522 research outputs found

    Iterative decoding for MIMO channels via modified sphere decoding

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    In recent years, soft iterative decoding techniques have been shown to greatly improve the bit error rate performance of various communication systems. For multiantenna systems employing space-time codes, however, it is not clear what is the best way to obtain the soft information required of the iterative scheme with low complexity. In this paper, we propose a modification of the Fincke-Pohst (sphere decoding) algorithm to estimate the maximum a posteriori probability of the received symbol sequence. The new algorithm solves a nonlinear integer least squares problem and, over a wide range of rates and signal-to-noise ratios, has polynomial-time complexity. Performance of the algorithm, combined with convolutional, turbo, and low-density parity check codes, is demonstrated on several multiantenna channels. The results for systems that employ space-time modulation schemes seem to indicate that the best performing schemes are those that support the highest mutual information between the transmitted and received signals, rather than the best diversity gain

    Generalised MBER-based vector precoding design for multiuser transmission

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    We propose a generalized vector precoding (VP) design based on the minimum bit error rate (MBER) criterion for multiuser transmission in the downlink of a multiuser system, where the base station (BS) equipped with multiple transmitting antennas communicates with single-receiving-antenna mobile station (MS) receivers each having a modulo device. Given the knowledge of the channel state information and the current information symbol vector to be transmitted, our scheme directly generates the effective symbol vector based on the MBER criterion using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The proposed PSO-aided generalized MBER VP scheme is shown to outperform the powerful minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) VP and improved MMSE-VP benchmarks, particularly for rank-deficient systems, where the number of BS transmitting antennas is lower than the number of MSs supported

    Adaptive Signal Processing Techniques and Realistic Propagation Modeling for Multiantenna Vital Sign Estimation

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    TÀmÀn työn keskeisimpÀnÀ tavoitteena on ihmisen elintoimintojen tarkkailu ja estimointi kÀyttÀen radiotaajuisia mittauksia ja adaptiivisia signaalinkÀsittelymenetelmiÀ monen vastaanottimen kantoaaltotutkalla. TyössÀ esitellÀÀn erilaisia adaptiivisia menetelmiÀ, joiden avulla hengityksen ja sydÀmen vÀrÀhtelyn aiheuttamaa micro-Doppler vaihemodulaatiota sisÀltÀvÀt eri vastaanottimien signaalit voidaan yhdistÀÀ. TyössÀ johdetaan lisÀksi realistinen malli radiosignaalien etenemiselle ja heijastushÀviöille, jota kÀytettiin moniantennitutkan simuloinnissa esiteltyjen menetelmien vertailemiseksi. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan osoittaa, ettÀ adaptiiviset menetelmÀt parantavat langattoman elintoimintojen estimoinnin luotettavuutta, ja mahdollistavat monitoroinnin myös pienillÀ signaali-kohinasuhteen arvoilla.This thesis addresses the problem of vital sign estimation through the use of adaptive signal enhancement techniques with multiantenna continuous wave radar. The use of different adaptive processing techniques is proposed in a novel approach to combine signals from multiple receivers carrying the information of the cardiopulmonary micro-Doppler effect caused by breathing and heartbeat. The results are based on extensive simulations using a realistic signal propagation model derived in the thesis. It is shown that these techniques provide a significant increase in vital sign rate estimation accuracy, and enable monitoring at lower SNR conditions

    Feedforward data-aided phase noise estimation from a DCT basis expansion

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    This contribution deals with phase noise estimation from pilot symbols. The phase noise process is approximated by an expansion of discrete cosine transform (DCT) basis functions containing only a few terms. We propose a feedforward algorithm that estimates the DCT coefficients without requiring detailed knowledge about the phase noise statistics. We demonstrate that the resulting (linearized) mean-square phase estimation error consists of two contributions: a contribution from the additive noise, that equals the Cramer-Rao lower bound, and a noise independent contribution, that results front the phase noise modeling error. We investigate the effect of the symbol sequence length, the pilot symbol positions, the number of pilot symbols, and the number of estimated DCT coefficients it the estimation accuracy and on the corresponding bit error rate (PER). We propose a pilot symbol configuration allowing to estimate any number of DCT coefficients not exceeding the number of pilot Symbols, providing a considerable Performance improvement as compared to other pilot symbol configurations. For large block sizes, the DCT-based estimation algorithm substantially outperforms algorithms that estimate only the time-average or the linear trend of the carrier phase. Copyright (C) 2009 J. Bhatti and M. Moeneclaey
