7 research outputs found

    Noncontact detection and analysis of respiratory function using microwave Doppler Radar

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    Real-time respiratory measurement with Doppler Radar has an important advantage in the monitoring of certain conditions such as sleep apnoea, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and many other general clinical uses requiring fast nonwearable and non-contact measurement of the respiratory function. In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of using Doppler Radar in measuring the basic respiratory frequencies (via fast Fourier transform) for four different types of breathing scenarios: normal breathing, rapid breathing, slow inhalation-fast exhalation, and fast inhalation-slow exhalation conducted in a laboratory environment. A high correlation factor was achieved between the Doppler Radar-based measurements and the conventional measurement device, a respiration strap. We also extended this work from basic signal acquisition to extracting detailed features of breathing function (I: E ratio). This facilitated additional insights into breathing activity and is likely to trigger a number of new applications in respiratory medicine

    Non-contact breathing detection using passive radar

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    Comparison of video-based methods for respiration rhythm measurement

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    The aim of this work is to characterize the di erences in the respiratory rhythm obtained through three video based methods by comparing the obtained respiratory signals with the one obtained with the gold standard method in adult population. The analysed methods are an RGB camera, a depth camera and a thermal camera while the gold standard is an inductive thorax plethysmography system (Respiband system from BioSignals Plux). 21 healthy subjects where measured, performing 4 tests for each subject. The respiratory rhythm and its variability was obtained from the four respiratory signals (3 video methods and gold standard). The signal acquisition was performed with custom and proprietary algorithms. To characterize the respiratory rhythm and its variability obtained with the di erent video sources and gold standard, the instantaneous frequency, Bland-Altman plots and standard deviation of the error between video methods and the gold standard have been computed. The depth and RGB camera present high agreement with no statistical di erences between them, with errors when comparing with the gold standard in the range of mHz. The thermal camera performs poorly if compared with the two other methods, nevertheless it cannot be discarded directly because some errors produced by the subjects head movement could not be corrected. From these results we conclude that the depth and RGB camera, and their respective acquisition algorithms) can be used in controlled conditions to measure respiration rhythm and its variability. The thermal camera on the other hand, although it can not be discarded directly, performed poorly if compared with the other two methods. Further studies are needed to con rm that these methods can be used in real life conditions.Postprint (author's final draft

    A mobile cloud computing framework integrating multilevel encoding for performance monitoring in telerehabilitation

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    Recent years have witnessed a surge in telerehabilitation and remote healthcare systems blessed by the emerging low-cost wearable devices to monitor biological and biokinematic aspects of human beings. Although such telerehabilitation systems utilise cloud computing features and provide automatic biofeedback and performance evaluation, there are demands for overall optimisation to enable these systems to operate with low battery consumption and low computational power and even with weak or no network connections. This paper proposes a novel multilevel data encoding scheme satisfying these requirements in mobile cloud computing applications, particularly in the field of telerehabilitation. We introduce architecture for telerehabilitation platform utilising the proposed encoding scheme integrated with various types of sensors. The platform is usable not only for patients to experience telerehabilitation services but also for therapists to acquire essential support from analysis oriented decision support system (AODSS) for more thorough analysis and making further decisions on treatment

    Detection and analysis of human respiration using microwave Doppler radar

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     Non-contact detection characteristic of Doppler radar provides an unobtrusive means of respiration detection and monitoring. This avoids additional preparations such as physical sensor attachment or special clothing. Furthermore, robustness of Doppler radar against environmental factors reduce environmental constraints and strengthens the possibility of employing Doppler radar as a practical biomedical devices in the future particularly in long term monitoring applications such as in sleep studies

    Detection and analysis of human respiration using microwave Doppler radar

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     Non-contact detection characteristic of Doppler radar provides an unobtrusive means of respiration detection and monitoring. This avoids additional preparations such as physical sensor attachment or special clothing. Furthermore, robustness of Doppler radar against environmental factors reduce environmental constraints and strengthens the possibility of employing Doppler radar as a practical biomedical devices in the future particularly in long term monitoring applications such as in sleep studies

