4 research outputs found

    A review: On path planning strategies for navigation of mobile robot

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    This paper presents the rigorous study of mobile robot navigation techniques used so far. The step by step investigations of classical and reactive approaches are made here to understand the development of path planning strategies in various environmental conditions and to identify research gap. The classical approaches such as cell decomposition (CD), roadmap approach (RA), artificial potential field (APF); reactive approaches such as genetic algorithm (GA), fuzzy logic (FL), neural network (NN), firefly algorithm (FA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), ant colony optimization (ACO), bacterial foraging optimization (BFO), artificial bee colony (ABC), cuckoo search (CS), shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) and other miscellaneous algorithms (OMA) are considered for study. The navigation over static and dynamic condition is analyzed (for single and multiple robot systems) and it has been observed that the reactive approaches are more robust and perform well in all terrain when compared to classical approaches. It is also observed that the reactive approaches are used to improve the performance of the classical approaches as a hybrid algorithm. Hence, reactive approaches are more popular and widely used for path planning of mobile robot. The paper concludes with tabular data and charts comparing the frequency of individual navigational strategies which can be used for specific application in robotics

    Intelligent Navigational Strategies For Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots Using Artificial Hybrid Methodologies

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    At present time, the application of mobile robot is commonly seen in every fields of science and engineering. The application is not only limited to industries but also in thehousehold, medical, defense, transportation, space and much more. They can perform all kind of tasks which human being cannot do efficiently and accurately such as working in hazardous and highly risk condition, space research etc. Hence, the autonomous navigation of mobile robot is the highly discussed topic of today in an uncertain environment. The present work concentrates on the implementation of the Artificial Intelligence approaches for the mobile robot navigation in an uncertain environment. The obstacle avoidance and optimal path planning is the key issue in autonomous navigation, which is solved in the present work by using artificial intelligent approaches. The methods use for the navigational accuracy and efficiency are Firefly Algorithm (FA), Probability- Fuzzy Logic (PFL), Matrix based Genetic Algorithm (MGA) and Hybrid controller (FAPFL,FA-MGA, FA-PFL-MGA).The proposed work provides an effective navigation of single and multiple mobile robots in both static and dynamic environment. The simulational analysis is carried over the Matlab software and then it is implemented on amobile robot for real-time navigation analysis. During the analysis of the proposed controller, it has been noticed that the Firefly Algorithm performs well as compared to fuzzy and genetic algorithm controller. It also plays an important role inbuilding the successful Hybrid approaches such as FA-PFL, FA-MGA, FA-PFL-MGA. The proposed hybrid methodology perform well over the individual controller especially for pathoptimality and navigational time. The developed controller also proves to be efficient when they are compared with other navigational controller such as Neural Network, Ant Colony Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, Neuro-Fuzzy etc

    Sistemas de suporte à condução autónoma adequados a plataforma robótica 4-wheel skid-steer: percepção, movimento e simulação

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    As competições de robótica móvel desempenham papel preponderante na difusão da ciência e da engenharia ao público em geral. E também um espaço dedicado ao ensaio e comparação de diferentes estratégias e abordagens aos diversos desafios da robótica móvel. Uma das vertentes que tem reunido maior interesse nos promotores deste género de iniciativas e entre o público em geral são as competições de condução autónoma. Tipicamente as Competi¸c˜oes de Condução Autónoma (CCA) tentam reproduzir um ambiente semelhante a uma estrutura rodoviária tradicional, no qual sistemas autónomos deverão dar resposta a um conjunto variado de desafios que vão desde a deteção da faixa de rodagem `a interação com distintos elementos que compõem uma estrutura rodoviária típica, do planeamento trajetórias à localização. O objectivo desta dissertação de mestrado visa documentar o processo de desenho e concepção de uma plataforma robótica móvel do tipo 4-wheel skid-steer para realização de tarefas de condução autónoma em ambiente estruturado numa pista que pretende replicar uma via de circulação automóvel dotada de sinalética básica e alguns obstáculos. Paralelamente, a dissertação pretende também fazer uma análise qualitativa entre o processo de simulação e a sua transposição para uma plataforma robótica física. inferir sobre a diferenças de performance e de comportamento.Mobile robotics competitions play an important role in the diffusion of science and engineering to the general public. It is also a space dedicated to test and compare different strategies and approaches to several challenges of mobile robotics. One of the aspects that has attracted more the interest of promoters for this kind of initiatives and general public is the autonomous driving competitions. Typically, Autonomous Driving Competitions (CCAs) attempt to replicate an environment similar to a traditional road structure, in which autonomous systems should respond to a wide variety of challenges ranging from lane detection to interaction with distinct elements that exist in a typical road structure, from planning trajectories to location. The aim of this master’s thesis is to document the process of designing and endow a 4-wheel skid-steer mobile robotic platform to carry out autonomous driving tasks in a structured environment on a track that intends to replicate a motorized roadway including signs and obstacles. In parallel, the dissertation also intends to make a qualitative analysis between the simulation process and the transposition of the developed algorithm to a physical robotic platform, analysing the differences in performance and behavior