27 research outputs found

    Orientably-Regular π\pi-Maps and Regular π\pi-Maps

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    Given a map with underlying graph G\mathcal{G}, if the set of prime divisors of V(G|V(\mathcal{G}| is denoted by π\pi, then we call the map a {\it π\pi-map}. An orientably-regular (resp. A regular ) π\pi-map is called {\it solvable} if the group G+G^+ of all orientation-preserving automorphisms (resp. the group GG of automorphisms) is solvable; and called {\it normal} if G+G^+ (resp. GG) contains a normal π\pi-Hall subgroup. In this paper, it will be proved that orientably-regular π\pi-maps are solvable and normal if 2π2\notin \pi and regular π\pi-maps are solvable if 2π2\notin \pi and GG has no sections isomorphic to PSL(2,q){\rm PSL}(2,q) for some prime power qq. In particular, it's shown that a regular π\pi-map with 2π2\notin \pi is normal if and only if G/O2(G)G/O_{2^{'}}(G) is isomorphic to a Sylow 22-group of GG. Moreover, nonnormal π\pi-maps will be characterized and some properties and constructions of normal π\pi-maps will be given in respective sections.Comment: 18 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2201.0430

    Regular embeddings of cycles with multiple edges revisited

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    Regularne vložitve ciklov z večkratnimi povezavami se pojavljajo v literaturi že kar nekaj časa, tako v topološki teoriji grafov kot tudi izven nje. Ta članek izriše kompletno podobo teh zemljevidov na ta način, da povsem opiše, klasificira in enumerira regularne vložitve ciklov z večkratnimi povezavami tako na orientabilnih kot tudi na neorientabilnih ploskvah. Večina rezultatov je sicer znana v tej ali oni obliki, toda tu so predstavljeni iz poenotenega zornega kota, osnovanega na teoriji končnih grup. Naš pristop daje dodatno informacijo tako o zemljevidih kot o njihovih grupah avtomorfizmov, priskrbi pa tudi dodaten vpogled v njihove odnose.Regular embeddings of cycles with multiple edges have been reappearing in the literature for quite some time, both in and outside topological graph theory. The present paper aims to draw a complete picture of these maps by providing a detailed description, classification, and enumeration of regular embeddings of cycles with multiple edges on both orientable and non-orientable surfaces. Most of the results have been known in one form or another, but here they are presented from a unique viewpoint based on finite group theory. Our approach brings additional information about both the maps and their automorphism groups, and also gives extra insight into their relationships

    Networks, (K)nots, Nucleotides, and Nanostructures

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    Designing self-assembling DNA nanostructures often requires the identification of a route for a scaffolding strand of DNA through the target structure. When the target structure is modeled as a graph, these scaffolding routes correspond to Eulerian circuits subject to turning restrictions imposed by physical constraints on the strands of DNA. Existence of such Eulerian circuits is an NP-hard problem, which can be approached by adapting solutions to a version of the Traveling Salesperson Problem. However, the author and collaborators have demonstrated that even Eulerian circuits obeying these turning restrictions are not necessarily feasible as scaffolding routes by giving examples of nontrivially knotted circuits which cannot be traced by the unknotted scaffolding strand. Often, targets of DNA nanostructure self-assembly are modeled as graphs embedded on surfaces in space. In this case, Eulerian circuits obeying the turning restrictions correspond to A-trails, circuits which turn immediately left or right at each vertex. In any graph embedded on the sphere, all A-trails are unknotted regardless of the embedding of the sphere in space. We show that this does not hold in general for graphs on the torus. However, we show this property does hold for checkerboard-colorable graphs on the torus, that is, those graphs whose faces can be properly 2-colored, and provide a partial converse to this result. As a consequence, we characterize (with one exceptional family) regular triangulations of the torus containing unknotted A-trails. By developing a theory of sums of A-trails, we lift constructions from the torus to arbitrary n-tori, and by generalizing our work on A-trails to smooth circuit decompositions, we construct all torus links and certain sums of torus links from circuit decompositions of rectangular torus grids. Graphs embedded on surfaces are equivalent to ribbon graphs, which are particularly well-suited to modeling DNA nanostructures, as their boundary components correspond to strands of DNA and their twisted ribbons correspond to double-helices. Every ribbon graph has a corresponding delta-matroid, a combinatorial object encoding the structure of the ribbon-graph\u27s spanning quasi-trees (substructures having exactly one boundary component). We show that interlacement with respect to quasi-trees can be generalized to delta-matroids, and use the resulting structure on delta-matroids to provide feasible-set expansions for a family of delta-matroid polynomials, both recovering well-known expansions of this type (such as the spanning-tree expansion of the Tutte polynnomial) as well as providing several previously unknown expansions. Among these are expansions for the transition polynomial, a version of which has been used to study DNA nanostructure self-assembly, and the interlace polynomial, which solves a problem in DNA recombination

    On the Plateau problem in metric spaces

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    The Plateau problem asks whether every Jordan curve in Euclidean space can bound a minimal surface. Its solution by Douglas and Rado dates back to the 1930s. In recent work Lytchak-Wenger have generalized the solution of Plateau's problem to singular metric ambient spaces. This thesis studies the structure of the arising metric space valued minimal surfaces. We investigate the analytical and topological regularity of these minimal surfaces, as well as their intrinsic geometry. We also provide applications of the metric theory that are new even for Euclidean space. E.g. we solve the Plateau problem (and the more general Plateau-Douglas problem) for singular boundary values where self-intersections are allowed