23 research outputs found

    Development of level set methods for computing the semiclassical limit of Schrödinger equations with potentials

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    In this thesis, several level set methods are developed and analyzed for computing multi-valued solutions to the semiclassical limits of Schroedinger equations. Both formulation and numerical results are obtained for level set method. Superposition is also proved via let set method setting. Meanwhile, multi-valued solutions of the Euler-Poisson equations are also analyzed and computed using level set formulation via field space. Multi-scale computation and homogenization are studied for a class of Schroedinger equations. A Bloch band based level set method is developed with a series of numerical examples

    An automated hierarchical eXtended finite element approach for multiphysics problems involving discontinuities

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    In this thesis, a hierarchical eXtended finite element method for the modeling and numerical simulation of multiphysics problems and its implementation into a framework that uses automated code generation is presented. The approach consists of introducing hierarchically ordered level set functions, motivated by the structure of the considered problem, to decompose a given hold-all domain into several subdomains. The decomposition is guaranteed to be geometrically consistent which means that no overlapping regions or voids can arise. Mathematically, the approach decouples the computational mesh from the physical domains and, thereby, allows for large deformations and topological changes, such as the rise of (new) subdomains. At domain boundaries, quantities, or their gradient, may be modeled discontinuously and eXtended approximation spaces are introduced for the (sharp) representation of such features on the discrete level. The enrichment is realized by Heaviside functions which are defined subject to the hierarchical level set functions and, hence, introduce additional basis functions and coefficients locally at the respective (sub)domain boundary. For imposing interface and boundary conditions, the Nitsche method is used. By design, the developed approach is well suited to be implemented using automated code generation. As a result, the hierarchical eXtended finite element method is implemented as toolbox miXFEMfor the FEniCS framework. Therefore, the core components of FEniCS are significantly extended and new methods (e.g. the subdivision of elements and the assembling of tensors) are added. As the evolution of interfaces is often part of the problem, the framework miXFEMis supplemented by a level set toolbox providing maintaining methods such as reinitialization and volume correction as well as methods for computing a non-material velocity field. The method and its implementation is validated against several examples and then used for the modeling and simulation of different real-world applications in 2d and 3d. Since this thesis is motivated by several research projects where melting and solidification processes are of interest, we focus on these kind of problems and present results for a thermal upsetting process and different welding processes. However, due to the generality and flexibility of the developed framework, it can be used to rapidly implement and simulate problems from different areas such as multiphase flow or other problems with evolving geometries

    Aerodynamic shape optimization using control theory

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    Aerodynamic shape design has long persisted as a difficult scientific challenge due its highly nonlinear flow physics and daunting geometric complexity. However, with the emergence of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) it has become possible to make accurate predictions of flows which are not dominated by viscous effects. It is thus worthwhile to explore the extension of CFD methods for flow analysis to the treatment of aerodynamic shape design. Two new aerodynamic shape design methods are developed which combine existing CFD technology, optimal control theory, and numerical optimization techniques. Flow analysis methods for the potential flow equation and the Euler equations form the basis of the two respective design methods. In each case, optimal control theory is used to derive the adjoint differential equations, the solution of which provides the necessary gradient information to a numerical optimization method much more efficiently then by conventional finite differencing. Each technique uses a quasi-Newton numerical optimization algorithm to drive an aerodynamic objective function toward a minimum. An analytic grid perturbation method is developed to modify body fitted meshes to accommodate shape changes during the design process. Both Hicks-Henne perturbation functions and B-spline control points are explored as suitable design variables. The new methods prove to be computationally efficient and robust, and can be used for practical airfoil design including geometric and aerodynamic constraints. Objective functions are chosen to allow both inverse design to a target pressure distribution and wave drag minimization. Several design cases are presented for each method illustrating its practicality and efficiency. These include non-lifting and lifting airfoils operating at both subsonic and transonic conditions

    Regge Finite Elements with Applications in Solid Mechanics and Relativity

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2018. Major: Mathematics. Advisor: Douglas Arnold. 1 computer file (PDF); ix, 183 pages.This thesis proposes a new family of finite elements, called generalized Regge finite elements, for discretizing symmetric matrix-valued functions and symmetric 2-tensor fields. We demonstrate its effectiveness for applications in computational geometry, mathematical physics, and solid mechanics. Generalized Regge finite elements are inspired by Tullio Regge’s pioneering work on discretizing Einstein’s theory of general relativity. We analyze why current discretization schemes based on Regge’s original ideas fail and point out new directions which combine Regge’s geometric insight with the successful framework of finite element analysis. In particular, we derive well-posed linear model problems from general relativity and propose discretizations based on generalized Regge finite elements. While the first part of the thesis generalizes Regge’s initial proposal and enlarges its scope to many other applications outside relativity, the second part of this thesis represents the initial steps towards a stable structure-preserving discretization of the Einstein’s field equation

