3 research outputs found

    Semantic image understanding: from pixel to word

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    The aim of semantic image understanding is to reveal the semantic meaning behind the image pixel. This thesis investigates problems related to semantic image understanding, and have made the following contributions. Our first contribution is to propose the usage of histogram matching in Multiple Kernel Learning. We treat the two-dimensional kernel matrix as an image and transfer the histogram matching algorithm in image processing to kernel matrix. Experiments on various computer vision and machine learning datasets have shown that our method can always boost the performance of state of the art MKL methods. Our second contribution is to advocate the segment-then-recognize strategy in pixel-level semantic image understanding. We have developed a new framework which tries to integrate semantic segmentation with low-level segmentation for proposing object consistent regions. We have also developed a novel method trying to integrate semantic segmentation with interactive segmentation. We found this segment-then-recognize strategy also works well on medical image data, where we designed a novel polar space random field model for proposing gland-like regions. In the realm of image-level semantic image understanding, our contribution is a novel way to utilize the random forest. Most of the previous works utilizing random forest store the posterior probabilities at each leaf node, and each random tree in the random forest is considered to be independent from each other. In contrast, we store the training samples instead of the posterior probabilities at each leaf node. We consider the random forest as a whole and propose the concept of semantic nearest neighbor and semantic similarity measure. Based on these two concepts, we devise novel methods for image annotation and image retrieval tasks

    Semantic image understanding: from pixel to word

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    The aim of semantic image understanding is to reveal the semantic meaning behind the image pixel. This thesis investigates problems related to semantic image understanding, and have made the following contributions. Our first contribution is to propose the usage of histogram matching in Multiple Kernel Learning. We treat the two-dimensional kernel matrix as an image and transfer the histogram matching algorithm in image processing to kernel matrix. Experiments on various computer vision and machine learning datasets have shown that our method can always boost the performance of state of the art MKL methods. Our second contribution is to advocate the segment-then-recognize strategy in pixel-level semantic image understanding. We have developed a new framework which tries to integrate semantic segmentation with low-level segmentation for proposing object consistent regions. We have also developed a novel method trying to integrate semantic segmentation with interactive segmentation. We found this segment-then-recognize strategy also works well on medical image data, where we designed a novel polar space random field model for proposing gland-like regions. In the realm of image-level semantic image understanding, our contribution is a novel way to utilize the random forest. Most of the previous works utilizing random forest store the posterior probabilities at each leaf node, and each random tree in the random forest is considered to be independent from each other. In contrast, we store the training samples instead of the posterior probabilities at each leaf node. We consider the random forest as a whole and propose the concept of semantic nearest neighbor and semantic similarity measure. Based on these two concepts, we devise novel methods for image annotation and image retrieval tasks

    Non-Metric Label Propagation

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    In many applications non-metric distances are better than metric distances in reflecting the perceptual distances of human beings. Previous studies on non-metric distances mainly focused on supervised setting and did not consider the usefulness of unlabeled data. In this paper, we present probably the first study of label propagation on graphs induced from non-metric distances. The challenge here lies in the fact that the triangular inequality does not hold for non-metric distances and therefore, a direct application of existing label propagation methods will lead to inconsistency and conflict. We show that by applying spectrum transformation, non-metric distances can be converted into metric ones, and thus label propagation can be executed. Such methods, however, suffer from the change of original semantic relations. As a main result of this paper, we prove that any non-metric distance matrix can be decomposed into two metric distance matrices containing different information of the data. Based on this recognition, our proposed NMLP method derives two graphs from the original non-metric distance and performs a joint label propagation on the joint graph. Experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed NMLP method.