273 research outputs found

    Structural Deep Embedding for Hyper-Networks

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    Network embedding has recently attracted lots of attentions in data mining. Existing network embedding methods mainly focus on networks with pairwise relationships. In real world, however, the relationships among data points could go beyond pairwise, i.e., three or more objects are involved in each relationship represented by a hyperedge, thus forming hyper-networks. These hyper-networks pose great challenges to existing network embedding methods when the hyperedges are indecomposable, that is to say, any subset of nodes in a hyperedge cannot form another hyperedge. These indecomposable hyperedges are especially common in heterogeneous networks. In this paper, we propose a novel Deep Hyper-Network Embedding (DHNE) model to embed hyper-networks with indecomposable hyperedges. More specifically, we theoretically prove that any linear similarity metric in embedding space commonly used in existing methods cannot maintain the indecomposibility property in hyper-networks, and thus propose a new deep model to realize a non-linear tuplewise similarity function while preserving both local and global proximities in the formed embedding space. We conduct extensive experiments on four different types of hyper-networks, including a GPS network, an online social network, a drug network and a semantic network. The empirical results demonstrate that our method can significantly and consistently outperform the state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 1

    Large Scale Question Paraphrase Retrieval with Smoothed Deep Metric Learning

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    The goal of a Question Paraphrase Retrieval (QPR) system is to retrieve equivalent questions that result in the same answer as the original question. Such a system can be used to understand and answer rare and noisy reformulations of common questions by mapping them to a set of canonical forms. This has large-scale applications for community Question Answering (cQA) and open-domain spoken language question answering systems. In this paper we describe a new QPR system implemented as a Neural Information Retrieval (NIR) system consisting of a neural network sentence encoder and an approximate k-Nearest Neighbour index for efficient vector retrieval. We also describe our mechanism to generate an annotated dataset for question paraphrase retrieval experiments automatically from question-answer logs via distant supervision. We show that the standard loss function in NIR, triplet loss, does not perform well with noisy labels. We propose smoothed deep metric loss (SDML) and with our experiments on two QPR datasets we show that it significantly outperforms triplet loss in the noisy label setting
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