701 research outputs found

    Improvements on stochastic vector quantization of images

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    A novel nonadaptive fixed-rate vector quantizer encoding scheme is presented, and preliminary results are shown. The design of the codebook has been based on a stochastic approach in order to match a previously defined model for the image to be encoded. Following this approach, the generation of the codebook is made extremely simple in terms of computational load. Good visual results are shown in the range of 0.5-0.8 bit/pixel. Much better performance is expected for adaptive schemes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A generic postprocessing technique for image compression

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    Post-processing of transform coded images using selective filtering and fuzzy-based enhancement

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    Transform coding often leads to artifacts called blocking when the image or video is compressed to low bit-rate. In this paper, a new post-processing scheme using selective low-pass filtering and fuzzy-based enhancement is proposed. The merit of the scheme is that it can remove most of the blocking artifacts found in image or video coding while preserving most of the fine details. Simulation results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the visual quality of the decoded image.published_or_final_versio

    Improved image decompression for reduced transform coding artifacts

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    The perceived quality of images reconstructed from low bit rate compression is severely degraded by the appearance of transform coding artifacts. This paper proposes a method for producing higher quality reconstructed images based on a stochastic model for the image data. Quantization (scalar or vector) partitions the transform coefficient space and maps all points in a partition cell to a representative reconstruction point, usually taken as the centroid of the cell. The proposed image estimation technique selects the reconstruction point within the quantization partition cell which results in a reconstructed image which best fits a non-Gaussian Markov random field (MRF) image model. This approach results in a convex constrained optimization problem which can be solved iteratively. At each iteration, the gradient projection method is used to update the estimate based on the image model. In the transform domain, the resulting coefficient reconstruction points are projected to the particular quantization partition cells defined by the compressed image. Experimental results will be shown for images compressed using scalar quantization of block DCT and using vector quantization of subband wavelet transform. The proposed image decompression provides a reconstructed image with reduced visibility of transform coding artifacts and superior perceived quality

    Transform Domain-Based Perceptual Detection and Reduction of Blocking Artifacts

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    In this paper, provide a simple and effective method for measuring blocking artefacts with an ideal 2-D step function in this study. First, a basic edge detection technique for measuring blocking artefacts is proposed. The ideal 2-D step function is chosen based on the presence of blocking artefacts in the edge image. The blocking artefact reduction algorithm in frequency domain is designed to extract all of the parameters required to detect the presence of blocking artefacts and replace the optimal step function with a ramp function by replacing the coefficient of the first row of horizontal blocks with the coefficient of the shifted block. The proposed strategy was tested on various standard benchmark photos and found to increase the perceptual quality of JPEG compressed images after blocking artefact removal with the proposed method

    Reduction of coding artifacts in transform image coding by using local statistics of transform coefficients

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    Reduction of blocking effects for the JPEG baseline image compression standard

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    Transform coding has been chosen for still image compression in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) standard. Although transform coding performs superior to many other image compression methods and has fast algorithms for implementation, it is limited by a blocking effect at low bit rates. The blocking effect is inherent in all nonoverlapping transforms. This paper presents a technique for reducing blocking while remaining compatible with the JPEG standard. Simulations show that the system results in subjective performance improvements, sacrificing only a marginal increase in bit rate

    Denoising Intra-Coded Moving Pictures using Motion Estimation and Pixel Shift

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    Алгоритм нелокальних значень при обробці зображень та напрямки його покращення

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    Проведений аналіз алгоритмів зменшення спотворень у відтворених нерухомих та рухомих зображеннях та наведена класифікація їх спотворень. Запропоновано нову пришвидшену ієрархічно-пошукову схему для алгоритму нелокальних засобів, яка має більшу швидкодію.Проведен анализ алгоритмов уменьшения искажений в воспроизведенных неподвижных и подвижных изображениях и приведена классификация их искажений. Предложена новая ускоренная иерархично-поисковая схема для алгоритма нелокальных средств, которая имеет большее быстродействие.Analyzing of algorithms for reducing image and video artifacts has been done and artifacts classification was shown. New hierarchical-based scheme for Non Local Means algorithm has been proposed