10 research outputs found

    Learning Hypergraphs From Signals With Dual Smoothness Prior

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    The construction of a meaningful hypergraph topology is the key to processing signals with high-order relationships that involve more than two entities. Learning the hypergraph structure from the observed signals to capture the intrinsic relationships among the entities becomes crucial when a hypergraph topology is not readily available in the datasets. There are two challenges that lie at the heart of this problem: 1) how to handle the huge search space of potential hyperedges, and 2) how to define meaningful criteria to measure the relationship between the signals observed on nodes and the hypergraph structure. In this paper, to address the first challenge, we adopt the assumption that the ideal hypergraph structure can be derived from a learnable graph structure that captures the pairwise relations within signals. Further, we propose a hypergraph learning framework with a novel dual smoothness prior that reveals a mapping between the observed node signals and the hypergraph structure, whereby each hyperedge corresponds to a subgraph with both node signal smoothness and edge signal smoothness in the learnable graph structure. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed framework on both synthetic and real world datasets. Experiments show that our proposed framework can efficiently infer meaningful hypergraph topologies from observed signals.Comment: We have polished the paper and fixed some typos and the correct number of the target hyperedges is given to the baseline in this versio

    Learning hypergraphs from signals with dual smoothness prior

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    Hypergraph structure learning, which aims to learn the hypergraph structures from the observed signals to capture the intrinsic high-order relationships among the entities, becomes crucial when a hypergraph topology is not readily available in the datasets. There are two challenges that lie at the heart of this problem: 1) how to handle the huge search space of potential hyperedges, and 2) how to define meaningful criteria to measure the relationship between the signals observed on nodes and the hypergraph structure. In this paper, for the first challenge, we adopt the assumption that the ideal hypergraph structure can be derived from a learnable graph structure that captures the pairwise relations within signals. Further, we propose a hypergraph structure learning framework HGSL with a novel dual smoothness prior that reveals a mapping between the observed node signals and the hypergraph structure, whereby each hyperedge corresponds to a subgraph with both node signal smoothness and edge signal smoothness in the learnable graph structure. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments to evaluate HGSL on both synthetic and real world datasets. Experiments show that HGSL can efficiently infer meaningful hypergraph topologies from observed signals

    Non-Exhaustive, Overlapping k-medoids for Document Clustering

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    Manual document categorization is time consuming, expensive, and difficult to manage for large collections. Unsupervised clustering algorithms perform well when documents belong to only one group. However, individual documents may be outliers or span multiple topics. This paper proposes a new clustering algorithm called non-exhaustive overlapping k-medoids inspired by k-medoids and non-exhaustive overlapping k-means. The proposed algorithm partitions a set of objects into k clusters based on pairwise similarity. Each object is assigned to zero, one, or many groups to emulate manual results. The algorithm uses dissimilarity instead of distance measures and applies to text and other abstract data. Neo-k-medoids is tested against manually tagged movie descriptions and Wikipedia comments. Initial results are primarily poor but show promise. Future research is described to improve the proposed algorithm and explore alternate evaluation measures

    Highly efficient mining of overlapping clusters in signed weighted networks

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    Singapore National Research Foundation under International Research Centres in Singapore Funding Initiativ

    Low rank methods for optimizing clustering

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    Complex optimization models and problems in machine learning often have the majority of information in a low rank subspace. By careful exploitation of these low rank structures in clustering problems, we find new optimization approaches that reduce the memory and computational cost. We discuss two cases where this arises. First, we consider the NEO-K-Means (Non-Exhaustive, Overlapping K-Means) objective as a way to address overlapping and outliers in an integrated fashion. Optimizing this discrete objective is NP-hard, and even though there is a convex relaxation of the objective, straightforward convex optimization approaches are too expensive for large datasets. We utilize low rank structures in the solution matrix of the convex formulation and use a low-rank factorization of the solution matrix directly as a practical alternative. The resulting optimization problem is non-convex, but has a smaller number of solution variables, and can be locally optimized using an augmented Lagrangian method. In addition, we consider two fast multiplier methods to accelerate the convergence of the augmented Lagrangian scheme: a proximal method of multipliers and an alternating direction method of multipliers. For the proximal augmented Lagrangian, we show a convergence result for the non-convex case with bound-constrained subproblems. When the clustering performance is evaluated on real-world datasets, we show this technique is effective in finding the ground-truth clusters and cohesive overlapping communities in real-world networks. The second case is where the low-rank structure appears in the objective function. Inspired by low rank matrix completion techniques, we propose a low rank symmetric matrix completion scheme to approximate a kernel matrix. For the kernel k-means problem, we show empirically that the clustering performance with the approximation is comparable to the full kernel k-means

    A mathematical theory of making hard decisions: model selection and robustness of matrix factorization with binary constraints

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    One of the first and most fundamental tasks in machine learning is to group observations within a dataset. Given a notion of similarity, finding those instances which are outstandingly similar to each other has manifold applications. Recommender systems and topic analysis in text data are examples which are most intuitive to grasp. The interpretation of the groups, called clusters, is facilitated if the assignment of samples is definite. Especially in high-dimensional data, denoting a degree to which an observation belongs to a specified cluster requires a subsequent processing of the model to filter the most important information. We argue that a good summary of the data provides hard decisions on the following question: how many groups are there, and which observations belong to which clusters? In this work, we contribute to the theoretical and practical background of clustering tasks, addressing one or both aspects of this question. Our overview of state-of-the-art clustering approaches details the challenges of our ambition to provide hard decisions. Based on this overview, we develop new methodologies for two branches of clustering: the one concerns the derivation of nonconvex clusters, known as spectral clustering; the other addresses the identification of biclusters, a set of samples together with similarity defining features, via Boolean matrix factorization. One of the main challenges in both considered settings is the robustness to noise. Assuming that the issue of robustness is controllable by means of theoretical insights, we have a closer look at those aspects of established clustering methods which lack a theoretical foundation. In the scope of Boolean matrix factorization, we propose a versatile framework for the optimization of matrix factorizations subject to binary constraints. Especially Boolean factorizations have been computed by intuitive methods so far, implementing greedy heuristics which lack quality guarantees of obtained solutions. In contrast, we propose to build upon recent advances in nonconvex optimization theory. This enables us to provide convergence guarantees to local optima of a relaxed objective, requiring only approximately binary factor matrices. By means of this new optimization scheme PAL-Tiling, we propose two approaches to automatically determine the number of clusters. The one is based on information theory, employing the minimum description length principle, and the other is a novel statistical approach, controlling the false discovery rate. The flexibility of our framework PAL-Tiling enables the optimization of novel factorization schemes. In a different context, where every data point belongs to a pre-defined class, a characterization of the classes may be obtained by Boolean factorizations. However, there are cases where this traditional factorization scheme is not sufficient. Therefore, we propose the integration of another factor matrix, reflecting class-specific differences within a cluster. Our theoretical considerations are complemented by empirical evaluations, showing how our methods combine theoretical soundness with practical advantages

    Non-Exhaustive, Overlapping Clustering

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