12,948 research outputs found

    Generalised additive multiscale wavelet models constructed using particle swarm optimisation and mutual information for spatio-temporal evolutionary system representation

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    A new class of generalised additive multiscale wavelet models (GAMWMs) is introduced for high dimensional spatio-temporal evolutionary (STE) system identification. A novel two-stage hybrid learning scheme is developed for constructing such an additive wavelet model. In the first stage, a new orthogonal projection pursuit (OPP) method, implemented using a particle swarm optimisation(PSO) algorithm, is proposed for successively augmenting an initial coarse wavelet model, where relevant parameters of the associated wavelets are optimised using a particle swarm optimiser. The resultant network model, obtained in the first stage, may however be a redundant model. In the second stage, a forward orthogonal regression (FOR) algorithm, implemented using a mutual information method, is then applied to refine and improve the initially constructed wavelet model. The proposed two-stage hybrid method can generally produce a parsimonious wavelet model, where a ranked list of wavelet functions, according to the capability of each wavelet to represent the total variance in the desired system output signal is produced. The proposed new modelling framework is applied to real observed images, relative to a chemical reaction exhibiting a spatio-temporal evolutionary behaviour, and the associated identification results show that the new modelling framework is applicable and effective for handling high dimensional identification problems of spatio-temporal evolution sytems

    A new class of multiscale lattice cell (MLC) models for spatio-temporal evolutionary image representation

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    Spatio-temporal evolutionary (STE) images are a class of complex dynamical systems that evolve over both space and time. With increased interest in the investigation of nonlinear complex phenomena, especially spatio-temporal behaviour governed by evolutionary laws that are dependent on both spatial and temporal dimensions, there has been an increased need to investigate model identification methods for this class of complex systems. Compared with pure temporal processes, the identification of spatio-temporal models from observed images is much more difficult and quite challenging. Starting with an assumption that there is no apriori information about the true model but only observed data are available, this study introduces a new class of multiscale lattice cell (MLC) models to represent the rules of the associated spatio-temporal evolutionary system. An application to a chemical reaction exhibiting a spatio-temporal evolutionary behaviour, is investigated to demonstrate the new modelling framework

    Identification of time-varying systems using multiresolution wavelet models

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    Identification of linear and nonlinear time-varying systems is investigated and a new wavelet model identification algorithm is introduced. By expanding each time-varying coefficient using a multiresolution wavelet expansion, the time-varying problem is reduced to a time invariant problem and the identification reduces to regressor selection and parameter estimation. Several examples are included to illustrate the application of the new algorithm

    Time-varying parametric modelling and time-dependent spectral characterisation with applications to EEG signals using multi-wavelets

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    A new time-varying autoregressive (TVAR) modelling approach is proposed for nonstationary signal processing and analysis, with application to EEG data modelling and power spectral estimation. In the new parametric modelling framework, the time-dependent coefficients of the TVAR model are represented using a novel multi-wavelet decomposition scheme. The time-varying modelling problem is then reduced to regression selection and parameter estimation, which can be effectively resolved by using a forward orthogonal regression algorithm. Two examples, one for an artificial signal and another for an EEG signal, are given to show the effectiveness and applicability of the new TVAR modelling method

    Lattice dynamical wavelet neural networks implemented using particle swarm optimization for spatio-temporal system identification

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    In this brief, by combining an efficient wavelet representation with a coupled map lattice model, a new family of adaptive wavelet neural networks, called lattice dynamical wavelet neural networks (LDWNNs), is introduced for spatio-temporal system identification. A new orthogonal projection pursuit (OPP) method, coupled with a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, is proposed for augmenting the proposed network. A novel two-stage hybrid training scheme is developed for constructing a parsimonious network model. In the first stage, by applying the OPP algorithm, significant wavelet neurons are adaptively and successively recruited into the network, where adjustable parameters of the associated wavelet neurons are optimized using a particle swarm optimizer. The resultant network model, obtained in the first stage, however, may be redundant. In the second stage, an orthogonal least squares algorithm is then applied to refine and improve the initially trained network by removing redundant wavelet neurons from the network. An example for a real spatio-temporal system identification problem is presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed new modeling framework

    Lattice dynamical wavelet neural networks implemented using particle swarm optimisation for spatio-temporal system identification

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    Starting from the basic concept of coupled map lattices, a new family of adaptive wavelet neural networks, called lattice dynamical wavelet neural networks (LDWNN), is introduced for spatiotemporal system identification, by combining an efficient wavelet representation with a coupled map lattice model. A new orthogonal projection pursuit (OPP) method, coupled with a particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm, is proposed for augmenting the proposed network. A novel two-stage hybrid training scheme is developed for constructing a parsimonious network model. In the first stage, by applying the orthogonal projection pursuit algorithm, significant wavelet-neurons are adaptively and successively recruited into the network, where adjustable parameters of the associated waveletneurons are optimised using a particle swarm optimiser. The resultant network model, obtained in the first stage, may however be redundant. In the second stage, an orthogonal least squares (OLS) algorithm is then applied to refine and improve the initially trained network by removing redundant wavelet-neurons from the network. The proposed two-stage hybrid training procedure can generally produce a parsimonious network model, where a ranked list of wavelet-neurons, according to the capability of each neuron to represent the total variance in the system output signal is produced. Two spatio-temporal system identification examples are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed new modelling framework

    Generalised cellular neural networks (GCNNs) constructed using particle swarm optimisation for spatio-temporal evolutionary pattern identification

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is introduced to implement a new constructive learning algorithm for training generalized cellular neural networks (GCNNs) for the identification of spatio-temporal evolutionary (STE) systems. The basic idea of the new PSO-based learning algorithm is to successively approximate the desired signal by progressively pursuing relevant orthogonal projections. This new algorithm will thus be referred to as the orthogonal projection pursuit (OPP) algorithm, which is in mechanism similar to the conventional projection pursuit approach. A novel two-stage hybrid training scheme is proposed for constructing a parsimonious GCNN model. In the first stage, the orthogonal projection pursuit algorithm is applied to adaptively and successively augment the network, where adjustable parameters of the associated units are optimized using a particle swarm optimizer. The resultant network model produced at the first stage may be redundant. In the second stage, a forward orthogonal regression (FOR) algorithm, aided by mutual information estimation, is applied to re. ne and improve the initially trained network. The effectiveness and performance of the proposed method is validated by applying the new modeling framework to a spatio-temporal evolutionary system identification problem

    Multiscale identification of spatio-temporal dynamical systems using a wavelet multiresolution analysis

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    In this paper, a new algorithm for the multiscale identification of spatio-temporal dynamical systems is derived. It is shown that the input and output observations can be represented in a multiscale manner based on a wavelet multiresolution analysis. The system dynamics at some specific scale of interest can then be identified using an orthogonal forward leastsquares algorithm. This model can then be converted between different scales to produce predictions of the system outputs at different scales. The method can be applied to both multiscale and conventional spatio-temporal dynamical systems. For multiscale systems, the method can generate a parsimonious and effective model at a coarser scale while considering the effects from finer scales. Additionally, the proposed method can be used to improve the performance of the identification when measurements are noisy. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the application of the proposed new approach
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