131 research outputs found

    Initial-boundary value problems for a reaction-diffusion equation

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in J. Math. Phys. 60, 081509 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5118767 and may be found at https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5118767.A novel approach that utilizes Fokas’s unified transform is employed for studying a reaction-diffusion equation with power nonlinearity formulated either on the half-line or on a finite interval with data in Sobolev spaces. This approach was recently introduced for initial-boundary value problems involving dispersive nonlinear equations such as the nonlinear Schrödinger and the Korteweg-de Vries equations. Thus, the present work extends the new approach from dispersive equations to diffusive ones, demonstrating the universality of the unified transform in the analysis of nonlinear evolution equations on domains with a boundary

    The Korteweg-de Vries equation on an interval

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in J. Math. Phys. 60, 051507 (2019) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5080366.The initial-boundary value problem (IBVP) for the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation on an interval is studied by extending a novel approach recently developed for the well-posedness of the KdV on the half-line, which is based on the solution formula produced via Fokas’ unified transform method for the associated forced linear IBVP. Replacing in this formula the forcing by the nonlinearity and using data in Sobolev spaces suggested by the space-time regularity of the Cauchy problem of the linear KdV gives an iteration map for the IBVP which is shown to be a contraction in an appropriately chosen solution space. The proof relies on key linear estimates and a bilinear estimate similar to the one used for the KdV Cauchy problem by Kenig, Ponce, and Vega

    The initial-boundary value problem for the biharmonic Schr\"odinger equation on the half-line

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    We study the local and global wellposedness of the initial-boundary value problem for the biharmonic Schr\"odinger equation on the half-line with inhomogeneous Dirichlet-Neumann boundary data. First, we obtain a representation formula for the solution of the linear nonhomogenenous problem by using the Fokas method (also known as the \emph{unified transform method}). We use this representation formula to prove space and time estimates on the solutions of the linear model in fractional Sobolev spaces by using Fourier analysis. Secondly, we consider the nonlinear model with a power type nonlinearity and prove the local wellposedness by means of a classical contraction argument. We obtain Strichartz estimates to treat the low regularity case by using the oscillatory integral theory directly on the representation formula provided by the Fokas method. Global wellposedness of the defocusing model is established up to cubic nonlinearities by using the multiplier technique and proving hidden trace regularities.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figure

    Questions on solvability of exterior boundary value problems with fractional boundary conditions

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    In this paper we study questions on solvability of some boundary value problems for the Laplace equation with boundary integro-differential operators in the exterior of a unit ball. We study properties of the given integral - differential operators of fractional order in a class of functions which are harmonic outside a ball. We prove theorems about existence and uniqueness of a solution of the problem. We construct explicit form of the solution of the problem in integral form, by solving the Dirichlet problem
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