88 research outputs found

    Locally Reconstructable Non-Malleable Secret Sharing

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    Non-malleable secret sharing (NMSS) schemes, introduced by Goyal and Kumar (STOC 2018), ensure that a secret mm can be distributed into shares m1,...,mnm_1,...,m_n (for some nn), such that any tt (a parameter <=n<=n) shares can be reconstructed to recover the secret mm, any t1t-1 shares doesn\u27t leak information about mm and even if the shares that are used for reconstruction are tampered, it is guaranteed that the reconstruction of these tampered shares will either result in the original mm or something independent of mm. Since their introduction, non-malleable secret sharing schemes sparked a very impressive line of research. In this work, we introduce a feature of local reconstructability in NMSS, which allows reconstruction of any portion of a secret by reading just a few locations of the shares. This is a useful feature, especially when the secret is long or when the shares are stored in a distributed manner on a communication network. In this work, we give a compiler that takes in any non-malleable secret sharing scheme and compiles it into a locally reconstructable non-malleable secret sharing scheme. To secret share a message consisting of kk blocks of length ll each, our scheme would only require reading l+logkl + log k bits (in addition to a few more bits, whose quantity is independent of ll and kk) from each party\u27s share (of a reconstruction set) to locally reconstruct a single block of the message. We show an application of our locally reconstructable non-malleable secret sharing scheme to a computational non-malleable secure message transmission scheme in the pre-processing model, with an improved communication complexity, when transmitting multiple messages

    Non-Malleable Secret Sharing

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    A number of works have focused on the setting where an adversary tampers with the shares of a secret sharing scheme. This includes literature on verifiable secret sharing, algebraic manipulation detection(AMD) codes, and, error correcting or detecting codes in general. In this work, we initiate a systematic study of what we call non-malleable secret sharing. Very roughly, the guarantee we seek is the following: the adversary may potentially tamper with all of the shares, and still, either the reconstruction procedure outputs the original secret, or, the original secret is \u27\u27destroyed\u27\u27 and the reconstruction outputs a string which is completely \u27\u27unrelated\u27\u27 to the original secret. Recent exciting work on non-malleable codes in the split-state model led to constructions which can be seen as 2-out-of-2 non-malleable secret sharing schemes. These constructions have already found a number of applications in cryptography. We investigate the natural question of constructing t-out-of-n non-malleable secret sharing schemes. Such a secret sharing scheme ensures that only a set consisting of t or more shares can reconstruct the secret, and, additionally guarantees non-malleability under an attack where potentially every share maybe tampered with. Techniques used for obtaining split-state non-malleable codes (or 2-out-of-2 non-malleable secret sharing) are (in some form) based on two-source extractors and seem not to generalize to our setting. Our first result is the construction of a t-out-of-n non-malleable secret sharing scheme against an adversary who arbitrarily tampers each of the shares independently. Our construction is unconditional and features statistical non-malleability. As our main technical result, we present t-out-of-n non-malleable secret sharing scheme in a stronger adversarial model where an adversary may jointly tamper multiple shares. Our construction is unconditional and the adversary is allowed to jointly-tamper subsets of up to (t-1) shares. We believe that the techniques introduced in our construction may be of independent interest. Inspired by the well studied problem of perfectly secure message transmission introduced in the seminal work of Dolev et. al (J. of ACM\u2793), we also initiate the study of non-malleable message transmission. Non-malleable message transmission can be seen as a natural generalization in which the goal is to ensure that the receiver either receives the original message, or, the original message is essentially destroyed and the receiver receives an \u27\u27unrelated\u27\u27 message, when the network is under the influence of an adversary who can byzantinely corrupt all the nodes in the network. As natural applications of our non-malleable secret sharing schemes, we propose constructions for non-malleable message transmission

    Revisiting Non-Malleable Secret Sharing

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    A threshold secret sharing scheme (with threshold tt) allows a dealer to share a secret among a set of parties such that any group of tt or more parties can recover the secret and no group of at most t1t-1 parties learn any information about the secret. A non-malleable threshold secret sharing scheme, introduced in the recent work of Goyal and Kumar (STOC\u2718), additionally protects a threshold secret sharing scheme when its shares are subject to tampering attacks. Specifically, it guarantees that the reconstructed secret from the tampered shares is either the original secret or something that is unrelated to the original secret. In this work, we continue the study of threshold non-malleable secret sharing against the class of tampering functions that tamper each share independently. We focus on achieving greater efficiency and guaranteeing a stronger security property. We obtain the following results: - Rate Improvement. We give the first construction of a threshold non-malleable secret sharing scheme that has rate >0> 0. Specifically, for every n,t4n,t \geq 4, we give a construction of a tt-out-of-nn non-malleable secret sharing scheme with rate Θ(1tlog2n)\Theta(\frac{1}{t\log ^2 n}). In the prior constructions, the rate was Θ(1nlogm)\Theta(\frac{1}{n\log m}) where mm is the length of the secret and thus, the rate tends to 0 as mm \rightarrow \infty. Furthermore, we also optimize the parameters of our construction and give a concretely efficient scheme. - Multiple Tampering. We give the first construction of a threshold non-malleable secret sharing scheme secure in the stronger setting of bounded tampering wherein the shares are tampered by multiple (but bounded in number) possibly different tampering functions. The rate of such a scheme is Θ(1k3tlog2n)\Theta(\frac{1}{k^3t\log^2 n}) where kk is an apriori bound on the number of tamperings. We complement this positive result by proving that it is impossible to have a threshold non-malleable secret sharing scheme that is secure in the presence of an apriori unbounded number of tamperings. - General Access Structures. We extend our results beyond threshold secret sharing and give constructions of rate-efficient, non-malleable secret sharing schemes for more general monotone access structures that are secure against multiple (bounded) tampering attacks

