insulated(i.e. adiabatic boundary condition), while the bottom plate is at higher temperature and the top wall is at colder temperature. Effects of heating of the bottom wall and movement of the top lid have been investigated by conducting numerical simulations at different Richardson numbers by varying from low and moderate magnitudes within the limits of Boussinesq-approximation. Three standard cases has been compared, in the first case heating effects are not taken into account and only the flow due to shear action of the plate is studied. In the second case only the heating effects are taken into account and shear effects are neglected. In the third case effects of both heating and shear action is taken into consideration(i.e. mixed convection). Drag force on the moving plate is calculated in all the three cases and effect of temperature on the drag force is studied. For running the above simulation a code has been developed which is validated by comparing the results with Ghia et al for non-heating case.Comment: 20 Page

    Numerical Resolution of Fluid Dynamics and Heat and Mass Transfer problems. Application to Combustion Processes

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    The study and optimization of Combustion processes has transcended the engineering necessity to become an environmental concern. Recent regulations implement growing restrictions on emissions produced in industries that somehow are connected to this way of obtaining energy, such as power generation, transport (land, sea and air) or even in domestic use. In this phenomenon, equations of Fluid Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer and Chemical Kinetics are related, and this makes it a complex issue to tackle with accuracy. In the line of this rising interest, this study is intended to deepen in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics applied to Combustion, by way of the development, verification and testing of an algorithm to solve this type of problems

    Entropy generation for MHD natural convection in enclosure with a micropolar fluid saturated porous medium with Al2O3Cu water hybrid nanofluid

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    This contribution gives a numerical investigation of buoyancy-driven flow of natural convection heat transfer and entropy generation of non-Newtonian hybrid nanofluid (Al2O3-Cu) within an enclosure square porous cavity. Hybrid nanofluids represent a novel type of enhanced active fluids. During the current theoretical investigation, an actual available empirical data for both thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity of hybrid nanofluids are applied directly. Numerical simulation have been implemented for solid nanoparticles, the volumetric concentration of which varies from 0.0% (i.e., pure fluid) to 0.1% of hybrid nanofluids. Heat and sink sources are situated on a part of the left and right sides of the cavity with length B, while the upper and bottom horizontal sides are kept adiabatic. The stated partial differential equations describing the flow are mutated to a dimensionless formulas, then solved numerically via the help of an implicit finite difference approach. The acquired computations are given in terms of streamlines, isotherms, isomicrorotations, isoconcentraions, local Began number, total entropy, local and mean Nusselt numbers. The data illustrates that variations of ratio of the average Nusselt number to the average Nusselt of pure fluid Num+ is a decreasing function of Ha and φ, while e+ is an increasing function of Ha and φ parameters of hybrid nanofluid

    MHD heat transfer in W-shaped inclined cavity containing a porous medium saturated with Ag/Al2O3 hybrid nanofluid in the presence of uniform heat generation/absorption

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    © 2020 by the Authors. In this paper, a 2D numerical study of natural convection heat transfer in a W-shaped inclined enclosure with a variable aspect ratio was performed. The enclosure contained a porous medium saturated with Ag/Al2O3 hybrid nanofluid in the presence of uniform heat generation or absorption under the effect of a uniform magnetic field. The vertical walls of the enclosure were heated differentially; however, the top and bottom walls were kept insulated. The governing equations were solved with numerical simulation software COMSOL Multiphysics which is based on the finite element method. The results showed that the convection heat transfer was improved with the increase of the aspect ratio; the average Nusselt number reached a maximum for an aspect ratio (AR) = 0.7 and the effect of the inclination was practically negligible for an aspect ratio of AR = 0.7. The maximum heat transfer performance was obtained for an inclination of ω = 15 and the minimum is obtained for ω = 30. The addition of composite nanoparticles ameliorated the convection heat transfer performance. This effect was proportional to the increase of Rayleigh and Darcy numbers, the aspect ratio and the fraction of Ag in the volumetric fraction of nanoparticles