187 research outputs found

    A Review on PAPR Reduction in Perspective of BER Performance in MIMO-OFDM Based Next Generation Wireless Systems.

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    Today, high speed and trustworthy wireless communication over mobile is the requirement of society. As the mobile applications and the users are rapidly increasing, it is obligatory to have more reliable, high speed wireless network with high throughput, which will combat the disadvantages in existing system in this multiuser environment. In wireless system the received signal may be corrupted due to noise and interferences such as ‘inter symbol interference’ and ‘inter carrier interference’ when subjected to multi-path fading. Also the performance the system may be affected due to poor ‘bit error rate’ and high ‘peak to average power ratio’ value, which further affect the signal power and spectral efficiency of transmitted signal. The blend of ‘orthogonal frequency division multiplexing’ and ‘multi input multi output’ antenna system referred as MIMO-OFDM system, which offers the improvement in quality of service and higher throughput to satisfy the tomorrow’s need. This review article mainly focuses on various technologies adopted by different researchers for enhancing the ‘bit error rates’, ‘peak to average power ratio’, ‘signal to noise ratio’ and ‘spectral efficiency’ performances in wireless systems. We continue by highlighting the limitations and comparing results of conventional methods, schemes and algorithms proposed by different researchers.  We also focus on the multiple antenna system (MIMO), which is designed for future multiuser environment to enhance the capacity or to have high throughput along with good quality services

    Novel Selective Mapping with Oppositional Hosted Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm for PAPR Reduction in 5G UFMC Systems

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    In recent times, there is a continuous requirement of achieving high data rates owing to an increase in the number of devices and significant demand for various services with maximum reliability and minimum delay. It results in the development of fifth generation (5G) to offer better services with enhanced data rate. Recently, a major alternative to OFDM technology for 5G networks called universal filtered multi-carrier (UFMC) is presented where every individual sub-band is filtered that reduces the OOB radiation and eliminates guard band. But high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is a crucial issue which arises from the utilization of several subcarriers to generate the time domain transmission signal. For resolving this issue, this paper presents a novel selective mapping with oppositional hosted cuckoo optimization (SM-OHOCO) algorithm for PAPR reduction in 5G UFMC systems. In the SM-OHOCO algorithm, rather than the generation of several random phase sequences, SM-OHOCO algorithm is performed iteratively to attain a better solution with few searching rounds, showing the novelty of the work. As the optimization of phase sequence in the SLM technique is considered as an NP hard optimization problem, the OHOCO algorithm is applied, which is derived by incorporating the concepts of the HOCO algorithm with oppositional based learning (OBL) strategy. To validate the effective performance of the proposed SM-OHOCO algorithm, an extensive experimental analysis is performed to highlight the improved performance in 5G networks. The resultant values pointed out the superior outcome of the proposed SM-OHOCO algorithm over the other existing methods in terms of distinct measure

    The Novel PAPR Reduction Schemes for O‐OFDM‐Based Visible Light Communications

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    In this chapter, we propose two novel peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction schemes for the asymmetrically clipped optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (ACO-OFDM) scheme used in the visible light communications (VLC) system. In the first scheme, we implement the Toeplitz matrix based Gaussian blur method to reduce the high PAPR of ACO-OFDM at the transmitter and use the orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm to recover the original ACO-OFDM frame at the receiver. Simulation results show that for the 256-subcarrier ACO-OFDM system a ~6 dB improvement in PAPR is achieved compared with the original ACO-OFDM in terms of the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), while maintaining a competitive bit-error rate performance compared with the ideal ACO-OFDM lower bound. In the second scheme, we propose an improved hybrid optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) and pulse-width modulation (PWM) scheme to reduce the PAPR for ACO-OFDM. The bipolar O-OFDM signal without negative clipping is converted into a PWM format where the leading and trailing edges carry the frame synchronization and modulated information, respectively. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed OFDM-PWM scheme offers a significant PAPR reduction compared to the ACO-OFDM with an improved bit error rate

    Enhanced Artificial Bee Colony, Square Root Raised Cosine Precoding, and Mu law Compandor for Optimization of MIMO-OFDM System

