121 research outputs found

    The design of conservative finite element discretisations for the vectorial modified KdV equation

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    We design a consistent Galerkin scheme for the approximation of the vectorial modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. We demonstrate that the scheme conserves energy up to machine precision. In this sense the method is consistent with the energy balance of the continuous system. This energy balance ensures there is no numerical dissipation allowing for extremely accurate long time simulations free from numerical artifacts. Various numerical experiments are shown demonstrating the asymptotic convergence of the method with respect to the discretisation parameters. Some simulations are also presented that correctly capture the unusual interactions between solitons in the vectorial setting

    Generalization of nonlocally related partial differential equation systems: unknown symmetric properties and analytical solutions

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    Symmetry, which describes invariance, is an eternal concern in mathematics and physics, especially in the investigation of solutions to the partial differential equation (PDE). A PDE's nonlocally related PDE systems provide excellent approaches to search for various symmetries that expand the range of its known solutions. They composed of potential systems based on conservation laws and inverse potential systems (IPS) based on differential invariants. Our study is devoted to generalizing their construction and application in three-dimensional circumstances. Concretely, the potential of the algebraic gauge-constrained potential system is simplified without weakening its solution space. The potential system is extended via nonlocal conservation laws and double reductions. Afterwards, nonlocal symmetries are identified in the IPS.\@ The IPS is extended by the solvable Lie algebra and type \Rmnum{2} hidden symmetries. Besides, systems among equations can be connected via Cole-Hopf transformation.\@ Ultimately, established and extended systems embody rich symmetric properties and unprecedented analytical solutions, and may even further facilitate general coordinate-independent analysis in qualitative, numerical, perturbation, etc., this can be illustrated by several Burgers-type equations
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