52 research outputs found

    Affective interactions between expressive characters

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    When people meet in virtual worlds they are represented by computer animated characters that lack a variety of expression and can seem stiff and robotic. By comparison human bodies are highly expressive; a casual observation of a group of people mil reveals a large diversity of behavior, different postures, gestures and complex patterns of eye gaze. In order to make computer mediated communication between people more like real face-to-face communication, it is necessary to add an affective dimension. This paper presents Demeanour, an affective semi-autonomous system for the generation of realistic body language in avatars. Users control their avatars that in turn interact autonomously with other avatars to produce expressive behaviour. This allows people to have affectively rich interactions via their avatars

    Integrating Autonomous Behaviour and User Control for Believable Agents

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    Individuality and Contextual Variation of Character Behaviour for Interactive Narrative.

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    This paper presents a system for generating non-verbal communication behaviour suitable for characters in interactive narrative. It is possible to customise the behaviour of individual character using a system of character profiles. This allows characters to have a strong individuality and personality. These same profiles also allow the characters’ behaviour to be altered in different contexts, allowing for suitably changing behaviour as the story unfolds

    A good gesture: exploring nonverbal communication for robust SLDSs

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    Actas de las IV Jornadas de Tecnología del Habla (JTH 2006)In this paper we propose a research framework to explore the possibilities that state-of-the-art embodied conversational agents (ECAs) technology can offer to overcome typical robustness problems in spoken language dialogue systems (SLDSs), such as error detection and recovery, changes of turn and clarification requests, that occur in many human-machine dialogue situations in real applications. Our goal is to study the effects of nonverbal communication throughout the dialogue, and find out to what extent ECAs can help overcome user frustration in critical situations. In particular, we have created a gestural repertoire that we will test and continue to refine and expand, to fit as closely as possible the users’ expectations and intuitions, and to favour a more efficient and pleasant dialogue flow for the users. We also describe the test environment we have designed, simulating a realistic mobile application, as well as the evaluation methodology for the assessment, in forthcoming tests, of the potential benefits of adding nonverbal communication in complex dialogue situations.This work has been possible thanks to the support grant received from project TIC2003-09068-C02-02 of the Spanish Plan Nacional de I+D
