91 research outputs found

    Strong convergence of an explicit numerical method for SDEs with nonglobally Lipschitz continuous coefficients

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    On the one hand, the explicit Euler scheme fails to converge strongly to the exact solution of a stochastic differential equation (SDE) with a superlinearly growing and globally one-sided Lipschitz continuous drift coefficient. On the other hand, the implicit Euler scheme is known to converge strongly to the exact solution of such an SDE. Implementations of the implicit Euler scheme, however, require additional computational effort. In this article we therefore propose an explicit and easily implementable numerical method for such an SDE and show that this method converges strongly with the standard order one-half to the exact solution of the SDE. Simulations reveal that this explicit strongly convergent numerical scheme is considerably faster than the implicit Euler scheme.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AAP803 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Pathwise Accuracy and Ergodicity of Metropolized Integrators for SDEs

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    Metropolized integrators for ergodic stochastic differential equations (SDE) are proposed which (i) are ergodic with respect to the (known) equilibrium distribution of the SDE and (ii) approximate pathwise the solutions of the SDE on finite time intervals. Both these properties are demonstrated in the paper and precise strong error estimates are obtained. It is also shown that the Metropolized integrator retains these properties even in situations where the drift in the SDE is nonglobally Lipschitz, and vanilla explicit integrators for SDEs typically become unstable and fail to be ergodic.Comment: 46 pages, 5 figure

    Divergence of the multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method for nonlinear stochastic differential equations

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    The Euler-Maruyama scheme is known to diverge strongly and numerically weakly when applied to nonlinear stochastic differential equations (SDEs) with superlinearly growing and globally one-sided Lipschitz continuous drift coefficients. Classical Monte Carlo simulations do, however, not suffer from this divergence behavior of Euler's method because this divergence behavior happens on rare events. Indeed, for such nonlinear SDEs the classical Monte Carlo Euler method has been shown to converge by exploiting that the Euler approximations diverge only on events whose probabilities decay to zero very rapidly. Significantly more efficient than the classical Monte Carlo Euler method is the recently introduced multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method. The main observation of this article is that this multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method does - in contrast to classical Monte Carlo methods - not converge in general in the case of such nonlinear SDEs. More precisely, we establish divergence of the multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method for a family of SDEs with superlinearly growing and globally one-sided Lipschitz continuous drift coefficients. In particular, the multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method diverges for these nonlinear SDEs on an event that is not at all rare but has probability one. As a consequence for applications, we recommend not to use the multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method for SDEs with superlinearly growing nonlinearities. Instead we propose to combine the multilevel Monte Carlo method with a slightly modified Euler method. More precisely, we show that the multilevel Monte Carlo method combined with a tamed Euler method converges for nonlinear SDEs with globally one-sided Lipschitz continuous drift coefficients and preserves its strikingly higher order convergence rate from the Lipschitz case.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AAP890 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Loss of regularity for Kolmogorov equations

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    The celebrated H\"{o}rmander condition is a sufficient (and nearly necessary) condition for a second-order linear Kolmogorov partial differential equation (PDE) with smooth coefficients to be hypoelliptic. As a consequence, the solutions of Kolmogorov PDEs are smooth at all positive times if the coefficients of the PDE are smooth and satisfy H\"{o}rmander's condition even if the initial function is only continuous but not differentiable. First-order linear Kolmogorov PDEs with smooth coefficients do not have this smoothing effect but at least preserve regularity in the sense that solutions are smooth if their initial functions are smooth. In this article, we consider the intermediate regime of nonhypoelliptic second-order Kolmogorov PDEs with smooth coefficients. The main observation of this article is that there exist counterexamples to regularity preservation in that case. More precisely, we give an example of a second-order linear Kolmogorov PDE with globally bounded and smooth coefficients and a smooth initial function with compact support such that the unique globally bounded viscosity solution of the PDE is not even locally H\"{o}lder continuous. From the perspective of probability theory, the existence of this example PDE has the consequence that there exists a stochastic differential equation (SDE) with globally bounded and smooth coefficients and a smooth function with compact support which is mapped by the corresponding transition semigroup to a function which is not locally H\"{o}lder continuous. In other words, degenerate noise can have a roughening effect. A further implication of this loss of regularity phenomenon is that numerical approximations may converge without any arbitrarily small polynomial rate of convergence to the true solution of the SDE. More precisely, we prove for an example SDE with globally bounded and smooth coefficients that the standard Euler approximations converge to the exact solution of the SDE in the strong and numerically weak sense, but at a rate that is slower then any power law.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOP838 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org