268 research outputs found

    Complete Subdivision Algorithms, II: Isotopic Meshing of Singular Algebraic Curves

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    Given a real valued function f(X,Y), a box region B_0 in R^2 and a positive epsilon, we want to compute an epsilon-isotopic polygonal approximation to the restriction of the curve S=f^{-1}(0)={p in R^2: f(p)=0} to B_0. We focus on subdivision algorithms because of their adaptive complexity and ease of implementation. Plantinga and Vegter gave a numerical subdivision algorithm that is exact when the curve S is bounded and non-singular. They used a computational model that relied only on function evaluation and interval arithmetic. We generalize their algorithm to any bounded (but possibly non-simply connected) region that does not contain singularities of S. With this generalization as a subroutine, we provide a method to detect isolated algebraic singularities and their branching degree. This appears to be the first complete purely numerical method to compute isotopic approximations of algebraic curves with isolated singularities

    Isotopic Equivalence from Bezier Curve Subdivision

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    We prove that the control polygon of a Bezier curve B becomes homeomorphic and ambient isotopic to B via subdivision, and we provide closed-form formulas to compute the number of iterations to ensure these topological characteristics. We first show that the exterior angles of control polygons converge exponentially to zero under subdivision.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1211.035

    Piecewise-regular maps

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    Let V, W be real algebraic varieties (that is, up to isomorphism, real algebraic sets), and let X be a subset of V. A map f from X into W is said to be regular if it can be extended to a regular map defined on some Zariski locally closed subvariety of V that contains X. Furthermore, such a map is said to be piecewise-regular if there exists a stratification of V such that the restriction of f to the intersection of X with each stratum is a regular map. By a stratification of V we mean a finite collection of pairwise disjoint Zariski locally closed subvarieties whose union is equal to V. Assuming that the subset X is compact, we prove that every continuous map from X into a Grassmann variety or a unit sphere can be approximated by piecewise-regular maps. As an application, we obtain a variant of the algebraization theorem for topological vector bundles. If the variety V is compact and nonsingular, we prove that each continuous map from V into a unit sphere is homotopic to a piecewise-regular map of class C^k, where k is an arbitrary nonnegative integer

    Tight Beltrami fields with symmetry

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    Let MM be a compact orientable Seifered fibered 3-manifold without a boundary, and α\alpha an S1S^1-invariant contact form on MM. In a suitable adapted Riemannian metric to α\alpha, we provide a bound for the volume Vol(M)\text{Vol}(M) and the curvature, which implies the universal tightness of the contact structure ξ=kerα\xi=\ker\alpha.Comment: 26 page