41 research outputs found

    Elimination and nonlinear equations of Rees algebra

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    A new approach is established to computing the image of a rational map, whereby the use of approximation complexes is complemented with a detailed analysis of the torsion of the symmetric algebra in certain degrees. In the case the map is everywhere defined this analysis provides free resolutions of graded parts of the Rees algebra of the base ideal in degrees where it does not coincide with the corresponding symmetric algebra. A surprising fact is that the torsion in those degrees only contributes to the first free module in the resolution of the symmetric algebra modulo torsion. An additional point is that this contribution -- which of course corresponds to non linear equations of the Rees algebra -- can be described in these degrees in terms of non Koszul syzygies via certain upgrading maps in the vein of the ones introduced earlier by J. Herzog, the third named author and W. Vasconcelos. As a measure of the reach of this torsion analysis we could say that, in the case of a general everywhere defined map, half of the degrees where the torsion does not vanish are understood

    An Implicitization Challenge for Binary Factor Analysis

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    We use tropical geometry to compute the multidegree and Newton polytope of the hypersurface of a statistical model with two hidden and four observed binary random variables, solving an open question stated by Drton, Sturmfels and Sullivant in "Lectures on Algebraic Statistics" (Problem 7.7). The model is obtained from the undirected graphical model of the complete bipartite graph K2,4K_{2,4} by marginalizing two of the six binary random variables. We present algorithms for computing the Newton polytope of its defining equation by parallel walks along the polytope and its normal fan. In this way we compute vertices of the polytope. Finally, we also compute and certify its facets by studying tangent cones of the polytope at the symmetry classes vertices. The Newton polytope has 17214912 vertices in 44938 symmetry classes and 70646 facets in 246 symmetry classes.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, presented at Mega 09 (Barcelona, Spain

    Binary hidden Markov models and varieties

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    The technological applications of hidden Markov models have been extremely diverse and successful, including natural language processing, gesture recognition, gene sequencing, and Kalman filtering of physical measurements. HMMs are highly non-linear statistical models, and just as linear models are amenable to linear algebraic techniques, non-linear models are amenable to commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. This paper closely examines HMMs in which all the hidden random variables are binary. Its main contributions are (1) a birational parametrization for every such HMM, with an explicit inverse for recovering the hidden parameters in terms of observables, (2) a semialgebraic model membership test for every such HMM, and (3) minimal defining equations for the 4-node fully binary model, comprising 21 quadrics and 29 cubics, which were computed using Grobner bases in the cumulant coordinates of Sturmfels and Zwiernik. The new model parameters in (1) are rationally identifiable in the sense of Sullivant, Garcia-Puente, and Spielvogel, and each model's Zariski closure is therefore a rational projective variety of dimension 5. Grobner basis computations for the model and its graph are found to be considerably faster using these parameters. In the case of two hidden states, item (2) supersedes a previous algorithm of Schonhuth which is only generically defined, and the defining equations (3) yield new invariants for HMMs of all lengths ≥4\geq 4. Such invariants have been used successfully in model selection problems in phylogenetics, and one can hope for similar applications in the case of HMMs

    Syzygies and singularities of tensor product surfaces of bidegree (2,1)

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    Let U be a basepoint free four-dimensional subspace of the space of sections of O(2,1) on P^1 x P^1. The sections corresponding to U determine a regular map p_U: P^1 x P^1 --> P^3. We study the associated bigraded ideal I_U in k[s,t;u,v] from the standpoint of commutative algebra, proving that there are exactly six numerical types of possible bigraded minimal free resolution. These resolutions play a key role in determining the implicit equation of the image p_U(P^1 x P^1), via work of Buse-Jouanolou, Buse-Chardin, Botbol and Botbol-Dickenstein-Dohm on the approximation complex. In four of the six cases I_U has a linear first syzygy; remarkably from this we obtain all differentials in the minimal free resolution. In particular this allows us to describe the implicit equation and singular locus of the image.Comment: 35 pages 1 figur

    Computing Implicitizations of Multi-Graded Polynomial Maps

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    In this paper, we focus on computing the kernel of a map of polynomial rings φ\varphi. This core problem in symbolic computation is known as implicitization. While there are extremely effective Gr\"obner basis methods used to solve this problem, these methods can become infeasible as the number of variables increases. In the case when the map φ\varphi is multigraded, we consider an alternative approach. We demonstrate how to quickly compute a matrix of maximal rank for which φ\varphi has a positive multigrading. Then in each graded component we compute the minimal generators of the kernel in that multidegree with linear algebra. We have implemented our techniques in Macaulay2 and show that our implementation can compute many generators of low degree in examples where Gr\"obner techniques have failed. This includes several examples coming from phylogenetics where even a complete list of quadrics and cubics were unknown. When the multigrading refines total degree, our algorithm is \emph{embarassingly parallel} and a fully parallelized version of our algorithm will be forthcoming in OSCAR.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. An implementation of our main algorithm can be found on our MathRepo page as well as our GitHu

    Computing Algebraic Matroids

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    An affine variety induces the structure of an algebraic matroid on the set of coordinates of the ambient space. The matroid has two natural decorations: a circuit polynomial attached to each circuit, and the degree of the projection map to each base, called the base degree. Decorated algebraic matroids can be computed via symbolic computation using Groebner bases, or through linear algebra in the space of differentials (with decorations calculated using numerical algebraic geometry). Both algorithms are developed here. Failure of the second algorithm occurs on a subvariety called the non-matroidal or NM- locus. Decorated algebraic matroids have widespread relevance anywhere that coordinates have combinatorial significance. Examples are computed from applied algebra, in algebraic statistics and chemical reaction network theory, as well as more theoretical examples from algebraic geometry and matroid theory.Comment: 15 pages; added link to references, note on page 1, and small formatting fixe