7 research outputs found

    Identification of progressive mild cognitive impairment patients using incomplete longitudinal MRI scans

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    Distinguishing progressive mild cognitive impairment (pMCI) from stable mild cognitive impairment (sMCI) is critical for identification of patients who are at-risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), so that early treatment can be administered. In this paper, we propose a pMCI/sMCI classification framework that harnesses information available in longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, which could be incomplete, to improve diagnostic accuracy. Volumetric features were first extracted from the baseline MRI scan and subsequent scans acquired after 6, 12, and 18 months. Dynamic features were then obtained by using the 18th-month scan as the reference and computing the ratios of feature differences for the earlier scans. Features that are linearly or non-linearly correlated with diagnostic labels are then selected using two elastic net sparse learning algorithms. Missing feature values due to the incomplete longitudinal data are imputed using a low-rank matrix completion method. Finally, based on the completed feature matrix, we build a multi-kernel support vector machine (mkSVM) to predict the diagnostic label of samples with unknown diagnostic statuses. Our evaluation indicates that a diagnosis accuracy as high as 78.2% can be achieved when information from the longitudinal scans is used – 6.6% higher than the case using only the reference time point image. In other words, information provided by the longitudinal history of the disease improves diagnosis accuracy

    A transversal approach for patch-based label fusion via matrix completion

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    Recently, multi-atlas patch-based label fusion has received an increasing interest in the medical image segmentation field. After warping the anatomical labels from the atlas images to the target image by registration, label fusion is the key step to determine the latent label for each target image point. Two popular types of patch-based label fusion approaches are (1) reconstruction-based approaches that compute the target labels as a weighted average of atlas labels, where the weights are derived by reconstructing the target image patch using the atlas image patches; and (2) classification-based approaches that determine the target label as a mapping of the target image patch, where the mapping function is often learned using the atlas image patches and their corresponding labels. Both approaches have their advantages and limitations. In this paper, we propose a novel patch-based label fusion method to combine the above two types of approaches via matrix completion (and hence, we call it transversal). As we will show, our method overcomes the individual limitations of both reconstruction-based and classification-based approaches. Since the labeling confidences may vary across the target image points, we further propose a sequential labeling framework that first labels the highly confident points and then gradually labels more challenging points in an iterative manner, guided by the label information determined in the previous iterations. We demonstrate the performance of our novel label fusion method in segmenting the hippocampus in the ADNI dataset, subcortical and limbic structures in the LONI dataset, and mid-brain structures in the SATA dataset. We achieve more accurate segmentation results than both reconstruction-based and classification-based approaches. Our label fusion method is also ranked 1st in the online SATA Multi-Atlas Segmentation Challenge

    Multi-Atlas Segmentation of Biomedical Images: A Survey

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    Abstract Multi-atlas segmentation (MAS), first introduced and popularized by the pioneering work of Rohlfing

    Multi-atlas segmentation using clustering, local non-linear manifold embeddings and target-specific templates

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    Multi-atlas segmentation (MAS) has become an established technique for the automated delineation of anatomical structures. The often manually annotated labels from each of multiple pre-segmented images (atlases) are typically transferred to a target through the spatial mapping of corresponding structures of interest. The mapping can be estimated by pairwise registration between each atlas and the target or by creating an intermediate population template for spatial normalisation of atlases and targets. The former is done at runtime which is computationally expensive but provides high accuracy. In the latter approach the template can be constructed from the atlases offline requiring only one registration to the target at runtime. Although this is computationally more efficient, the composition of deformation fields can lead to decreased accuracy. Our goal was to develop a MAS method which was both efficient and accurate. In our approach we create a target-specific template (TST) which has a high similarity to the target and serves as intermediate step to increase registration accuracy. The TST is constructed from the atlas images that are most similar to the target. These images are determined in low-dimensional manifold spaces on the basis of deformation fields in local regions of interest. We also introduce a clustering approach to divide atlas labels into meaningful sub-regions of interest and increase local specificity for TST construction and label fusion. Our approach was tested on a variety of MR brain datasets and applied to an in-house dataset. We achieve state-of-the-art accuracy while being computationally much more efficient than competing methods. This efficiency opens the door to the use of larger sets of atlases which could lead to further improvement in segmentation accuracy

    Multi-atlas segmentation using clustering, local non-linear manifold embeddings and target-specific templates

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    Multi-atlas segmentation (MAS) has become an established technique for the automated delineation of anatomical structures. The often manually annotated labels from each of multiple pre-segmented images (atlases) are typically transferred to a target through the spatial mapping of corresponding structures of interest. The mapping can be estimated by pairwise registration between each atlas and the target or by creating an intermediate population template for spatial normalisation of atlases and targets. The former is done at runtime which is computationally expensive but provides high accuracy. In the latter approach the template can be constructed from the atlases offline requiring only one registration to the target at runtime. Although this is computationally more efficient, the composition of deformation fields can lead to decreased accuracy. Our goal was to develop a MAS method which was both efficient and accurate. In our approach we create a target-specific template (TST) which has a high similarity to the target and serves as intermediate step to increase registration accuracy. The TST is constructed from the atlas images that are most similar to the target. These images are determined in low-dimensional manifold spaces on the basis of deformation fields in local regions of interest. We also introduce a clustering approach to divide atlas labels into meaningful sub-regions of interest and increase local specificity for TST construction and label fusion. Our approach was tested on a variety of MR brain datasets and applied to an in-house dataset. We achieve state-of-the-art accuracy while being computationally much more efficient than competing methods. This efficiency opens the door to the use of larger sets of atlases which could lead to further improvement in segmentation accuracy

    Novel Multi-Atlas Segmentation by Matrix Completion

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