7 research outputs found

    Integrated design and control of chemical processes : Part II: an illustrative example

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    [EN] In this paper, the integrated design paradigm is illustrated with several examples taken from the wide range of methodologies developed in last decades and presented in the first article of this series [Part 1]. The techniques included here belong to the category of simultaneous design and control in an optimization framework, and they have been developed by the authors’ research group and applied to the simultaneous process and control system design of the activated sludge process in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). In the present article, new aspects and results of those methodologies are presented for further understanding. The scope of the problem considers both a fixed plant layout and the plant structure selection by defining a simple superstructure. The control strategy chosen is a linear Model Predictive Controller (MPC) with terminal penalty in order to guarantee stability. As for the evaluation of the controllability, norm based indexes have been considered, and a multi-model approach to represent the uncertainty and assure robustness. The formulation of the optimization problem can be stated either as a multiobjective one considering costs and controllability, or as monoobjective adding some controllability constraints. Several strategies for solving the optimization problem are presented, mixing stochastic and deterministic methods, and genetic algorithms.[ES] En este artículo, el paradigma de diseño integrado se ilustra con varios ejemplos tomados de la amplia gama de metodologías desarrolladas en las últimas décadas y presentadas en el primer artículo de esta serie. Las técnicas utilizadas pertenecen a la categoría de diseño y control simultáneo en un marco de optimización siendo desarrolladas por el grupo de investigación de los autores y aplicadas al diseño simultáneo de procesos y sistemas de control del proceso de lodos activados en una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales. El alcance del problema considera tanto una disposición fija de la planta como la selección de la estructura de la planta definiendo una superestructura simple. La estrategia de control elegida es un controlador predictivo modelo lineal (MPC). En cuanto a la evaluación de la controlabilidad, se han considerado índices basados en normas, y un enfoque multi-modelo para representar la incertidumbre y asegurar robustez. La formulación del problema de optimización se puede plantear bien como un objetivo multiobjetivo que considera costos y controlabilidad, o como monoobjetivo que añade algunas restricciones de controlabilidad. Se presentan varias estrategias para resolver el problema de optimización, mezclando métodos estocásticos y determinísticos, y algoritmos genéticos

    Normal vectors on manifolds of critical points for parametric robustness of equilibrium solutions of ODE systems

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    Published in: J. Nonlinear Sci. v. 12(2002), p. 85-112SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RR 8872(2000,32) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Integrated design and control of chemical processes : part I : revision and clasification

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    [EN] This work presents a comprehensive classification of the different methods and procedures for integrated synthesis, design and control of chemical processes, based on a wide revision of recent literature. This classification fundamentally differentiates between “projecting methods”, where controllability is monitored during the process design to predict the trade-offs between design and control, and the “integrated-optimization methods” which solve the process design and the control-systems design at once within an optimization framework. The latter are revised categorizing them according to the methods to evaluate controllability and other related properties, the scope of the design problem, the treatment of uncertainties and perturbations, and finally, the type the optimization problem formulation and the methods for its resolution.[ES] Este trabajo presenta una clasificación integral de los diferentes métodos y procedimientos para la síntesis integrada, diseño y control de procesos químicos. Esta clasificación distingue fundamentalmente entre los "métodos de proyección", donde se controla la controlabilidad durante el diseño del proceso para predecir los compromisos entre diseño y control, y los "métodos de optimización integrada" que resuelven el diseño del proceso y el diseño de los sistemas de control a la vez dentro de un marco de optimización. Estos últimos se revisan clasificándolos según los métodos para evaluar la controlabilidad y otras propiedades relacionadas, el alcance del problema de diseño, el tratamiento de las incertidumbres y las perturbaciones y, finalmente, el tipo de la formulación del problema de optimización y los métodos para su resolución

    Assessing plant design with regards to MPC performance using a novel multi-model prediction method

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    Model Predictive Control (MPC) is nowadays ubiquitous in the chemical industry and offers significant advantages over standard feedback controllers. Notwithstanding, projects of new plants are still being carried out without assessing how key design decisions, e.g., selection of production route, plant layout and equipment, will affect future MPC performance. The problem addressed in this Thesis is comparing the economic benefits available for different flowsheets through the use of MPC, and thus determining if certain design choices favour or hinder expected profitability. The Economic MPC Optimisation (EMOP) index is presented to measure how disturbances and restrictions affect the MPC’s ability to deliver better control and optimisation. To the author’s knowledge, the EMOP index is the first integrated design and control methodology to address the problem of zone constrained MPC with economic optimisation capabilities (today's standard in the chemical industry). This approach assumes the availability of a set of linear state-space models valid within the desired control zone, which is defined by the upper and lower bounds of each controlled and manipulated variable. Process economics provides the basis for the analysis. The index needs to be minimised in order to find the most profitable steady state within the zone constraints towards which the MPC is expected to direct the process. An analysis of the effects of disturbances on the index illustrates how they may reduce profitability by restricting the ability of an MPC to reach dynamic equilibrium near process constraints, which in turn increases product quality giveaway and costs. Hence the index monetises the required control effort. Since linear models were used to predict the dynamic behaviour of chemical processes, which often exhibit significant nonlinearity, this Thesis also includes a new multi-model prediction method. This new method, called Simultaneous Multi-Linear Prediction (SMLP), presents a more accurate output prediction than the use of single linear models, keeping at the same time much of their numerical advantages and their relative ease of obtainment. Comparing the SMLP to existing multi-model approaches, the main novelty is that it is built by defining and updating multiple states simultaneously, thus eliminating the need for partitioning the state-input space into regions and associating with each region a different state update equation. Each state’s contribution to the overall output is obtained according to the relative distance between their identification point, i.e., the set of operating conditions at which an approximation of the nonlinear model is obtained, and the current operating point, in addition to a set of parameters obtained through regression analysis. Additionally, the SMLP is built upon data obtained from step response models that can be obtained by commercial, black-box dynamic simulators. These state-of-the-art simulators are the industry’s standard for designing large-scale plants, the focus of this Thesis. Building an SMLP system yields an approximation of the nonlinear model, whose full set of equations is not of the user’s knowledge. The resulting system can be used for predictive control schemes or integrated process design and control. Applying the SMLP to optimisation problems with linear restrictions results in convex problems that are easy to solve. The issue of model uncertainty was also addressed for the EMOP index and SMLP systems. Due to the impact of uncertainty, the index may be defined as a numeric interval instead of a single number, within which the true value lies. A case of study consisting of four alternative designs for a realistically sized crude oil atmospheric distillation plant is provided in order to demonstrate the joint use and applicability of both the EMOP index and the SMLP. In addition, a comparison between the EMOP index and a competing methodology is presented that is based on a case study consisting of the activated sludge process of a wastewater treatment plant