    Non-malleable secret sharing against joint tampering attacks

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    Since thousands of years ago, the goal of cryptography has been to hide messages from prying eyes. In recent times, cryptography two important changes: first, cryptography itself evolved from just being about encryption to a broader class of situations coming from the digital era; second, the way of studying cryptography evolved from creating ``seemingly hard'' cryptographic schemes to constructing schemes which are provably secure. However, once the mathematical abstraction of cryptographic primitives started to be too hard to break, attackers found another way to defeat security. Side channel attacks have been proved to be very effective in this task, breaking the security of otherwise provably secure schemes. Because of this, recent trends in cryptography aim to capture this situation and construct schemes that are secure even against such powerful attacks. In this setting, this thesis specializes in the study of secret sharing, an important cryptographic primitive that allows to balance privacy and integrity of data and also has applications to multi-party protocols. Namely, continuing the trend which aims to protect against side channel attacks, this thesis brings some contributions to the state of the art of the so-called leakage-resilient and non-malleable secret sharing schemes, which have stronger guarantees against attackers that are able to learn information from possibly all the shares and even tamper with the shares and see the effects of the tampering. The main contributions of this thesis are twofold. First, we construct secret sharing schemes that are secure against a very powerful class of attacks which, informally, allows the attacker to jointly leak some information and tamper with the shares in a continuous fashion. Second, we study the capacity of continuously non-malleable secret sharing schemes, that is, the maximum achievable information rate. Roughly speaking, we find some lower bounds to the size that the shares must have in order to achieve some forms of non-malleability

    Stronger Leakage-Resilient and Non-Malleable Secret-Sharing Schemes for General Access Structures

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    In this work we present a collection of compilers that take secret sharing schemes for an arbitrary access structures as input and produce either leakage-resilient or non-malleable secret sharing schemes for the same access structure. A leakage-resilient secret sharing scheme hides the secret from an adversary, who has access to an unqualified set of shares, even if the adversary additionally obtains some size-bounded leakage from all other secret shares. A non-malleable secret sharing scheme guarantees that a secret that is reconstructed from a set of tampered shares is either equal to the original secret or completely unrelated. To the best of our knowledge we present the first generic compiler for leakage-resilient secret sharing for general access structures. In the case of non-malleable secret sharing, we strengthen previous definitions, provide separations between them, and construct a non-malleable secret sharing scheme for general access structures that fulfills the strongest definition with respect to independent share tampering functions. More precisely, our scheme is secure against concurrent tampering: The adversary is allowed to (non-adaptively) tamper the shares multiple times, and in each tampering attempt can freely choose the qualified set of shares to be used by the reconstruction algorithm to re-construct the tampered secret. This is a strong analogue of the multiple-tampering setting for split-state non-malleable codes and extractors. We show how to use leakage-resilient and non-malleable secret sharing schemes to construct leakage-resilient and non-malleable threshold signatures. Classical threshold signatures allow to distribute the secret key of a signature scheme among a set of parties, such that certain qualified subsets can sign messages. We construct threshold signature schemes that remain secure even if an adversary leaks from or tampers with all secret shares

    Continuously Non-Malleable Secret Sharing: Joint Tampering, Plain Model and Capacity

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    We study non-malleable secret sharing against joint leakage and joint tampering attacks. Our main result is the first threshold secret sharing scheme in the plain model achieving resilience to noisy-leakage and continuous tampering. The above holds under (necessary) minimal computational assumptions (i.e., the existence of one-to-one one-way functions), and in a model where the adversary commits to a fixed partition of all the shares into non-overlapping subsets of at most t1t-1 shares (where tt is the reconstruction threshold), and subsequently jointly leaks from and tampers with the shares within each partition. We also study the capacity (i.e., the maximum achievable asymptotic information rate) of continuously non-malleable secret sharing against joint continuous tampering attacks. In particular, we prove that whenever the attacker can tamper jointly with k>t/2k > t/2 shares, the capacity is at most tkt - k. The rate of our construction matches this upper bound. An important corollary of our results is the first non-malleable secret sharing scheme against independent tampering attacks breaking the rate-one barrier (under the same computational assumptions as above)

