68 research outputs found

    Advanced signal processing techniques for the modeling and linearization of wireless communication systems.

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    Los nuevos estándares de comunicaciones digitales inalámbricas están impulsando el diseño de amplificadores de potencia con unas condiciones límites en términos de linealidad y eficiencia. Si bien estos nuevos sistemas exigen que los dispositivos activos trabajen cerca de la zona de saturación en busca de la eficiencia energética, la no linealidad inherente puede producir que el sistema muestre prestaciones inadecuadas en emisiones fuera de banda y distorsión en banda. La necesidad de técnicas digitales de compensación y la evolución en el diseño de nuevas arquitecturas de procesamiento de señales digitales posicionan a la predistorsión digital (DPD) como un enfoque práctico. Los predistorsionadores digitales se suelen basar en modelos de comportamiento como el memory polynomial (MP), el generalized memory polynomial (GMP) y el dynamic deviation reduction-based (DDR), etc. Los modelos de Volterra sufren la llamada "maldición de la dimensionalidad", ya que su complejidad tiende a crecer de forma exponencial a medida que el orden y la profundidad de memoria crecen. Esta tesis se centra principalmente en contribuir a la rama de conocimiento que enmarca el modelado y linealización de sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica. Los principales temas tratados son el modelo Volterra-Parafac y el modelo general de Volterra para sistemas complejos, los cuales tratan la estructura del DPD y las series de Volterra estructuradas con compressed-sensing y un método para la linealización en un rango de potencias de operación, que se centran en cómo los coeficientes de los modelos deben ser obtenidos.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    The Simulation Analysis of Nonlinear for a Power Amplifier with Memory Effects

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    Transmitter Linearization for mm-Wave Communications Systems

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    There is an ever increasing need for enabling higher data rates in modern communication systems which brings new challenges in terms of the power consumption and nonlinearity of hardware components. These problems become prominent in power amplifiers (PAs) and can significantly degrade the performance of transmitters, and hence the overall communication system. Hence, it is of central importance to design efficient PAs with a linear operation region. This thesis proposes a methodology and a comprehensive framework to address this challenge. This is accomplished by application of predistortion to a mm-wave PA and an E-band IQ transmitter while investigating the trade-offs between linearity, efficiency and predistorter complexity using the proposed framework.In the first line of work, we have focused on a mm-wave PA. A PA has high efficiency at high input power at the expense of linearity, whereas it operates linearly for lower input power levels while sacrificing efficiency. To attain both linearity and efficiency, predistortion is often used to compensate for the PA nonlinearity. Yet, the trade-offs related to predistortion complexities are not fully understood. To address this challenge, we have used our proposed framework for evaluation of predistorters using modulated test signals and implemented it using digital predistortion and a mm-wave PA. This set-up enabled us to investigate the trade-offs between linearity, efficiency and predistorter complexity in a systematic manner. We have shown that to achieve similar linearity levels for different PA classes, predistorters with different complexities are needed and provided guidelines on the achievable limits in term linearity for a given predistorter complexity for different PA classes.In the second line of work, we have focused on linearization of an E-band transmitter using a baseband analog predistorter (APD) and under constraints given by a spectrum emission standard. In order to use the above proposed framework with these components, characterizations of the E-band transmitter and the APD are performed. In contrast to typical approaches in the literature, here joint mitigation of the PA and I/Q modulator impairments is used to model the transmitter. Using the developed models, optimal model parameters in terms of output power at the mask limit are determined. Using these as a starting point, we have iteratively optimized operating point of the APD and linearized the E-band transmitter. The experiments demonstrated that the analog predistorter can successfully increase the output power by 35% (1.3 dB) improvement while satisfying the spectrum emission mask

    A Sparse-Bayesian Approach for the Design of Robust Digital Predistorters Under Power-Varying Operation

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    "Early access"In this article, a sparse-Bayesian treatment is proposed to solve the crucial questions posed by power amplifier (PA) and digital predistorter (DPD) modeling. To learn a model, the advanced Bayesian framework includes a group of specific processes that maximize the likelihood of the measured data: regressor pursuit and identification, coefficient estimation, stopping criterion, and regressor deselection. The relevance vector machine (RVM) method is reformulated theoretically to be implemented in complex-valued linear regression. In essence, given an initial set of candidate regressors, the result of this sparse-Bayesian learning approach is the most likely model. Experimental results are provided for the linearization of class AB and class J PAs driven by a 30-MHz fifth-generation new radio signal for a fixed average power, where the evolution of the figures of merit versus the number of active coefficients is examined for the proposed sparse-Bayesian pursuit (SBP) algorithm in comparison to other greedy algorithms. The SBP presents a good performance in terms of linearization capabilities and computational cost. Furthermore, the proposed Bayesian framework enabled the design of a DPD model structure, deselect regressors, and readjust coefficients in a direct learning architecture, demonstrating the robustness to changes in the power level over a 10-dB range.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación 10.13039/501100011033Junta de Andalucía - Fondos FEDER US-126499

