4,422 research outputs found

    Scalable Bayesian nonparametric measures for exploring pairwise dependence via Dirichlet Process Mixtures

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    In this article we propose novel Bayesian nonparametric methods using Dirichlet Process Mixture (DPM) models for detecting pairwise dependence between random variables while accounting for uncertainty in the form of the underlying distributions. A key criteria is that the procedures should scale to large data sets. In this regard we find that the formal calculation of the Bayes factor for a dependent-vs.-independent DPM joint probability measure is not feasible computationally. To address this we present Bayesian diagnostic measures for characterising evidence against a "null model" of pairwise independence. In simulation studies, as well as for a real data analysis, we show that our approach provides a useful tool for the exploratory nonparametric Bayesian analysis of large multivariate data sets

    Implementing a Class of Permutation Tests: The coin Package

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    The R package coin implements a unified approach to permutation tests providing a huge class of independence tests for nominal, ordered, numeric, and censored data as well as multivariate data at mixed scales. Based on a rich and flexible conceptual framework that embeds different permutation test procedures into a common theory, a computational framework is established in coin that likewise embeds the corresponding R functionality in a common S4 class structure with associated generic functions. As a consequence, the computational tools in coin inherit the flexibility of the underlying theory and conditional inference functions for important special cases can be set up easily. Conditional versions of classical tests---such as tests for location and scale problems in two or more samples, independence in two- or three-way contingency tables, or association problems for censored, ordered categorical or multivariate data---can easily be implemented as special cases using this computational toolbox by choosing appropriate transformations of the observations. The paper gives a detailed exposition of both the internal structure of the package and the provided user interfaces along with examples on how to extend the implemented functionality.

    Comparison of methods in the analysis of dependent ordered catagorical data

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    Rating scales for outcome variables produce categorical data which are often ordered and measurements from rating scales are not standardized. The purpose of this study is to apply commonly used and novel methods for paired ordered categorical data to two data sets with different properties and to compare the results and the conditions for use of these models. The two applications consist of a data set of inter-rater reliability and a data set from a follow-up evaluation of patients. Standard measures of agreement and measures of association are used. Various loglinear models for paired categorical data using properties of quasi-independence and quasi-symmetry as well as logit models with a marginal modelling approach are used. A nonparametric method for ranking and analyzing paired ordered categorical data is also used. We show that a deeper insight when it comes to disagreement and change patterns may be reached using the nonparametric method and illustrate some problems with standard measures as well as parametric loglinear and logit models. In addition, the merits of the nonparametric method are illustrated.Agreement:ordinal data; ranking; reliability.rating scales

    Learning Bayesian Networks with the bnlearn R Package

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    bnlearn is an R package which includes several algorithms for learning the structure of Bayesian networks with either discrete or continuous variables. Both constraint-based and score-based algorithms are implemented, and can use the functionality provided by the snow package to improve their performance via parallel computing. Several network scores and conditional independence algorithms are available for both the learning algorithms and independent use. Advanced plotting options are provided by the Rgraphviz package.Comment: 22 pages, 4 picture

    Exact Hypothesis Tests for Log-linear Models with exactLoglinTest

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    This manuscript overviews exact testing of goodness of fit for log-linear models using the R package exactLoglinTest. This package evaluates model fit for Poisson log-linear models by conditioning on minimal sufficient statistics to remove nuisance parameters. A Monte Carlo algorithm is proposed to estimate P values from the resulting conditional distribution. In particular, this package implements a sequentially rounded normal approximation and importance sampling to approximate probabilities from the conditional distribution. Usually, this results in a high percentage of valid samples. However, in instances where this is not the case, a Metropolis Hastings algorithm can be implemented that makes more localized jumps within the reference set. The manuscript details how some conditional tests for binomial logit models can also be viewed as conditional Poisson log-linear models and hence can be performed via exactLoglinTest. A diverse battery of examples is considered to highlight use, features and extensions of the software. Notably, potential extensions to evaluating disclosure risk are also considered.

    Scalable Bayesian nonparametric measures for exploring pairwise dependence via Dirichlet Process Mixtures

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    In this article we propose novel Bayesian nonparametric methods using Dirichlet Process Mixture (DPM) models for detecting pairwise dependence between random variables while accounting for uncertainty in the form of the underlying distributions. A key criteria is that the procedures should scale to large data sets. In this regard we find that the formal calculation of the Bayes factor for a dependent-vs.-independent DPM joint probability measure is not feasible computationally. To address this we present Bayesian diagnostic measures for characterising evidence against a “null model” of pairwise independence. In simulation studies, as well as for a real data analysis, we show that our approach provides a useful tool for the exploratory nonparametric Bayesian analysis of large multivariate data sets
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