67,587 research outputs found

    Dissimilar response of plant and soil biota communities to long-term nutrient adition in grasslands

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    The long-term effect of fertilizers on plant diversity and productivity is well known, but long-term effects on soil biota communities have received relatively little attention. Here, we used an exceptional long-lasting (>40 years) grassland fertilization experiment to investigate the long-term effect of Ca, N, PK, and NPK addition on the productivity and diversity of both vegetation and soil biota. Whereas plant diversity increased by liming and decreased by N and NPK, the diversity of nematodes, collembolans, mites, and enchytraeids increased by N, PK, or NPK. Fertilization with NPK and PK increased plant biomass and biomass of enchytraeids and collembolans. Biomass of nematodes and earthworms increased by liming. Our results suggest that soil diversity might be driven by plant productivity rather than by plant diversity. This may imply that the selection of measures for restoring or conserving plant diversity may decrease soil biota diversity. This needs to be tested in future experiment

    Simple models and concepts as tools for the study of sustained soil productivity in long-term experiments. II. Crop nutrient equivalents, balanced supplies of available nutrients, and NPK triangles

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    Two NPK factorial trials, one in Vietnam and one in The Netherlands were (re-)analyzed to find causes of success or failure with regard to sustained soil productivity, using the concept of crop nutrient equivalents (CNE). A (k)CNE is the quantity of a nutrient that, under conditions of balanced nutrition, has the same effect on yield as 1 (k)g of nitrogen. The percentages the nutrients take in the (k)CNE sum of N, P and K are plotted along the sides of a triangle. Soil, crop and input NPK are indicated in the triangle. Balanced crop NPK is found in the centre of the triangle, and required NPK inputs are on a straight line in the extension of the line trough the point of soil NPK and the centre. Experimental inputs were compared with inputs required for balanced NPK. In Vietnam, responses to P and soil available N:P:K pointed to severe shortage of P. Rice yields increased over time in dry but not in wet seasons. The lower yields in wet seasons were ascribed to insufficiently long periods between the dry and the next wet seasons for replenishment of labile soil P. In the Netherlands, four crops were grown in rotation on a former sea bottom. Only N had a strong effect on yield. Soil available N:P:K revealed low N, very high K and medium P. Recovery of fertilizer N was high because of capillary rise of groundwater and absence of leaching. In both trials, first-season chemical crop analysis would directly have detected disproportions of soil available N, P and K. This knowledge could have improved the experimental designs, optimized nutrient use efficiency and minimized losses of N and K to the environmen

    Penggunaan Pupuk Hayati dan Pupuk Npk untuk Menekan Penyakit Layu dan Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kacang Panjang (Vigna Sinencis L.)

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    The use of either liquid or carrier-based biofertilizers reduced the application of excessive inorganic fertilizers. The purpose of this research was to verified the effect of biofertilizer application of Bokelas Plus (BP) and NPK inorganic fertilizer on the intensity of dumping off diseases, growth and yield of long bean plants. The experiment have been done in experimental field of Agricultural Extension Center of Baguala Sub-district in Nania Village, Ambon city. The treatments were 400 kg NPK / ha, 300 kg NPK / ha, 200 kg NPK / ha, 75 kg BP / ha + 400 kg NPK / Ha, 75 kg BP / ha + 300 kg NPK / ha, and 75 kg BP / ha + 200 kg NPK / ha. The results showed that the application of biofertilizer BP and NPK fertilizer affected intensity of wilt disease caused by Scerotium rolfsii pathogen, plant height, long and pea pod weight. The best dose was 75 kg BP / ha + 300 kg NPK / ha. This experiment suggest that BP biofertilizer reduced the use of NPK fertilizer by 25%

    Pseudoknots in a Homopolymer

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    After a discussion of the definition and number of pseudoknots, we reconsider the self-attracting homopolymer paying particular attention to the scaling of the number of pseudoknots at different temperature regimes in two and three dimensions. Although the total number of pseudoknots is extensive at all temperatures, we find that the number of pseudoknots forming between the two halves of the chain diverges logarithmically at (in both dimensions) and below (in 2d only) the theta-temparature. We later introduce a simple model that is sensitive to pseudoknot formation during collapse. The resulting phase diagram involves swollen, branched and collapsed homopolymer phases with transitions between each pair.Comment: submitted to PR
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