    Non-Malleable Secret Sharing for General Access Structures

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    Goyal and Kumar (STOC\u2718) recently introduced the notion of non-malleable secret sharing. Very roughly, the guarantee they seek is the following: the adversary may potentially tamper with all of the shares, and still, either the reconstruction procedure outputs the original secret, or, the original secret is ``destroyed and the reconstruction outputs a string which is completely ``unrelated to the original secret. Prior works on non-malleable codes in the 2 split-state model imply constructions which can be seen as 2-out-of-2 non-malleable secret sharing (NMSS) schemes. Goyal and Kumar proposed constructions of t-out-of-n NMSS schemes. These constructions have already been shown to have a number of applications in cryptography. We continue this line of research and construct NMSS for more general access structures. We give a generic compiler that converts any statistical (resp. computational) secret sharing scheme realizing any access structure into another statistical (resp. computational) secret sharing scheme that not only realizes the same access structure but also ensures statistical non-malleability against a computationally unbounded adversary who tampers each of the shares arbitrarily and independently. Instantiating with known schemes we get unconditional NMMS schemes that realize any access structures generated by polynomial size monotone span programs. Similarly, we also obtain conditional NMMS schemes realizing access structure in monotoneP (resp. monotoneNP) assuming one-way functions (resp. witness encryption). Towards considering more general tampering models, we also propose a construction of n-out-of-n NMSS. Our construction is secure even if the adversary could divide the shares into any two (possibly overlapping) subsets and then arbitrarily tamper the shares in each subset. Our construction is based on a property of inner product and an observation that the inner-product based construction of Aggarwal, Dodis and Lovett (STOC\u2714) is in fact secure against a tampering class that is stronger than 2 split-states. We also show applications of our construction to the problem of non-malleable message transmission

    Short Leakage Resilient and Non-malleable Secret Sharing Schemes

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    Leakage resilient secret sharing (LRSS) allows a dealer to share a secret amongst nn parties such that any authorized subset of the parties can recover the secret from their shares, while an adversary that obtains shares of any unauthorized subset of parties along with bounded leakage from the other shares learns no information about the secret. Non-malleable secret sharing (NMSS) provides a guarantee that even shares that are tampered by an adversary will reconstruct to either the original message or something independent of it. The most important parameter of LRSS and NMSS schemes is the size of each share. For LRSS, in the local leakage model (i.e., when the leakage functions on each share are independent of each other and bounded), Srinivasan and Vasudevan (CRYPTO 2019), gave a scheme for threshold access structures with a share size of approximately (33.(message length) + μ\mu), where μ\mu is the number of bits of leakage tolerated from every share. For the case of NMSS, the best known result (again due to the above work) has a share size of (1111.(message length)). In this work, we build LRSS and NMSS schemes with much improved share sizes. Additionally, our LRSS scheme obtains optimal share and leakage size. In particular, we get the following results: -We build an information-theoretic LRSS scheme for threshold access structures with a share size of ((message length) + μ\mu). -As an application of the above result, we obtain an NMSS with a share size of (44.(message length)). Further, for the special case of sharing random messages, we obtain a share size of (22.(message length))

    Non-Malleable Secret Sharing against Bounded Joint-Tampering Attacks in the Plain Model

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    Secret sharing enables a dealer to split a secret into a set of shares, in such a way that certain authorized subsets of share holders can reconstruct the secret, whereas all unauthorized subsets cannot. Non-malleable secret sharing (Goyal and Kumar, STOC 2018) additionally requires that, even if the shares have been tampered with, the reconstructed secret is either the original or a completely unrelated one. In this work, we construct non-malleable secret sharing tolerating pp-time {\em joint-tampering} attacks in the plain model (in the computational setting), where the latter means that, for any p>0p>0 fixed {\em a priori}, the attacker can tamper with the same target secret sharing up to pp times. In particular, assuming one-to-one one-way functions, we obtain: - A secret sharing scheme for threshold access structures which tolerates joint pp-time tampering with subsets of the shares of maximal size ({\em i.e.}, matching the privacy threshold of the scheme). This holds in a model where the attacker commits to a partition of the shares into non-overlapping subsets, and keeps tampering jointly with the shares within such a partition (so-called {\em selective partitioning}). - A secret sharing scheme for general access structures which tolerates joint pp-time tampering with subsets of the shares of size O(logn)O(\sqrt{\log n}), where nn is the number of parties. This holds in a stronger model where the attacker is allowed to adaptively change the partition within each tampering query, under the restriction that once a subset of the shares has been tampered with jointly, that subset is always either tampered jointly or not modified by other tampering queries (so-called {\em semi-adaptive partitioning}). At the heart of our result for selective partitioning lies a new technique showing that every one-time {\em statistically} non-malleable secret sharing against joint tampering is in fact {\em leakage-resilient} non-malleable ({\em i.e.},\ the attacker can leak jointly from the shares prior to tampering). We believe this may be of independent interest, and in fact we show it implies lower bounds on the share size and randomness complexity of statistically non-malleable secret sharing against {\em independent} tampering