783 research outputs found

    Resampled Priors for Variational Autoencoders

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    We propose Learned Accept/Reject Sampling (LARS), a method for constructing richer priors using rejection sampling with a learned acceptance function. This work is motivated by recent analyses of the VAE objective, which pointed out that commonly used simple priors can lead to underfitting. As the distribution induced by LARS involves an intractable normalizing constant, we show how to estimate it and its gradients efficiently. We demonstrate that LARS priors improve VAE performance on several standard datasets both when they are learned jointly with the rest of the model and when they are fitted to a pretrained model. Finally, we show that LARS can be combined with existing methods for defining flexible priors for an additional boost in performance

    Long-term future prediction under uncertainty and multi-modality

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    Humans have an innate ability to excel at activities that involve prediction of complex object dynamics such as predicting the possible trajectory of a billiard ball after it has been hit by the player or the prediction of motion of pedestrians while on the road. A key feature that enables humans to perform such tasks is anticipation. There has been continuous research in the area of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence to mimic this human ability for autonomous agents to succeed in the real world scenarios. Recent advances in the field of deep learning and the availability of large scale datasets has enabled the pursuit of fully autonomous agents with complex decision making abilities such as self-driving vehicles or robots. One of the main challenges encompassing the deployment of these agents in the real world is their ability to perform anticipation tasks with at least human level efficiency. To advance the field of autonomous systems, particularly, self-driving agents, in this thesis, we focus on the task of future prediction in diverse real world settings, ranging from deterministic scenarios such as prediction of paths of balls on a billiard table to the predicting the future of non-deterministic street scenes. Specifically, we identify certain core challenges for long-term future prediction: long-term prediction, uncertainty, multi-modality, and exact inference. To address these challenges, this thesis makes the following core contributions. Firstly, for accurate long-term predictions, we develop approaches that effectively utilize available observed information in the form of image boundaries in videos or interactions in street scenes. Secondly, as uncertainty increases into the future in case of non-deterministic scenarios, we leverage Bayesian inference frameworks to capture calibrated distributions of likely future events. Finally, to further improve performance in highly-multimodal non-deterministic scenarios such as street scenes, we develop deep generative models based on conditional variational autoencoders as well as normalizing flow based exact inference methods. Furthermore, we introduce a novel dataset with dense pedestrian-vehicle interactions to further aid the development of anticipation methods for autonomous driving applications in urban environments.Menschen haben die angeborene Fähigkeit, Vorgänge mit komplexer Objektdynamik vorauszusehen, wie z. B. die Vorhersage der möglichen Flugbahn einer Billardkugel, nachdem sie vom Spieler gestoßen wurde, oder die Vorhersage der Bewegung von Fußgängern auf der Straße. Eine Schlüsseleigenschaft, die es dem Menschen ermöglicht, solche Aufgaben zu erfüllen, ist die Antizipation. Im Bereich der Computer Vision und der Künstlichen Intelligenz wurde kontinuierlich daran geforscht, diese menschliche Fähigkeit nachzuahmen, damit autonome Agenten in der realen Welt erfolgreich sein können. Jüngste Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet des Deep Learning und die Verfügbarkeit großer Datensätze haben die Entwicklung vollständig autonomer Agenten mit komplexen Entscheidungsfähigkeiten wie selbstfahrende Fahrzeugen oder Roboter ermöglicht. Eine der größten Herausforderungen beim Einsatz dieser Agenten in der realen Welt ist ihre Fähigkeit, Antizipationsaufgaben mit einer Effizienz durchzuführen, die mindestens der menschlichen entspricht. Um das Feld der autonomen Systeme, insbesondere der selbstfahrenden Agenten, voranzubringen, konzentrieren wir uns in dieser Arbeit auf die Aufgabe der Zukunftsvorhersage in verschiedenen realen Umgebungen, die von deterministischen Szenarien wie der Vorhersage der Bahnen von Kugeln auf einem Billardtisch bis zur Vorhersage der Zukunft von nicht-deterministischen Straßenszenen reichen. Insbesondere identifizieren wir bestimmte grundlegende Herausforderungen für langfristige Zukunftsvorhersagen: Langzeitvorhersage, Unsicherheit, Multimodalität und exakte Inferenz. Um diese Herausforderungen anzugehen, leistet diese Arbeit die folgenden grundlegenden Beiträge. Erstens: Für genaue Langzeitvorhersagen entwickeln wir Ansätze, die verfügbare Beobachtungsinformationen in Form von Bildgrenzen in Videos oder Interaktionen in Straßenszenen effektiv nutzen. Zweitens: Da die Unsicherheit in der Zukunft bei nicht-deterministischen Szenarien zunimmt, nutzen wir Bayes’sche Inferenzverfahren, um kalibrierte Verteilungen wahrscheinlicher zukünftiger Ereignisse zu erfassen. Drittens: Um die Leistung in hochmultimodalen, nichtdeterministischen Szenarien wie Straßenszenen weiter zu verbessern, entwickeln wir tiefe generative Modelle, die sowohl auf konditionalen Variations-Autoencodern als auch auf normalisierenden fließenden exakten Inferenzmethoden basieren. Darüber hinaus stellen wir einen neuartigen Datensatz mit dichten Fußgänger-Fahrzeug- Interaktionen vor, um Antizipationsmethoden für autonome Fahranwendungen in urbanen Umgebungen weiter zu entwickeln

    Copula-like Variational Inference

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    This paper considers a new family of variational distributions motivated by Sklar's theorem. This family is based on new copula-like densities on the hypercube with non-uniform marginals which can be sampled efficiently, i.e. with a complexity linear in the dimension of state space. Then, the proposed variational densities that we suggest can be seen as arising from these copula-like densities used as base distributions on the hypercube with Gaussian quantile functions and sparse rotation matrices as normalizing flows. The latter correspond to a rotation of the marginals with complexity O(dlogd)\mathcal{O}(d \log d). We provide some empirical evidence that such a variational family can also approximate non-Gaussian posteriors and can be beneficial compared to Gaussian approximations. Our method performs largely comparably to state-of-the-art variational approximations on standard regression and classification benchmarks for Bayesian Neural Networks.Comment: 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), Vancouver, Canad

    Flow-based Autoregressive Structured Prediction of Human Motion

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    A new method is proposed for human motion predition by learning temporal and spatial dependencies in an end-to-end deep neural network. The joint connectivity is explicitly modeled using a novel autoregressive structured prediction representation based on flow-based generative models. We learn a latent space of complex body poses in consecutive frames which is conditioned on the high-dimensional structure input sequence. To construct each latent variable, the general and local smoothness of the joint positions are considered in a generative process using conditional normalizing flows. As a result, all frame-level and joint-level continuities in the sequence are preserved in the model. This enables us to parameterize the inter-frame and intra-frame relationships and joint connectivity for robust long-term predictions as well as short-term prediction. Our experiments on two challenging benchmark datasets of Human3.6M and AMASS demonstrate that our proposed method is able to effectively model the sequence information for motion prediction and outperform other techniques in 42 of the 48 total experiment scenarios to set a new state-of-the-art