    A contribution to unobtrusive video-based measurement of respiratory signals

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    Due to the growing popularity of video-based methods for physiological signal measurement, and taking into account the technological advancements of these type of devices, this work proposes a series of new novel methods to obtain the respiratory signal from a distance, based on video analysis. This thesis aims to improve the state of the art video methods for respiratory measurement, more specifically, by presenting methods that can be used to obtain respiratory variability or perform respiratory rhythm measurements. Moreover, this thesis also aims to present a new implementation of a time-frequency signal processing technique, to improve its computational efficiency when applied to the respiratory signals. In this document a first approach to video-based methods for respiratory signal measurement is performed, to assert the feasibility of using a consumer-grade camera, not only to measure the mean respiratory rate or frequency, but to assert if this hardware could be used to acquire the raw respiratory signal and the respiratory rhythm as well. In this regard a new video-based method was introduced that measures the respiratory signal of a subject at a distance, with the aid of a custom pattern placed on the thorax of the subject. Given the results from the first video-based method, a more broad approach was taken by comparing three different types of video hardware, with the aim to characterise if they could be used for respiratory signal acquisition and respiratory variability measurements. The comparative analysis was performed in terms of instantaneous frequency, as it allowed to characterise the methods in terms of respiratory variability and to compare them in the same terms with the reference method. Subsequently, and due to the previous obtained results, a new method was proposed using a stereo depth camera with the aim to tackle the limitations of the previous study. The proposed method uses an hybrid architecture were the synchronized infrared frame and depth point-cloud from the same camera are acquired. The infrared frame is used to detect the movements of the subject inside the scene, and to recompute on demand a region of interest to obtain the respiratory signal from the depth point-cloud. Furthermore, in this study an opportunistic approach is taken in order to process all the obtained data, as it is also the aim of this study to verify if using a more realistic approach to respiratory signal analysis in real-life conditions, would influence the respiratory rhythm measurement. Even though the depth camera method proved reliable in terms of respiratory rhythm measurement, the opportunistic approach relied on visual inspection of the obtained respiratory signal to properly define each piece. For this reason, a quality indicator had to be proposed that could objectively identify whenever a respiratory signal contained errors. Furthermore, from the idea to characterise the movements of a subject, and by changing the measuring point from a frontal to a lateral perspective to avoid most of the occlusions, a new method based on obtaining the movement of the thoraco-abdominal region using dense optical flow was proposed. This method makes us of the phase of the optical flow to obtain the respiratory signal of the subject, while using the modulus to compute a quality index. Finally, regarding the different signal processing methods used in this thesis to obtain the instantaneous frequency, there were none that could perform in real-time, making the analysis of the respiratory variability not possible in real-life systems where the signals have to be processed in a sample by sample basis. For this reason, as a final chapter a new implementation of the synchrosqueezing transform for time-frequency analysis in real-time is proposed, with the aim to provide a new tool for non-contact methods to obtain the variability of the respiratory signal in real-time.A causa de la creixent popularitat en la mesura de senyals fisiològics amb mètodes de vídeo, i tenint en compte els avenços tecnològics d'aquests dispositius, aquesta tesi proposa una sèrie de nous mètodes per tal d'obtenir la respiració a distància mitjançant l'anàlisi de vídeo. Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu millorar l'estat de l'art referent a la mesura de senyal respiratòria mitjançant els mètodes que en ella es descriuen, així com presentar mètodes que puguin ser usats per obtenir la variabilitat o el ritme respiratori. A més, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu presentar una nova implementació d'un mètode de processat de senyal temps-freqüencial, per tal de millorar-ne l'eficiència computacional quant s’aplica a senyals respiratoris. En aquest document, es realitza una primera aproximació a la mesura de senyal respiratòria mitjançant mètodes de vídeo per tal de verificar si és factible utilitzar una càmera de consum, no només per mesurar el senyal respiratori, sinó verificar si aquest tipus de hardware també pot ser emprat per obtenir el ritme respiratori. En aquest sentit, es presenta en aquest document un nou mètode d'adquisició de senyal respiratòria a distància basat en vídeo, el qual fa ús d'un patró ubicat al tòrax del subjecte per tal d'obtenir-ne la respiració. Un cop obtinguts els resultats del primers resultats, s'han analitzat tres tipus diferents de càmeres, amb la finalitat de caracteritzar-ne la viabilitat d'obtenir el senyal respiratori i la seva variabilitat. L'estudi comparatiu s'ha realitzat en termes de freqüència instantània, donat que permet caracteritzar els mètodes en termes de variabilitat respiratòria i comparar-los, en les mateixes condicions, amb el mètode de referencia. A continuació, s'ha presentat un nou mètode basat en una càmera de profunditat estèreo amb la finalitat de millorar i corregir les limitacions anteriors. El nou mètode proposat es basa en una arquitectura hibrida la qual utilitza els canals de vídeo infraroig i de profunditat de forma sincronitzada. El canal infraroig s'utilitza per detectar els moviments del subjecte dins l'escena i calcular, sota demanda, una regió d'interès que s'utilitza posteriorment en el canal de profunditat per extreure el senyal respiratori. A més a més, en aquest estudi s'ha utilitzat una aproximació oportunista en el processat del senyal respiratori, donat que també és un dels objectius d'aquest estudi, verificar si el fet d'utilitzar una aproximació més realista en l'adquisició de senyal, pot influir en la mesura del ritme respiratori. Tot i que el mètode anterior es mostra fiable en termes de mesura del ritme respiratori, la selecció oportunista del senyal necessita d’inspecció visual per tal de definir correctament cada fragment. Per aquest motiu, era necessari definir un índex de qualitat el qual permetés identificar de forma objectiva cada tram de senyal, així com detectar si el senyal conté errors. Partint de la idea de caracteritzar el moviment del subjecte de l'estudi anterior, i modificant el punt de mesura frontal cap a un de lateral per tal d'evitar oclusions, es proposa un nou mètode basat en l'obtenció del moviment toràcic-abdominal a partir del flux òptic del senyal de vídeo. Aquest mètode recupera el senyal respiratori del subjecte a partir de la fase del flux òptic, tot calculant un índex de qualitat a partir del mòdul. Finalment, i tenint en compte els diferents mètodes de processat utilitzats en aquesta tesi per tal de obtenir la freqüència instantània, es pot apreciar que cap d'ells és capaç de funcionar en temps real, fent inviable l'anàlisi de la variabilitat respiratòria en sistemes reals amb processat mostra a mostra. Per aquest motiu, en el capítol final d'aquesta tesi, s'ha proposat una nova implementació de la transformació "synchrosqueezing" per tal de realitzar l’anàlisi temporal-freqüencial en temps real, i proveir d'una nova eina per tal d'obtenir la variabilitat respiratòria en temps real, amb mètodes sense contacte