303 research outputs found

    Joint signal detection and channel estimation in rank-deficient MIMO systems

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    L'Ă©volution de la prospĂšre famille des standards 802.11 a encouragĂ© le dĂ©veloppement des technologies appliquĂ©es aux rĂ©seaux locaux sans fil (WLANs). Pour faire face Ă  la toujours croissante nĂ©cessitĂ© de rendre possible les communications Ă  trĂšs haut dĂ©bit, les systĂšmes Ă  antennes multiples (MIMO) sont une solution viable. Ils ont l'avantage d'accroĂźtre le dĂ©bit de transmission sans avoir recours Ă  plus de puissance ou de largeur de bande. Cependant, l'industrie hĂ©site encore Ă  augmenter le nombre d'antennes des portables et des accĂ©soires sans fil. De plus, Ă  l'intĂ©rieur des bĂątiments, la dĂ©ficience de rang de la matrice de canal peut se produire dĂ» Ă  la nature de la dispersion des parcours de propagation, ce phĂ©nomĂšne est aussi occasionnĂ© Ă  l'extĂ©rieur par de longues distances de transmission. Ce projet est motivĂ© par les raisons dĂ©crites antĂ©rieurement, il se veut un Ă©tude sur la viabilitĂ© des transcepteurs sans fil Ă  large bande capables de rĂ©gulariser la dĂ©ficience de rang du canal sans fil. On vise le dĂ©veloppement des techniques capables de sĂ©parer M signaux co-canal, mĂȘme avec une seule antenne et Ă  faire une estimation prĂ©cise du canal. Les solutions dĂ©crites dans ce document cherchent Ă  surmonter les difficultĂ©s posĂ©es par le medium aux transcepteurs sans fil Ă  large bande. Le rĂ©sultat de cette Ă©tude est un algorithme transcepteur appropriĂ© aux systĂšmes MIMO Ă  rang dĂ©ficient

    Iterative receivers and multichannel equalisation for time division multiple access systems

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    The thesis introduces receiver algorithms improving the performance of TDMA mobile radio systems. Particularly, we consider receivers utilising side information, which can be obtained from the error control coding or by having a priori knowledge of interference sources. Iterative methods can be applied in the former case and interference suppression techniques in the latter. Convolutional coding adds redundant information into the signal and thereby protects messages transmitted over a radio channel. In the coded systems the receiver is usually comprised of separate channel estimation, detection and channel decoding tasks due to complexity restrictions. This suboptimal solution suffers from performance degradation compared to the optimal solution achieved by optimising the joint probability of information bits, transmitted symbols and channel impulse response. Conventional receiver utilises estimated channel state information in the detection and detected symbols in the channel decoding to finally obtain information bits. However, the channel decoder provides also extrinsic information on the bit probabilities, which is independent of the received information at the equaliser input. Therefore it is beneficial to re-perform channel estimation and detection using this new extrinsic information together with the original input signal. We apply iterative receiver techniques mainly to Enhanced General Packet Radio System (EGPRS) using GMSK modulation for iterative channel estimation and 8-PSK modulation for iterative detection scheme. Typical gain for iterative detection is around 2 dB and for iterative channel estimation around 1 dB. Furthermore, we suggest two iteration rounds as a reasonable complexity/performance trade-off. To obtain further complexity reduction we introduce the soft trellis decoding technique that reduces the decoder complexity significantly in the iterative schemes. Cochannel interference (CCI) originates from the nearby cells that are reusing the same transmission frequency. In this thesis we consider CCI suppression by joint detection (JD) technique, which detects simultaneously desired and interfering signals. Because of the complexity limitations we only consider JD for two binary modulated signals. Therefore it is important to find the dominant interfering signal (DI) to achieve the best performance. In the presence of one strong DI, the JD provides major improvement in the receiver performance. The JD requires joint channel estimation (JCE) for the two signals. However, the JCE makes the implementation of the JD more difficult, since it requires synchronised network and unique training sequences with low cross-correlation for the two signals.reviewe

    Adaptive Beamforming and Adaptive Modulation-Assisted Network Performance of Multiuser Detection-Aided FDD and TDD CDMA Systems

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    The network performance of a frequency division duplex and time division duplex (TDD) code division multiple access (CDMA)-based system is investigated using system parameters similar to those of the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System. The new call blocking and call dropping probabilities, the probability of low-quality access, and the required average transmit power are quantified both with and without adaptive antenna arrays (AAAs), as well as when subjected to shadow fading. In some of the scenarios investigated, the system’s user capacity is doubled with the advent of adaptive antennas. The employment of adaptive modulation techniques in conjunction with AAAs resulted in further significant network capacity gains. This is particularly so in the context of TDD CDMA, where the system’s capacity becomes poor without adaptive antennas and adaptive modulation owing to the high base station (BS) to BS interference inflicted as a consequence of potentially using all time slots in both the uplink and downlink of the emerging wireless Internet. Index Terms—Adaptive beamforming, adaptive modulation, code division multiple access (CDMA) systems, Universal Mobile Telecommunication System Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA), wireless network performance

    Performance evaluation of spread spectrum system with cochannel interference through a nonlinear channel

