248 research outputs found

    Niceness theorems

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    Many things in mathematics seem lamost unreasonably nice. This includes objects, counterexamples, proofs. In this preprint I discuss many examples of this phenomenon with emphasis on the ring of polynomials in a countably infinite number of variables in its many incarnations such as the representing object of the Witt vectors, the direct sum of the rings of representations of the symmetric groups, the free lambda ring on one generator, the homology and cohomology of the classifying space BU, ... . In addition attention is paid to the phenomenon that solutions to universal problems (adjoint functors) tend to pick up extra structure.Comment: 52 page

    Delzant's T-invariant, Kolmogorov complexity and one-relator groups

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    We prove that ``almost generically'' for a one-relator group Delzant's TT-invariant (which measures the smallest size of a finite presentation for a group) is comparable in magnitude with the length of the defining relator. The proof relies on our previous results regarding isomorphism rigidity of generic one-relator groups and on the methods of the theory of Kolmogorov-Chaitin complexity. We also give a precise asymptotic estimate (when kk is fixed and nn goes to infinity) for the number Ik,nI_{k,n} of isomorphism classes of kk-generator one-relator groups with a cyclically reduced defining relator of length nn: Ik,n(2k1)nnk!2k+1. I_{k,n}\sim \frac{(2k-1)^n}{nk!2^{k+1}}. Here f(n)g(n)f(n)\sim g(n) means that limnf(n)/g(n)=1\lim_{n\to\infty} f(n)/g(n)=1.Comment: A revised version, to appear in Comment. Math. Hel

    Thermalisation for Wigner matrices

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    We compute the deterministic approximation of products of Sobolev functions of large Wigner matrices WW and provide an optimal error bound on their fluctuation with very high probability. This generalizes Voiculescu's seminal theorem [Voiculescu 1991] from polynomials to general Sobolev functions, as well as from tracial quantities to individual matrix elements. Applying the result to exp(itW)\exp(\mathrm{i} tW) for large tt, we obtain a precise decay rate for the overlaps of several deterministic matrices with temporally well separated Heisenberg time evolutions; thus we demonstrate the thermalisation effect of the unitary group generated by Wigner matrices.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Numerical invariants and moduli spaces for line arrangements

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    Using several numerical invariants, we study a partition of the space of line arrangements in the complex projective plane, given by the intersection lattice types. We offer also a new characterization of the free plane curves using the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the associated Milnor/Jacobian algebra.Comment: v3: A new proof of a result due to Tohaneanu, giving the classification of line arrangements with a Jacobian syzygy of minimal degree 2 is given in Theorem 4.11. Some other minor change