7 research outputs found

    Non-backtracking Walk Centrality for Directed Networks

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    The theory of zeta functions provides an expression for the generating function of nonbacktracking walk counts on a directed network. We show how this expression can be used to produce a centrality measure that eliminates backtracking walks at no cost. We also show that the radius of convergence of the generating function is related to the spectrum of a three-by-three block matrix involving the original adjacency matrix. This gives a means to choose appropriate values of the attenuation parameter. We find that three important additional benefits arise when we use this technique to eliminate traversals around the network that are unlikely to be of relevance. First, we obtain a larger range of choices for the attenuation parameter. Second, a natural approach for determining a suitable parameter range is invariant under the removal of certain types of nodes, we can gain computational efficiencies through reducing the dimension of the resulting eigenvalue problem. Third, the dimension of the linear system defining the centrality measures may be reduced in the same manner. We show that the new centrality measure may be interpreted as standard Katz on a modified network, where self loops are added, and where nonreciprocal edges are augmented with negative weights. We also give a multilayer interpretation, where negatively weighted walks between layers compensate for backtracking walks on the only non-empty layer. Studying the limit as the attenuation parameter approaches its upper bound also allows us to propose a generalization of eigenvector-based nonbacktracking centrality measure to this directed network setting. In this context, we find that the two-by-two block matrix arising in previous studies focused on undirected networks must be extended to a new three-by-three block structure to allow for directed edges. We illustrate the centrality measure on a synthetic network, where it is shown to eliminate a localization effect present in standard Katz centrality. Finally, we give results for real networks

    Maths lecturers in denial about their own maths practice? A case of teaching matrix operations to undergraduate students

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    This case study provides evidence of an apparent disparity in the way that certain mathematics topics are taught compared to the way that they are used in professional practice. In particular, we focus on the topic of matrices by comparing sources from published research articles against typical undergraduate textbooks and lecture notes. Our results show that the most important operation when using matrices in research is that of matrix multiplication, with 33 of the 40 publications which we surveyed utilising this as the most prominent operation and the remainder of the publications instead opting not to use matrix multiplication at all rather than offering weighting to alternative operations. This is in contrast to the way in which matrices are taught, with very few of these teaching sources highlighting that matrix multiplication is the most important operation for mathematicians. We discuss the implications of this discrepancy and offer an insight as to why it can be beneficial to consider the professional uses of such topics when teaching mathematics to undergraduate students

    On the exponential generating function for non-backtracking walks

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    We derive an explicit formula for the exponential generating function associated with non-backtracking walks around a graph. We study both undirected and directed graphs. Our results allow us to derive computable expressions for non-backtracking versions of network centrality measures based on the matrix exponential. We find that eliminating backtracking walks in this context does not significantly increase the computational expense. We show how the new measures may be interpreted in terms of standard exponential centrality computation on a certain multilayer network. Insights from this block matrix interpretation also allow us to characterize centrality measures arising from general matrix functions. Rigorous analysis on the star graph illustrates the effect of non-backtracking and shows that localization can be eliminated when we restrict to non-backtracking walks. We also investigate the localization issue on synthetic networks

    Nonlocal PageRank

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    In this work we introduce and study a nonlocal version of the PageRank. In our approach, the random walker explores the graph using longer excursions than just moving between neighboring nodes. As a result, the corresponding ranking of the nodes, which takes into account a \textit{long-range interaction} between them, does not exhibit concentration phenomena typical of spectral rankings which take into account just local interactions. We show that the predictive value of the rankings obtained using our proposals is considerably improved on different real world problems

    Dynamic Katz and related network measures

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    We study walk-based centrality measures for time-ordered network sequences. For the case of standard dynamic walk-counting, we show how to derive and compute centrality measures induced by analytic functions. We also prove that dynamic Katz centrality, based on the resolvent function, has the unique advantage of allowing computations to be performed entirely at the node level. We then consider two distinct types of backtracking and develop a framework for capturing dynamic walk combinatorics when either or both is disallowed

    Dynamic Katz and related network measures

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    We study walk-based centrality measures for time-ordered network sequences. For the case of standard dynamic walk-counting, we show how to derive and compute centrality measures induced by analytic functions. We also prove that dynamic Katz centrality, based on the resolvent function, has the unique advantage of allowing computations to be performed entirely at the node level. We then consider two distinct types of backtracking and develop a framework for capturing dynamic walk combinatorics when either or both is disallowed