178 research outputs found

    Advances in SCA and RF-DNA Fingerprinting Through Enhanced Linear Regression Attacks and Application of Random Forest Classifiers

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    Radio Frequency (RF) emissions from electronic devices expose security vulnerabilities that can be used by an attacker to extract otherwise unobtainable information. Two realms of study were investigated here, including the exploitation of 1) unintentional RF emissions in the field of Side Channel Analysis (SCA), and 2) intentional RF emissions from physical devices in the field of RF-Distinct Native Attribute (RF-DNA) fingerprinting. Statistical analysis on the linear model fit to measured SCA data in Linear Regression Attacks (LRA) improved performance, achieving 98% success rate for AES key-byte identification from unintentional emissions. However, the presence of non-Gaussian noise required the use of a non-parametric classifier to further improve key guessing attacks. RndF based profiling attacks were successful in very high dimensional data sets, correctly guessing all 16 bytes of the AES key with a 50,000 variable dataset. With variable reduction, Random Forest still outperformed Template Attack for this data set, requiring fewer traces and achieving higher success rates with lower misclassification rate. Finally, the use of a RndF classifier is examined for intentional RF emissions from ZigBee devices to enhance security using RF-DNA fingerprinting. RndF outperformed parametric MDA/ML and non-parametric GRLVQI classifiers, providing up to GS =18.0 dB improvement (reduction in required SNR). Network penetration, measured using rogue ZigBee devices, show that the RndF method improved rogue rejection in noisier environments - gains of up to GS =18.0 dB are realized over previous methods

    Dimensional Reduction Analysis for Constellation-Based DNA Fingerprinting to Improve Industrial IoT Wireless Security

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    The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) market is skyrocketing towards 100 billion deployed devices and cybersecurity remains a top priority. This includes security of ZigBee communication devices that are widely used in industrial control system applications. IIoT device security is addressed using Constellation-Based Distinct Native Attribute (CB-DNA) Fingerprinting to augment conventional bit-level security mechanisms. This work expands upon recent CB-DNA “discovery” activity by identifying reduced dimensional fingerprints that increase the computational efficiency and effectiveness of device discrimination methods. The methods considered include Multiple Discriminant Analysis (MDA) and Random Forest (RndF) classification. RndF deficiencies in classification and post-classification feature selection are highlighted and addressed using a pre-classification feature selection method based on a Wilcoxon Rank Sum (WRS) test. Feature down-selection based on WRS testing proves to very reliable, with reduced feature subsets yielding cross-device discrimination performance consistent with full-dimensional feature sets, while being more computationally efficient

    Near Real-Time Zigbee Device Discrimination Using CB-DNA Features

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    Currently, Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPAN) based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.4 standard are at risk due to open-source tools which allow bad actors to exploit unauthorized network access through various cyberattacks by falsifying bit-level credentials. This research investigates implementing a Radio Frequency (RF) air monitor to perform Near RealTime (NRT) discrimination of Zigbee devices using the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The air monitor employed a Multiple Discriminant Analysis/Euclidean Distance classifier to discriminate Zigbee devices based upon Constellation-Based Distinct Native Attribute (CB-DNA) fingerprints. Through the use of CB-DNA fingerprints, Physical Layer (PHY) characteristics unique to each Zigbee device strengthen the native bit-level authentication process for LR-WPAN networks. Overall, the developed RF air monitor achieved an Average Cross-Class Percent Correct Classification of %Ctst = 99:24% during the testing of Ncls = 5 like-model BladeRF Software Defined Radios transmitting Zigbee protocol bursts. Additionally, to evaluate the NRT capability of the air monitor, a statistical analysis of Ntiming = 1000 Zigbee bursts determined the worst-case average runtime from burst detection to classification. The analysis concluded that the runtime was truntime fi 269 mSec. Ultimately, this research found that PHY characteristics provide an additional method of authentication NRT to enhance the inherent network security for Zigbee applications from cyberattacks

    DNA Feature Selection for Discriminating WirelessHART IIoT Devices

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    This paper summarizes demonstration activity aimed at applying Distinct Native Attribute (DNA) feature selection methods to improve the computational efficiency of time domain fingerprinting methods used to discriminate Wireless Highway Addressable Remote Transducer (WirelessHART) devices being used in Industrial (IIoT) applications. Efficiency is achieved through Dimensional Reduction Analysis (DRA) performed here using both pre-classification analytic (WRS and ReliefF) and post-classification relevance (RndF and GRLVQI) feature selection methods. Comparative assessments are based on statistical fingerprint features extracted from experimentally collected WirelessHART signals, with Multiple Discrimination Analysis, Maximum Likelihood (MDA/ML) estimation showing that pre-classification methods are collectively superior to post-classification methods. Specific DRA results show that an average cross-class percent correct classification differential of 8% ≤ %CD ≤ 1% can be maintained using DRA selected feature sets containing as few as 24 (10%) of the 243 full-dimensional features. Reducing fingerprint dimensionality reduces computational efficiency and improves the potential for operational implementation

