100,874 research outputs found

    Interpolation of nonlinear maps

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    Let (X0,X1)(X_0, X_1) and (Y0,Y1)(Y_0, Y_1) be complex Banach couples and assume that X1⊆X0X_1\subseteq X_0 with norms satisfying ∥x∥X0≤c∥x∥X1\|x\|_{X_0} \le c\|x\|_{X_1} for some c>0c > 0. For any 0<θ<10<\theta <1, denote by Xθ=[X0,X1]θX_\theta = [X_0, X_1]_\theta and Yθ=[Y0,Y1]θY_\theta = [Y_0, Y_1]_\theta the complex interpolation spaces and by B(r,Xθ)B(r, X_\theta), 0≤θ≤1,0 \le \theta \le 1, the open ball of radius r>0r>0 in XθX_\theta, centered at zero. Then for any analytic map Φ:B(r,X0)→Y0+Y1\Phi: B(r, X_0) \to Y_0+ Y_1 such that Φ:B(r,X0)→Y0\Phi: B(r, X_0)\to Y_0 and Φ:B(c−1r,X1)→Y1\Phi: B(c^{-1}r, X_1)\to Y_1 are continuous and bounded by constants M0M_0 and M1M_1, respectively, the restriction of Φ\Phi to B(c−θr,Xθ)B(c^{-\theta}r, X_\theta), 0<θ<1,0 < \theta < 1, is shown to be a map with values in YθY_\theta which is analytic and bounded by M01−θM1θM_0^{1-\theta} M_1^\theta

    Schroedinger's Interpolating Dynamics and Burgers' Flows

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    We discuss a connection (and a proper place in this framework) of the unforced and deterministically forced Burgers equation for local velocity fields of certain flows, with probabilistic solutions of the so-called Schr\"{o}dinger interpolation problem. The latter allows to reconstruct the microscopic dynamics of the system from the available probability density data, or the input-output statistics in the phenomenological situations. An issue of deducing the most likely dynamics (and matter transport) scenario from the given initial and terminal probability density data, appropriate e.g. for studying chaos in terms of densities, is here exemplified in conjunction with Born's statistical interpretation postulate in quantum theory, that yields stochastic processes which are compatible with the Schr\"{o}dinger picture free quantum evolution.Comment: Latex file, to appear in "Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
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