724 research outputs found

    Strengthening e-banking security using keystroke dynamics

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    This paper investigates keystroke dynamics and its possible use as a tool to prevent or detect fraud in the banking industry. Given that banks are constantly on the lookout for improved methods to address the menace of fraud, the paper sets out to review keystroke dynamics, its advantages, disadvantages and potential for improving the security of e-banking systems. This paper evaluates keystroke dynamics suitability of use for enhancing security in the banking sector. Results from the literature review found that keystroke dynamics can offer impressive accuracy rates for user identification. Low costs of deployment and minimal change to users modus operandi make this technology an attractive investment for banks. The paper goes on to argue that although this behavioural biometric may not be suitable as a primary method of authentication, it can be used as a secondary or tertiary method to complement existing authentication systems

    Predictive biometrics: A review and analysis of predicting personal characteristics from biometric data

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    Interest in the exploitation of soft biometrics information has continued to develop over the last decade or so. In comparison with traditional biometrics, which focuses principally on person identification, the idea of soft biometrics processing is to study the utilisation of more general information regarding a system user, which is not necessarily unique. There are increasing indications that this type of data will have great value in providing complementary information for user authentication. However, the authors have also seen a growing interest in broadening the predictive capabilities of biometric data, encompassing both easily definable characteristics such as subject age and, most recently, `higher level' characteristics such as emotional or mental states. This study will present a selective review of the predictive capabilities, in the widest sense, of biometric data processing, providing an analysis of the key issues still adequately to be addressed if this concept of predictive biometrics is to be fully exploited in the future

    Touchalytics: On the Applicability of Touchscreen Input as a Behavioral Biometric for Continuous Authentication

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    We investigate whether a classifier can continuously authenticate users based on the way they interact with the touchscreen of a smart phone. We propose a set of 30 behavioral touch features that can be extracted from raw touchscreen logs and demonstrate that different users populate distinct subspaces of this feature space. In a systematic experiment designed to test how this behavioral pattern exhibits consistency over time, we collected touch data from users interacting with a smart phone using basic navigation maneuvers, i.e., up-down and left-right scrolling. We propose a classification framework that learns the touch behavior of a user during an enrollment phase and is able to accept or reject the current user by monitoring interaction with the touch screen. The classifier achieves a median equal error rate of 0% for intra-session authentication, 2%-3% for inter-session authentication and below 4% when the authentication test was carried out one week after the enrollment phase. While our experimental findings disqualify this method as a standalone authentication mechanism for long-term authentication, it could be implemented as a means to extend screen-lock time or as a part of a multi-modal biometric authentication system.Comment: to appear at IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security; Download data from http://www.mariofrank.net/touchalytics

    Keystroke dynamics as signal for shallow syntactic parsing

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    Keystroke dynamics have been extensively used in psycholinguistic and writing research to gain insights into cognitive processing. But do keystroke logs contain actual signal that can be used to learn better natural language processing models? We postulate that keystroke dynamics contain information about syntactic structure that can inform shallow syntactic parsing. To test this hypothesis, we explore labels derived from keystroke logs as auxiliary task in a multi-task bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (bi-LSTM). Our results show promising results on two shallow syntactic parsing tasks, chunking and CCG supertagging. Our model is simple, has the advantage that data can come from distinct sources, and produces models that are significantly better than models trained on the text annotations alone.Comment: In COLING 201


