2 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Dynamics and Stability In a Multigroup Asset Flow Model

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    The multigroup asset flow model for asset price dynamics incorporates distinct motivations, e. g., trend and fundamentals (value) and assessments of value by different groups of investors. The stability and bifurcation properties are established for the curve of equilibria. We prove that if all trader groups focus on fundamentals, then all equilibria are stable. For systems in which there is one fundamental and one momentum (trend) group, we establish conditions for stability. In particular, an equilibrium that is stable becomes unstable as the time scale on which momentum investors focus diminishes. The computations examine the excursions, which we define as the maximum deviation in price of the trajectory from its initial price located near the curve of equilibria

    Slow-Fast Analysis of a Multi-Group Asset Flow Model with Implications for the Dynamics of Wealth

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    The multi-group asset flow model is a nonlinear dynamical system originally developed as a tool for understanding the behavioral foundations of market phenomena such as flash crashes and price bubbles. In this paper we use a modification of this model to analyze the dynamics of a single-asset market in situations when the trading rates of investors (i.e., their desire to exchange stock for cash) are prescribed ahead of time and independent of the state of the market. Under the assumption of fast trading compared to the time-rate of change in the prescribed trading rates we decompose the dynamics of the system to fast and slow components. We use the model to derive a variety of observations regarding the dynamics of price and investors’ wealth, and the dependence of these quantities on the prescribed trading rates. In particular, we show that strategies with constant trading rates, which represent the well-known constant-rebalanced portfolio (CRP) strategies, are optimal in the sense that they minimize investment risks. In contrast, we show that investors pursuing non-CRP strategies are at risk of loss of wealth, as a result of the slow system not being integrable in the sense that cyclic trading rates do not always result in periodic price variations