    A finite volume approach for the numerical analysis and solution of the Buckley-Leverett equation including capillary pressure

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    The study of petroleum recovery is significant for reservoir engineers. Mathematical models of the immiscible displacement process contain various assumptions and parameters, resulting in nonlinear governing equations which are tough to solve. The Buckley-Leverett equation is one such model, where controlling forces like gravity and capillary forces directly act on saturation profiles. These saturation profiles have important features during oil recovery. In this thesis, the Buckley-Leverett equation is solved through a finite volume scheme, and capillary forces are considered during this calculation. The detailed derivation and calculation are also illustrated here. First, the method of characteristics is used to calculate the shock speed and characteristics curve behaviour of the Buckley-Leverett equation without capillary forces. After that, the local Lax-Friedrichs finite-volume scheme is applied to the governing equation (assuming there are no capillary and gravity forces). This mathematical formulation is used for the next calculation, where the cell-centred finite volume scheme is applied to the Buckley- Leverett equation including capillary forces. All calculations are performed in MATLAB. The fidelity is also checked when the finite-volume scheme is computed in the case where an analytical solution is known. Without capillary pressure, all numerical solutions are calculated using explicit methods and smaller time steps are used for stability. Later, the fixed-point iteration method is followed to enable the stability of the local Lax-Friedrichs and Cell-centred finite volume schemes using an implicit formulation. Here, we capture the number of iterations per time-steps (including maximum and average iterations per time-step) to get the solution of water saturation for a new time-step and obtain the saturation profile. The cumulative oil production is calculated for this study and illustrates capillary effects. The influence of viscosity ratio and permeability in capillary effects is also tested in this study. Finally, we run a case study with valid field data and check every calculation to highlight that our proposed numerical schemes can capture capillary pressure effects by generating shock waves and providing single-valued saturation at each position. These saturation profiles help find the amount of water needed in an injection well to displace oil through a production well and obtains good recovery using the water flooding technique

    A discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for quasi-geostrophic frontogenesis

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    In this thesis, a mixed continuous and discontinuous Galerkin finite element method is developed for the three-dimensional quasi-geostrophic equations, and is used to investigate the role that weather front formation plays in the transfer of energy to small scales that would produce a k. 5=3 energy spectrum as observed in the atmosphere. The quasi-geostrophic equations are used for computational efficiency and are found to be sufficient for producing simple fronts. Discontinuous Galerkin finite elements are used for the potential vorticity as continuous Galerkin methods perform poorly with advection dominated problems. The less dynamical vertical direction is discretised with finite difference to simplify the finite element method in the horizontal. Streamfunction boundary values are derived for free-slip boundary conditions in the three-dimensional model. The scheme is verified with numerical tests and is shown to converge at optimal rates until free-slip boundaries are introduced. Conservation of energy and enstrophy are shown numerically. Using the numerical method, a channel model simulation suggests that the bend up of fronts produced by a meandering zonal jet could be a viable mechanism for producing a k.5=3 regime

    Numerical Simulation of a Marine Current Turbine in Turbulent Flow

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    The copyright of this thesis rests with the author and no quotation from it or information derived from it may be published without the prior written consent of the authorThe marine current turbine (MCT) is an exciting proposition for the extraction of renewable tidal and marine current power. However, the numerical prediction of the performance of the MCT is difficult due to its complex geometry, the surrounding turbulent flow and the free surface. The main purpose of this research is to develop a computational tool for the simulation of a MCT in turbulent flow and in this thesis, the author has modified a 3D Large Eddy Simulation (LES) numerical code to simulate a three blade MCT under a variety of operating conditions based on the Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) and the Conservative Level Set Method (CLS). The interaction between the solid structure and surrounding fluid is modelled by the immersed boundary method, which the author modified to handle the complex geometrical conditions. The conservative free surface (CLS) scheme was implemented in the original Cgles code to capture the free surface effect. A series of simulations of turbulent flow in an open channel with different slope conditions were conducted using the modified free surface code. Supercritical flow with Froude number up to 1.94 was simulated and a decrease of the integral constant in the law of the wall has been noticed which matches well with the experimental data. Further simulations of the marine current turbine in turbulent flow have been carried out for different operating conditions and good match with experimental data was observed for all flow conditions. The effect of waves on the performance of the turbine was also investigated and it has been noticed that this existence will increase the power performance of the turbine due to the increase of free stream velocity