1,347 research outputs found

    Motion Planning and Posture Control of Multiple n-link Doubly Nonholonomic Manipulators

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    The paper considers the problem of motion planning and posture control of multiple n-link doubly nonholonomic mobile manipulators in an obstacle-cluttered and bounded workspace. The workspace is constrained with the existence of an arbitrary number of fixed obstacles (disks, rods and curves), artificial obstacles and moving obstacles. The coordination of multiple n-link doubly nonholonomic mobile manipulators subjected to such constraints becomes therefore a challenging navigational and steering problem that few papers have considered in the past. Our approach to developing the controllers, which are novel decentralized nonlinear acceleration controllers, is based on a Lyapunov control scheme that is not only intuitively understandable but also allows simple but rigorous development of the controllers. Via the scheme, we showed that the avoidance of all types of obstacles was possible, that the manipulators could reach a neighborhood of their goal and that their final orientation approximated the desired orientation. Computer simulations illustrate these results. KEYWORDS: Lyapunov-based control scheme; Doubly nonholonomic manipulators; Ghost parking bays; Minimum distance technique; Stability; Kinodynamic constraints

    Mobile manipulators collision-free trajectory planning with regard to end-effector vibrations elimination

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    A sub-optimal point-to-point trajectory planning method for mobile manipulators operating in the workspace including obstacles taking into account the damping of the end-effector vibrations is presented. The proposed solution is based on extended Jacobian approach and redundancy resolution at the acceleration level. Fulfilment of the condition stopping the mobile manipulator at the destination point is guaranteed, which leads to elimination of the end-effector vibrations and significantly increases positioning accuracy. The effectiveness of the presented method is shown and compared to the classical Jacobian pseudo inverse approach. A computer example involving a mobile manipulator consisting of a nonholonomic platform (2, 0) class and SCARA-type holonomic manipulator operating in two-dimensional task space including obstacle is also presented

    Coordinated Control of a Mobile Manipulator

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    In this technical report, we investigate modeling, control, and coordination of mobile manipulators. A mobile manipulator in this study consists of a robotic manipulator and a mobile platform, with the manipulator being mounted atop the mobile platform. A mobile manipulator combines the dextrous manipulation capability offered by fixed-base manipulators and the mobility offered by mobile platforms. While mobile manipulators offer a tremendous potential for flexible material handling and other tasks, at the same time they bring about a number of challenging issues rather than simply increasing the structural complexity. First, combining a manipulator and a platform creates redundancy. Second, a wheeled mobile platform is subject to nonholonomic constraints. Third, there exists dynamic interaction between the manipulator and the mobile platform. Fourth, manipulators and mobile platforms have different bandwidths. Mobile platforms typically have slower dynamic response than manipulators. The objective of the thesis is to develop control algorithms that effectively coordinate manipulation and mobility of mobile manipulators. We begin with deriving the motion equations of mobile manipulators. The derivation presented here makes use of the existing motion equations of manipulators and mobile platforms, and simply introduces the velocity and acceleration dependent terms that account for the dynamic interaction between manipulators and mobile platforms. Since nonholonomic constraints play a critical role in control of mobile manipulators, we then study the control properties of nonholonomic dynamic systems, including feedback linearization and internal dynamics. Based on the newly proposed concept of preferred operating region, we develop a set of coordination algorithms for mobile manipulators. While the manipulator performs manipulation tasks, the mobile platform is controlled to always bring the configuration of the manipulator into a preferred operating region. The control algorithms for two types of tasks - dragging motion and following motion - are discussed in detail. The effects of dynamic interaction are also investigated. To verify the efficacy of the coordination algorithms, we conduct numerical simulations with representative task trajectories. Additionally, the control algorithms for the dragging motion and following motion have been implemented on an experimental mobile manipulator. The results from the simulation and experiment are presented to support the proposed control algorithms

    End-effector vibrations reduction in trajectory tracking for mobile manipulator

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    A method of motion planning for a mobile manipulator taking into account damping the end-effector vibrations is presented. The primary task of the robot is to trace a given end-effector trajectory. The redundant degrees of freedom are used to fulfil secondary objectives such as minimisation of platform kinetic energy and maximisation of holonomic manipulability measure, which leads to reduction of the end-effector vibrations. The method is based on Jacobian pseudo inverse at the acceleration level. Nonholonomic constraints in a Pfaffian form are explicitly incorporated to the control algorithm. A computer example involving a mobile manipulator consisting of a nonholonomic platform (2, 0) class and SCARA-type holonomic manipulator operating in two-dimensional task space is also presented

    Dynamics and Control for Nonholonomic Mobile Modular Manipulators

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