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    Biometrics eliminate the need for a person to remember and reproduce complex secretive information or carry additional hardware in order to authenticate oneself. Behavioral biometrics is a branch of biometrics that focuses on using a person’s behavior or way of doing a task as means of authentication. These tasks can be any common, day to day tasks like walking, sleeping, talking, typing and so on. As interactions with computers and other smart-devices like phones and tablets have become an essential part of modern life, a person’s style of interaction with them can be used as a powerful means of behavioral biometrics. In this dissertation, we present insights from the analysis of our proposed set of contextsensitive or word-specific keystroke features on desktop, tablet and phone. We show that the conventional features are not highly discriminatory on desktops and are only marginally better on hand-held devices for user identification. By using information of the context, our proposed word-specific features offer superior discrimination among users on all devices. Classifiers, built using our proposed features, perform user identification with high accuracies in range of 90% to 97%, average precision and recall values of 0.914 and 0.901 respectively. Analysis of the word-based impact factors reveal that four or five character words, words with about 50% vowels, and those that are ranked higher on the frequency lists might give better results for the extraction and use of the proposed features for user identification. We also examine a large umbrella of behavioral biometric data such as; keystroke latencies, gait and swipe data on desktop, phone and tablet for the assumption of an underlying normal distribution, which is common in many research works. Using suitable nonparametric normality tests (Lilliefors test and Shapiro-Wilk test) we show that a majority of the features from all activities and all devices, do not follow a normal distribution. In most cases less than 25% of the samples that were tested had p values \u3e 0.05. We discuss alternate solutions to address the non-normality in behavioral biometric data. Openly available datasets did not provide the wide range of modalities and activities required for our research. Therefore, we have collected and shared an open access, large benchmark dataset for behavioral biometrics on IEEEDataport. We describe the collection and analysis of our Syracuse University and Assured Information Security - Behavioral Biometrics Multi-device and multi -Activity data from Same users (SU-AIS BB-MAS) Dataset. Which is an open access dataset on IEEEdataport, with data from 117 subjects for typing (both fixed and free text), gait (walking, upstairs and downstairs) and touch on Desktop, Tablet and Phone. The dataset consists a total of about: 3.5 million keystroke events; 57.1 million data-points for accelerometer and gyroscope each; 1.7 million datapoints for swipes and is listed as one of the most popular datasets on the portal (through IEEE emails to all members on 05/13/2020 and 07/21/2020). We also show that keystroke dynamics (KD) on a desktop can be used to classify the type of activity, either benign or adversarial, that a text sample originates from. We show the inefficiencies of popular temporal features for this task. With our proposed set of 14 features we achieve high accuracies (93% to 97%) and low Type 1 and Type 2 errors (3% to 8%) in classifying text samples of different sizes. We also present exploratory research in (a) authenticating users through musical notes generated by mapping their keystroke latencies to music and (b) authenticating users through the relationship between their keystroke latencies on multiple devices

    Passphrase and keystroke dynamics authentication: security and usability

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    It was found that employees spend a total 2.25 days within a 60 day period on password related activities. Another study found that over 85 days an average user will create 25 accounts with an average of 6.5 unique passwords. These numbers are expected to increase over time as more systems become available. In addition, the use of 6.5 unique passwords highlight that passwords are being reused which creates security concerns as multiple systems will be accessible by an unauthorised party if one of these passwords is leaked. Current user authentication solutions either increase security or usability. When security increases, usability decreases, or vice versa. To add to this, stringent security protocols encourage unsecure behaviours by the user such as writing the password down on a piece of paper to remember it. It was found that passphrases require less cognitive effort than passwords and because passphrases are stronger than passwords, they don’t need to be changed as frequently as passwords. This study aimed to assess a two-tier user authentication solution that increases security and usability. The proposed solution uses passphrases in conjunction with keystroke dynamics to address this research problem. The design science research approach was used to guide this study. The study’s theoretical foundation includes three theories. The Shannon entropy formula was used to calculate the strength of passwords, passphrases and keystroke dynamics. The chunking theory assisted in assessing password and passphrase memorisation issues and the keystroke-level model was used to assess password and passphrase typing issues. Two primary data collection methods were used to evaluate the findings and to ensure that gaps in the research were filled. A login assessment experiment collected data on user authentication and user-system interaction for passwords and passphrases. Plus, an expert review was conducted to verify findings and assess the research artefact in the form of a model. The model can be used to assist with the implementation of a two-tier user authentication solution which involves passphrases and keystroke dynamics. There are a number of components that need to be considered to realise the benefits of this solution and ensure successful implementation