2,923 research outputs found

    Contraction design for small low-speed wind tunnels

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    An iterative design procedure was developed for 2- or 3-dimensional contractions installed on small, low speed wind tunnels. The procedure consists of first computing the potential flow field and hence the pressure distributions along the walls of a contraction of given size and shape using a 3-dimensional numerical panel method. The pressure or velocity distributions are then fed into 2-dimensional boundary layer codes to predict the behavior of the boundary layers along the walls. For small, low speed contractions, it is shown that the assumption of a laminar boundary layer originating from stagnation conditions at the contraction entry and remaining laminar throughout passage through the successful designs is justified. This hypothesis was confirmed by comparing the predicted boundary layer data at the contraction exit with measured data in existing wind tunnels. The measured boundary layer momentum thicknesses at the exit of four existing contractions, two of which were 3-D, were found to lie within 10 percent of the predicted values, with the predicted values generally lower. From the contraction wall shapes investigated, the one based on a 5th order polynomial was selected for newly designed mixing wind tunnel installation

    Numerical and experimental transition results evaluation for a morphing wing and aileron system

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    A new wing-tip concept with morphing upper surface and interchangeable conventional and morphing ailerons was designed, manufactured, bench and wind tunnel tested. The development of this wing tip model was performed in the frame of an international CRIAQ project, and the purpose was to demonstrate the wing upper surface and aileron morphing capabilities in improving the wing tip aerodynamic performances. During numerical optimization with ‘in-house’ genetic algorithm software, and during wind tunnel experimental tests, it was demonstrated that the air flow laminarity over the wing skin was promoted, and the laminar flow was extended with up to 9% of the chord. Drag coefficient reduction of up to 9% was obtained when the morphing aileron was introduced

    Design optimization of three dimensional geometry of wind tunnel contraction

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    AbstractThe aim of the present study is to redesign three dimensional geometry of existing open circuit wind tunnel contraction. The present work achieves the recommended contraction ratio, maximum uniformity at the working section mid-plane, without separation, no Gortler vortices in the contraction, and minimizing the boundary layer thickness at entrance to the working section. Using CFD along with optimization tools can shorten the design optimization cycle time. Moreover CFD allows insight into the minute flow details which otherwise are not captured using flow bench tests. The design exploration algorithm is used to optimize the profile of the contraction in an automated manner. The optimization is based on using screening method to choose the best design set and verified by the CFD solver. The new contraction, compared to the old design contraction is confirmed using CFD. The new design is manufactured in full scale. The optimized contraction is investigated computationally and experimentally

    Parametric Optimization Of A Wing-Fuselage System Using A Vorticity-Based Panel Solver

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    Aerodynamic topology optimization is a useful tool in the aerodynamic design pro-cess, especially when looking for marginal gains within a design. One example isa turboprop racer concept aircraft that is designed with the goal of breaking worldspeed records. An optimization framework was developed with the intention of laterbeing applied to this design. In the early design stages, the optimization frameworkmust focus on quicker methods of drag estimation, such as a panel codes. The largenumber of design variables in topology optimization can exponentially increase func-tion evaluations and thus computational cost. A vorticity-based panel solver wasproven out for this application to reduce the computational cost while keeping theaccuracy of the results similar to that of traditional CFD solvers in conditions with-out prominent flow separation. The framework developed here includes geometryparameterization, function evaluation scripting, and post-processing, which are allrun within the optimization algorithm. The designs used to validate the solver arewing-fuselage systems of various sailplane configurations with existing experimentaldata. These sailplane designs were also used as the initial geometry to demonstratethe framework. A parametric optimum was found to reduce drag by 9%, but it mustbe noted that this method does have certain trade offs and limitations

    Aeronautical Engineering: A special bibliography with indexes, supplement 67, February 1976

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    This bibliography lists 341 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in January 1976

    Jules Verne 2.0, renewal of a large wind tunnel facility

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    International audienceThe paper aims at showing the evolution of methods to design a large wind tunnel. The current Jules Verne facility was designed with a scale model of the wind tunnel which enabled hot wire local wind speed measurements. The new facility is designed according a numerical modelling approach which parameters were validated by PIV measurements in the reduced scale physical model

    Numerical and experimental analysis of micro HAWTs designed for wind tunnel applications

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    In this paper the authors describe a design and optimization process of micro HAWTs using a numerical and experimental approach. An in-house 1D BEM model was used to obtain a first geometrical draft. It allowed to quickly optimize blade geometry to maximize energy production as well. As these models are quite sensitive to airfoil coefficients, above all at low Reynolds numbers, an accurate 3D CFD model was developed to support and validate the 1D BEM design, analyzing and fixing the discrepancies between model output. The 3D CFD model was developed and optimized using ANSYS Fluent solver and a RANS transition turbulence model. This allowed to correctly reproduce the transition and stall phenomena that characterize the aerodynamic behavior of micro wind turbines, solving the issues related to low Reynolds flows. The procedure was completed, thus building two micro HAWTs with different scales, testing them in the subsonic wind tunnel of the University of Catania. Wind tunnel features, experimental set-up and testing procedures are presented in the paper. Through the comparison of numerical CFD and experimental test results, a good compatibility was found. This allowed the authors to analyze and compare numerical calculation results and verify blockage effects on the prototypes as well

    Towards an airfoil catalogue for wind turbine blades at IDR/UPM Institute with OpenFOAM

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    A methodology to efficiently simulate wind tunnel tests of several airfoils with OpenFOAM has been developed in this work. This methodology bridges OpenFOAM capabilities with MATLAB post-processing in order to analyze efficiently the performance of wind turbine airfoils at any angle of attack. This technique has been developed to reduce the cost, in terms of time and resources, of wind tunnel campaigns on wind turbine blade airfoils. Different turbulence models were used to study the behavior of the airfoils near stall. Wind turbine airfoils need to be characterized for all possible angles of attack, in order to reproduce the real aerodynamic patterns during operation. Unfortunately, this situation is translated into a huge demand of wind tunnel testing resources, airfoil manufacturing and data post-processing. The high costs in terms of experimental measurements have encouraged many researches to elaborate airfoil catalogues by performing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. Results are compared with a testing campaign on wind turbine airfoils aerodynamics run at AB6 wind tunnel of IDR/UPM located at the campus Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Madrid, Spain), this tunnel being particularly suited for bi-dimensional applications. It is an open wind tunnel with a test section of 2.5 × 0.5 m, the turbulence intensity is under 3% at a Reynolds number of Re ≅ 5•105
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