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    The efficiency and high-speed data transfer rate of the communication system are increased based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The existing research in OFDM involves applying optimization methods to improve the system's efficiency. The high Peak Average Power Ratio (PAPR) value is a major limitation in the OFDM system, and this provides distortion due to the non-linear High-Power Amplifier (HPA). Local optima trap and lower convergence are two main limitations in existing optimization methods. This research proposes Enhanced Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) optimization method with a precoding-compandor technique to increase the efficiency of the OFDM system. Enhanced ABC method is applied with Boltzmann search to increase the exploitation capacity of the optimization efficiency. The selective mapping technique is applied to transform the candidate signal in the system. The ABC method increases exploration, and Boltzmann search increases exploitation. The enhanced ABC method increases the exploitation process that helps to overcome local optima traps and lower convergence. Square Root Raised Cosine (SRRC) precoding and Mu law compandor techniques were applied to reduce the PAPR. The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) technique is applied for domain conversion in the OFDM system. The proposed method has a convergence rate of 6.4069, and the existing one has a 6.4033 convergence rate. The enhanced ABC method provides higher efficiency in the MIMO-OFDM system regarding Symbol Error Rate (SER), PAPR, and Bit Error Rate (BER)

    LPTV-Aware Bit Loading and Channel Estimation in Broadband PLC for Smart Grid

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    Power line communication (PLC) has received steady interest over recent decades because of its economic use of existing power lines, and is one of the communication technologies envisaged for Smart Grid (SG) infrastructure. However, power lines are not designed for data communication, and this brings unique challenges for data communication over power lines. In particular for broadband (BB) PLC, the channel exhibits linear periodically time varying (LPTV) behavior synchronous to the AC mains cycle. This is due to the time varying impedances of electrical devices that are connected to the power grid. Another challenge is the impulsive noise in addition to power line background noise, which is due to switching events in the power line network. In this work, we focus on two major aspects of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system for BB PLC LPTV channels; bit and power allocation, and channel estimation (CE). First, we investigate the problem of optimal bit and power allocation, in order to increase bit rates and improve energy efficiency. We present that the application of a power constraint that is averaged over many microslots can be exploited for further performance improvements through bit loading. Due to the matroid structure of the optimization problem, greedy-type algorithms are proven to be optimal for the new LPTV-aware bit and power loading. Significant gains are attained especially for poor (i.e. high attenuation) channel conditions, and at reduced transmit-power levels, where the energy per bit-transmission is also low. Next, two mechanisms are utilized to reduce the complexity of the optimal LPTV-aware bit loading and peak microslot power levels: (i) employing representative values from microslot transfer functions, and (ii) power clipping. The ideas of LPTV-aware bit loading, complexity reduction mechanism, and power clipping are also applicable to non-optimal bit loading schemes. We apply these ideas to two additional sub-optimal bit loading algorithms that are based on even-like power distribution for a portion of the available spectrum, and demonstrate that similar gains in bit rates are achieved. Second, we tackle the problem of CE for BB PLC LPTV channels. We first investigate pilot based CE with different pilot geometry in order to reduce interpolation error. Block-type, comb-type, and incline type pilot arrangements are considered and a performance comparison has been made. Next we develop a robust CE scheme with low overhead that addresses the drawbacks of block-type pilot arrangement and decision directed CE schemes such as large estimation overhead for block-type pilot geometry, and difficulty in channel tracking in the case of sudden changes in the channel for decision directed approaches. In order to overcome these drawbacks, we develop a transform domain (TD) analysis approach to determine the cause of changes in the channel estimates, which are due to changes in the channel response or the presence of impulsive noise. We then propose a robust CE scheme with low estimation overhead, which utilizes pilot symbols placed widely apart and exploits the information obtained from TD analysis as a basis for switching between various CE schemes. The overhead of the proposed scheme for CE is low, and sudden changes in the channel are tracked affectively. Therefore, the effects of the LPTV channel and the impulsive noise on CE are mitigated. Our results indicate that for bit and power allocation, the proposed reduced complexity LPTV-aware bit loading with power clipping algorithm performs very close to the optimal LPTV-aware bit loading, and is an attractive solution to bit loading in a practical setting. Finally, for the CE problem, the proposed CE scheme based on TD analysis has low estimation overhead, performs well compared to block-type pilot arrangement and decision directed CE schemes, and is robust to changes in the channel and the presence of impulsive noise. Therefore, it is a good alternative for CE in BB PLC