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    This thesis deals with the problem of more than one subscriber transmitting data signals through a common satellite repeater using code division multiplexing to separate the signals. We are concerned with the problem of amplifying two DS spread spectrum signals, both QPSK or BPSK modulated, in a common device in which limiting occurs. One signal is considered the signal we desire to receive, and the other, having the same nominal carrier frequency with a small random offset, is considered to be a cochannel interferer. The case of a cochannel interferer on the uplink and downlink in QPSK signalling and BPSK signalling systems is analyzed in detail. This is an important practical problem in code division multiple access satellite communication systems, which usually contain limiting in the satellite amplifier, often in the form of a saturated traveling wave tube amplifier. The satellite repeater is modeled using a bandpass hard limiter. The inverse Fourier transform method, which is applicable to the analysis of PN spread spectrum systems is applied to calculate the output of the bandpass hard limiter. The limiter output plus AWGN is taken to be the input of a correlation receiver for which we calculate the probability of error as function of the signal to noise and, signal to interference ratios. From these results we can determine the effect on error performance due to the inclusion of a bandpass limiter in the transmission path. The assumptions made in deriving the theoretical performance of the system have been checked by simulating the entire system using the BOSS software package. The results of the simulation show good agreement with the theoretical calculations within 1 to 2 dB in SNR. In addition by means of simulation we were able to explore some features of the system that could not be addressed analytically, such as the effect of unbalanced codes on system performance

    Joint Detection and Decoding of High-Order Modulation Schemes for CDMA and OFDM Wireless Communications

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    Wireless communications call for high data rate, power and bandwidth efficient transmissions. High-order modulation schemes are suitable candidates for this purpose as the potential to reduce the symbol period is often limited by the multipath-induced intersymbol interference. In order to reduce the power consumption, and at the same time, to estimate time-variant wireless channels, we propose low-complexity, joint detection and decoding schemes for high-order modulation signals in this dissertation. We start with the iterative demodulation and decoding of high-order CPM signals for mobile communications. A low complexity, pilot symbol-assisted coherent modulation scheme is proposed that can significantly improve the bit error rate performance by efficiently exploiting the inherent memory structure of the CPM modulation. A noncoherent scheme based on multiple symbol differential detection is also proposed and the performances of the two schemes are simulated and compared. Second, two iterative demodulation and decoding schemes are proposed for quadrature amplitude modulated signals in flat fading channels. Both of them make use of the iterative channel estimation based on the data signal reconstructed from decoder output. The difference is that one of them has a threshold controller that only allows the data reconstructed with high reliability values to be used for iterative channel estimation, while the other one directly uses all reconstructed data. As the second scheme has much lower complexity with a performance similar to the best of the first one, we further apply it to the space-time coded CDMA Rake receiver in frequency-selective multipath channels. We will compare it to the pilot-aided demodulation scheme that uses a dedicated pilot signal for channel estimation. In the third part of the dissertation, we design anti-jamming multicarrier communication systems. Two types of jamming signals are considered - the partial-band tone jamming and the partial-time pulse jamming. We propose various iterative schemes to detect, estimate, and cancel the jamming signal in both AWGN and fading channels. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed systems can provide reliable communications over a wide range of jamming-to-signal power ratios. Last, we study the problem of maximizing the throughput of a cellular multicarrier communication network with transmit or receive diversity. The total throughput of the network is maximized subject to power constraints on each mobile. We first extend the distributed water-pouring power control algorithm from single transmit and receive antenna to multiple transmit and receive antennas. Both equal power diversity and selective diversity are considered. We also propose a centralized power control algorithm based on the active set strategy and the gradient projection method. The performances of the two algorithms are assessed with simulation and compared with the equal power allocation algorithm

    Interference modelling and management for cognitive radio networks

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    Radio spectrum is becoming increasingly scarce as more and more devices go wireless. Meanwhile, studies indicate that the assigned spectrum is not fully utilised. Cognitive radio (CR) technology is envisioned to be a promising solution to address the imbalance between spectrum scarcity and spectrum underutilisation. It improves the spectrum utilisation by reusing the unused or underutilised spectrum owned by incumbent systems (primary systems). With the introduction of CR networks, two types of interference originating from CR networks are introduced. They are the interference from CR to primary networks (CR-primary interference) and the interference among spectrum-sharing CR nodes (CR-CR interference). The interference should be well controlled and managed in order not to jeopardise the operation of the primary network and to improve the performance of CR systems. This thesis investigates the interference in CR networks by modelling and mitigating the CR-primary interference and analysing the CR-CR interference channels. Firstly, the CR-primary interference is modelled for multiple CR nodes sharing the spectrum with the primary system. The probability density functions of CR-primary interference are derived for CR networks adopting different interference management schemes. The relationship between CR operating parameters and the resulting CRprimary interference is investigated. It sheds light on the deployment of CR networks to better protect the primary system. Secondly, various interference mitigation techniques that are applicable to CR networks are reviewed. Two novel precoding schemes for CR multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) systems are proposed to mitigate the CR-primary interference and maximise the CR throughput. To further reduce the CR-primary interference, we also approach interference mitigation from a cross-layer perspective by jointly considering channel allocation in the media access control layer and precoding in the physical layer of CR MIMO systems. Finally, we analyse the underlying interference channels among spectrum-sharing CR users when they interfere with each other. The Pareto rate region for multi-user MIMO interference systems is characterised. Various rate region convexification schemes are examined to convexify the rate region. Then, game theory is applied to the interference system to coordinate the operation of each CR user. Nash bargaining over MIMO interference systems is characterised as well. The research presented in this thesis reveals the impact of CR operation on the resulting CR-primary network, how to mitigate the CR-primary interference and how to coordinate the spectrum-sharing CR users. It forms the fundamental basis for interference management in CR systems and consequently gives insights into the design and deployment of CR networks