    Digital Predistortion of Power Amplifiers for Wireless Applications

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    Digital predistortion is one of the most cost effective ways among all linearization techniques. However, most of the existing designs treat the power amplifier as a memoryless device. For wideband or high power applications, the power amplifier exhibits memory effects, for which memoryless predistorters can achieve only limited linearization performance. In this dissertation, we propose novel predistorters and their parameter extraction algorithms. We investigate a Hammerstein predistorter, a memory polynomial predistorter, and a new combined model based predistorter. The Hammerstein predistorter is designed specifically for power amplifiers that can be modeled as a Wiener system. The memory polynomial predistorter can correct both the nonlinear distortions and the linear frequency response that may exist in the power amplifier. Real-time implementation aspects of the memory polynomial predistorter are also investigated. The new combined model includes the memory polynomial model and the Murray Hill model, thus extending the predistorter's ability to compensate for strong memory effects in the power amplifier. The predistorter models considered in this dissertation include both even- and odd-order nonlinear terms. By including these even-order nonlinear terms, we have a richer basis set, which offers appreciable improvement. In reality, however, the performance of a predistortion system can also be affected by the analog imperfections in the transmitter, which are introduced by the analog components; mostly analog filters and quadrature modulators. There are two common configurations for the upconversion chain in the transmitter: two-stage upconversion and direct upconversion. For a two-stage upconversion transmitter, we design a band-limited equalizer to compensate for the frequency response of the surface acoustic wave (SAW) filter which is usually employed in the IF stage. For a direct upconversion transmitter, we develop a model to describe the frequency-dependent gain/phase imbalance and dc offset. We then develop two methods to construct compensators for the imbalance and dc offset. These compensation techniques help to correct for the analog imperfections, which in turn improve the overall predistortion performance.Ph.D.Committee Chair: G. Tong Zhou; Committee Member: J. Stevenson Kenney; Committee Member: Jianmin Qu; Committee Member: W. Marshall Leach; Committee Member: Ye (Geoffrey) L

    Training data selection and dimensionality reduction for polynomial and artificial neural network MIMO adaptive digital predistortion

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In 5G and beyond radios, the increased bandwidth, the fast-changing waveform scenarios, and the operation of large array multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmitter architectures have challenged both the polynomial and the artificial neural network (ANN) MIMO adaptive digital predistortion (DPD) schemes. This article proposes training data selection methods and dimensionality reduction techniques that can be combined to enable relevant reductions of the DPD training time and the implementation complexity for MIMO transmitter architectures. In this work, the combination of an efficient uncorrelated equation selection (UES) mechanism together with orthogonal least squares (OLS) is proposed to reduce the training data length and the number of basis functions at every behavioral modeling matrix in the polynomial MIMO DPD scheme. For ANN MIMO DPD architectures, applying UES and principal component analysis (PCA) is proposed to reduce the input dataset length and features, respectively. The UES-OLS and the UES-PCA techniques are experimentally validated for a 2×2 MIMO test setup with strong power amplifier (PA) input and output crosstalk.This work was supported in part by the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 under Project PID2020-113832RB-C22 and Project PID2020-113832RB-C21; and in part by the European Union-NextGenerationEU through the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, under Project TSI-063000-2021-121 (MINECO UNICO Programme).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modelling and inverting complex-valued Wiener systems

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    We develop a complex-valued (CV) B-spline neural network approach for efficient identification and inversion of CV Wiener systems. The CV nonlinear static function in the Wiener system is represented using the tensor product of two univariate B-spline neural networks. With the aid of a least squares parameter initialisation, the Gauss-Newton algorithm effectively estimates the model parameters that include the CV linear dynamic model coefficients and B-spline neural network weights. The identification algorithm naturally incorporates the efficient De Boor algorithm with both the B-spline curve and first order derivative recursions. An accurate inverse of the CV Wiener system is then obtained, in which the inverse of the CV nonlinear static function of the Wiener system is calculated efficiently using the Gaussian-Newton algorithm based on the estimated B-spline neural network model, with the aid of the De Boor recursions. The effectiveness of our approach for identification and inversion of CV Wiener systems is demonstrated using the application of digital predistorter design for high power amplifiers with memor

    Development of digital predistorters for broadband power amplifiers in OFDM systems using the simplicial canonical piecewise linear function

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    Power amplifiers (PAs) are inherently nonlinear devices. Linearity of a PA can be achieved by backing off the PA to its linear region at the expense of power efficiency loss. For signals with high envelope fluctuation such OFDM system, large backoff is required, causing significant loss in power efficiency. Thus, backoff is not a favourable solution. Digital predistorters (PDs) are widely employed for linearizing PAs that are driven to the nonlinear regions. In broadband systems where PAs exhibit memory effects, the PDs are also required to compensate the memory effects. This thesis deals with the development of digital PDs for broadband PAs in OFDM systems using the Simplicial Canonical Piecewise Linear (SCPWL) function. The SCPWL function offers a few advantages over polynomial models. It imposes a saturation after the last breakpoint, making it suitable for modelling nonlinearities of PA and PD. The breakpoints of the function can be freely placed to allow optimum fitting of a given nonlinearity. It is suitable for modeling strong nonlinearities. Analysis of the SCPWL spectra property shows that the function models infinite order of intermodulation distortion, even with small number of breakpoints. The accuracy of the model can be improved by increasing the number of breakpoints. The original real-valued SCPWL function is extended to include memory structure and complex-valued coefficients, resulting in the proposed baseband SCPWL model with memory. The model is adopted in the development of the Hammerstein-SCPWL PD and memory-SCPWL PD. Vector projection methods are developed for static SCPWL PDs identification. Adaptive algorithms employing the indirect and direct learning architectures are developed for identifying the Hammerstein-SCPWL PD and memory-SCPWL PD. By exploiting the properties of the SCPWL function, the algorithms are simplified. A modified Wiener model estimator is employed to circumvent the non-convex cost function problem of block models. This further reduces the complexity of the Hammerstein PD algorithms. The thesis also analyses the effects of measurement noise on indirect learning SCPWL filter. Due to its linear basis function, the SCPWL filter coefficients do not suffer the coefficient bias effects which are observed in polynomial models. The performance of the proposed SCPWL PDs are compared with state-of-the-art polynomial-based PDs by simulations and measurements