    Feature Selection and Classifier Development for Radio Frequency Device Identification

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    The proliferation of simple and low-cost devices, such as IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee and Z-Wave, in Critical Infrastructure (CI) increases security concerns. Radio Frequency Distinct Native Attribute (RF-DNA) Fingerprinting facilitates biometric-like identification of electronic devices emissions from variances in device hardware. Developing reliable classifier models using RF-DNA fingerprints is thus important for device discrimination to enable reliable Device Classification (a one-to-many looks most like assessment) and Device ID Verification (a one-to-one looks how much like assessment). AFITs prior RF-DNA work focused on Multiple Discriminant Analysis/Maximum Likelihood (MDA/ML) and Generalized Relevance Learning Vector Quantized Improved (GRLVQI) classifiers. This work 1) introduces a new GRLVQI-Distance (GRLVQI-D) classifier that extends prior GRLVQI work by supporting alternative distance measures, 2) formalizes a framework for selecting competing distance measures for GRLVQI-D, 3) introducing response surface methods for optimizing GRLVQI and GRLVQI-D algorithm settings, 4) develops an MDA-based Loadings Fusion (MLF) Dimensional Reduction Analysis (DRA) method for improved classifier-based feature selection, 5) introduces the F-test as a DRA method for RF-DNA fingerprints, 6) provides a phenomenological understanding of test statistics and p-values, with KS-test and F-test statistic values being superior to p-values for DRA, and 7) introduces quantitative dimensionality assessment methods for DRA subset selection

    Cyber-Physical Security with RF Fingerprint Classification through Distance Measure Extensions of Generalized Relevance Learning Vector Quantization

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    Radio frequency (RF) fingerprinting extracts fingerprint features from RF signals to protect against masquerade attacks by enabling reliable authentication of communication devices at the “serial number” level. Facilitating the reliable authentication of communication devices are machine learning (ML) algorithms which find meaningful statistical differences between measured data. The Generalized Relevance Learning Vector Quantization-Improved (GRLVQI) classifier is one ML algorithm which has shown efficacy for RF fingerprinting device discrimination. GRLVQI extends the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) family of “winner take all” classifiers that develop prototype vectors (PVs) which represent data. In LVQ algorithms, distances are computed between exemplars and PVs, and PVs are iteratively moved to accurately represent the data. GRLVQI extends LVQ with a sigmoidal cost function, relevance learning, and PV update logic improvements. However, both LVQ and GRLVQI are limited due to a reliance on squared Euclidean distance measures and a seemingly complex algorithm structure if changes are made to the underlying distance measure. Herein, the authors (1) develop GRLVQI-D (distance), an extension of GRLVQI to consider alternative distance measures and (2) present the Cosine GRLVQI classifier using this framework. To evaluate this framework, the authors consider experimentally collected Z -wave RF signals and develop RF fingerprints to identify devices. Z -wave devices are low-cost, low-power communication technologies seen increasingly in critical infrastructure. Both classification and verification, claimed identity, and performance comparisons are made with the new Cosine GRLVQI algorithm. The results show more robust performance when using the Cosine GRLVQI algorithm when compared with four algorithms in the literature. Additionally, the methodology used to create Cosine GRLVQI is generalizable to alternative measures

    Radio frequency fingerprint identification for Internet of Things: A survey

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    Radio frequency fingerprint (RFF) identification is a promising technique for identifying Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This paper presents a comprehensive survey on RFF identification, which covers various aspects ranging from related definitions to details of each stage in the identification process, namely signal preprocessing, RFF feature extraction, further processing, and RFF identification. Specifically, three main steps of preprocessing are summarized, including carrier frequency offset estimation, noise elimination, and channel cancellation. Besides, three kinds of RFFs are categorized, comprising I/Q signal-based, parameter-based, and transformation-based features. Meanwhile, feature fusion and feature dimension reduction are elaborated as two main further processing methods. Furthermore, a novel framework is established from the perspective of closed set and open set problems, and the related state-of-the-art methodologies are investigated, including approaches based on traditional machine learning, deep learning, and generative models. Additionally, we highlight the challenges faced by RFF identification and point out future research trends in this field