5 research outputs found

    Rapid Recovery of Program Execution Under Power Failures for Embedded Systems with NVM

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    After power is switched on, recovering the interrupted program from the initial state can cause negative impact. Some programs are even unrecoverable. To rapid recovery of program execution under power failures, the execution states of checkpoints are backed up by NVM under power failures for embedded systems with NVM. However, frequent checkpoints will shorten the lifetime of the NVM and incur significant write overhead. In this paper, the technique of checkpoint setting triggered by function calls is proposed to reduce the write on NVM. The evaluation results show an average of 99.8% and 80.5$% reduction on NVM backup size for stack backup, compared to the log-based method and step-based method. In order to better achieve this, we also propose pseudo-function calls to increase backup points to reduce recovery costs, and exponential incremental call-based backup methods to reduce backup costs in the loop. To further avoid the content on NVM is cluttered and out of NVM, a method to clean the contents on the NVM that are useless for restoration is proposed. Based on aforementioned problems and techniques, the recovery technology is proposed, and the case is used to analyze how to recover rapidly under different power failures.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication to Microprocessors and Microsystems in March 15, 202

    Hibernus++: a self-calibrating and adaptive system for transiently-powered embedded devices

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    Energy harvesters are being used to power autonomous systems, but their output power is variable and intermittent. To sustain computation, these systems integrate batteries or supercapacitors to smooth out rapid changes in harvester output. Energy storage devices require time for charging and increase the size, mass and cost of systems. The field of transient computing moves away from this approach, by powering the system directly from the harvester output. To prevent an application from having to restart computation after a power outage, approaches such as Hibernus allow these systems to hibernate when supply failure is imminent. When the supply reaches the operating threshold, the last saved state is restored and the operation is continued from the point it was interrupted. This work proposes Hibernus++ to intelligently adapt the hibernate and restore thresholds in response to source dynamics and system load properties. Specifically, capabilities are built into the system to autonomously characterize the hardware platform and its performance during hibernation in order to set the hibernation threshold at a point which minimizes wasted energy and maximizes computation time. Similarly, the system auto-calibrates the restore threshold depending on the balance of energy supply and consumption in order to maximize computation time. Hibernus++ is validated both theoretically and experimentally on microcontroller hardware using both synthesized and real energy harvesters. Results show that Hibernus++ provides an average 16% reduction in energy consumption and an improvement of 17% in application execution time over stateof- the-art approaches

    A PUF based Lightweight Hardware Security Architecture for IoT

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    With an increasing number of hand-held electronics, gadgets, and other smart devices, data is present in a large number of platforms, thereby increasing the risk of security, privacy, and safety breach than ever before. Due to the extreme lightweight nature of these devices, commonly referred to as IoT or `Internet of Things\u27, providing any kind of security is prohibitive due to high overhead associated with any traditional and mathematically robust cryptographic techniques. Therefore, researchers have searched for alternative intuitive solutions for such devices. Hardware security, unlike traditional cryptography, can provide unique device-specific security solutions with little overhead, address vulnerability in hardware and, therefore, are attractive in this domain. As Moore\u27s law is almost at its end, different emerging devices are being explored more by researchers as they present opportunities to build better application-specific devices along with their challenges compared to CMOS technology. In this work, we have proposed emerging nanotechnology-based hardware security as a security solution for resource constrained IoT domain. Specifically, we have built two hardware security primitives i.e. physical unclonable function (PUF) and true random number generator (TRNG) and used these components as part of a security protocol proposed in this work as well. Both PUF and TRNG are built from metal-oxide memristors, an emerging nanoscale device and are generally lightweight compared to their CMOS counterparts in terms of area, power, and delay. Design challenges associated with designing these hardware security primitives and with memristive devices are properly addressed. Finally, a complete security protocol is proposed where all of these different pieces come together to provide a practical, robust, and device-specific security for resource-limited IoT systems