4 research outputs found

    Energy Management in a Cooperative Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Network

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of finding an optimal energy management policy for a network of sensor nodes capable of harvesting their own energy and sharing it with other nodes in the network. We formulate this problem in the discounted cost Markov decision process framework and obtain good energy-sharing policies using the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm. Earlier works have attempted to obtain the optimal energy allocation policy for a single sensor and for multiple sensors arranged on a mote with a single centralized energy buffer. Our algorithms, on the other hand, provide optimal policies for a distributed network of sensors individually harvesting energy and capable of sharing energy amongst themselves. Through simulations, we illustrate that the policies obtained by our DDPG algorithm using this enhanced network model outperform algorithms that do not share energy or use a centralized energy buffer in the distributed multi-nodal case.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Novel algorithms for complete targets coverage in energy harvesting wireless sensor networks

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    This paper addresses the problem of maximizing the network lifetime of rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) whilst ensuring all targets are monitored continuously by at least one sensor node. The objective is to determine a group of sensor nodes, and their wake-up schedule such that within a time interval, one subset of nodes are active whilst others enter the sleep state to conserve energy as well as recharge their battery. We propose a Linear Programming (LP) based solution to determine the activation schedule of sensor nodes whilst affording them recharging opportunities and at the same time ensures complete target coverage. The results show our LP solution achieves more than twice the performance in terms of network lifetime as compared to similar algorithms developed for finite battery WSNs. However, it is computationally expensive. We therefore propose Maximum Utility Algorithm (MUA), a few orders of magnitude faster approach that achieves 3/4 of the network lifetime obtained by our LP solution

    Double smart energy harvesting system for self-powered industrial IoT

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    312 p. 335 p. (confidencial)Future factories would be based on the Industry 4.0 paradigm. IndustrialInternet of Things (IIoT) represent a part of the solution in this field. Asautonomous systems, powering challenges could be solved using energy harvestingtechnology. The present thesis work combines two alternatives of energy input andmanagement on a single architecture. A mini-reactor and an indoor photovoltaiccell as energy harvesters and a double power manager with AC/DC and DC/DCconverters controlled by a low power single controller. Furthermore, theaforementioned energy management is improved with artificial intelligencetechniques, which allows a smart and optimal energy management. Besides, theharvested energy is going to be stored in a low power supercapacitor. The workconcludes with the integration of these solutions making IIoT self-powered devices.IK4 Teknike