7 research outputs found

    Differential equations with natural matrices coefficients

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    In this paper we present the main results of the master thesis in applied mathematics of the second named author, which was supervised by the first named author. Such results, and for instance this paper, concerns to some differential and algebraic results involving natural matrices. The problem of solving differential equations is very ancient and is very important to get explicit solutions of differential equations to be applied in physics and other areas. In this paper, as well in the master thesis, we study the differential and algebraic structure of linear differential equations with natural matrix coefficients and generalizations. These results are original and important for researchers interested in differential algebra and applications of differential equations

    Variations for Some Painlev\'e Equations

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    This paper first discusses irreducibility of a Painlev\'e equation PP. We explain how the Painlev\'e property is helpful for the computation of special classical and algebraic solutions. As in a paper of Morales-Ruiz we associate an autonomous Hamiltonian H\mathbb{H} to a Painlev\'e equation PP. Complete integrability of H\mathbb{H} is shown to imply that all solutions to PP are classical (which includes algebraic), so in particular PP is solvable by ''quadratures''. Next, we show that the variational equation of PP at a given algebraic solution coincides with the normal variational equation of H\mathbb{H} at the corresponding solution. Finally, we test the Morales-Ramis theorem in all cases P2P_{2} to P5P_{5} where algebraic solutions are present, by showing how our results lead to a quick computation of the component of the identity of the differential Galois group for the first two variational equations. As expected there are no cases where this group is commutative

    A model of anaerobic digestion for biogas production using Abel equations

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    Some time ago has been studied mathematical models for biogas production due to its importance in the use of control and optimization of re\-new\-able resources and clean energy. In this paper we combine two algebraic methods to obtain solutions of Abel equation of first kind that arise from a mathematical model to biogas production formulated in France on 2001. The aim of this paper is obtain Liouvillian solutions of Abel's equations through Hamiltonian Algebrization. As an illustration, we present graphics of solutions for Abel equations and solutions for algebrized Abel equations.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Nonautonomous Hamiltonian Systems and Morales-Ramis Theory I. The Case x¨=f(x,t)\ddot{x}=f(x,t)

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    In this paper we present an approach towards the comprehensive analysis of the non-integrability of differential equations in the form x¨=f(x,t)\ddot x=f(x,t) which is analogous to Hamiltonian systems with 1+1/2 degree of freedom. In particular, we analyze the non-integrability of some important families of differential equations such as Painlev\'e II, Sitnikov and Hill-Schr\"odinger equation. We emphasize in Painlev\'e II, showing its non-integrability through three different Hamiltonian systems, and also in Sitnikov in which two different version including numerical results are shown. The main tool to study the non-integrability of these kind of Hamiltonian systems is Morales-Ramis theory. This paper is a very slight improvement of the talk with the almost-same title delivered by the author in SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems 2007.Comment: 15 pages without figures (19 pages and 6 figures in the published version