2 research outputs found

    Robust and Computationally-Efficient Anomaly Detection using Powers-of-Two Networks

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    Robust and computationally efficient anomaly detection in videos is a problem in video surveillance systems. We propose a technique to increase robustness and reduce computational complexity in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based anomaly detector that utilizes the optical flow information of video data. We reduce the complexity of the network by denoising the intermediate layer outputs of the CNN and by using powers-of-two weights, which replaces the computationally expensive multiplication operations with bit-shift operations. Denoising operation during inference forces small valued intermediate layer outputs to zero. The number of zeros in the network significantly increases as a result of denoising, we can implement the CNN about 10% faster than a comparable network while detecting all the anomalies in the testing set. It turns out that denoising operation also provides robustness because the contribution of small intermediate values to the final result is negligible. During training we also generate motion vector images by a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to improve the robustness of the overall system. We experimentally observe that the resulting system is robust to background motion


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    We present a non-Euclidean vector product for artificial neural networks. The vector product operator does not require any multiplications while providing correlation information between two vectors. Ordinary neurons require inner product of two vectors. We propose a class of neural networks with the universal approximation property over the space of Lebesgue integrable functions based on the proposed non-Euclidean vector product. In this new network, the "product" of two real numbers is defined as the sum of their absolute values, with the sign determined by the sign of the product of the numbers. This "product' is used to construct a vector product in R-N. The vector product induces the l(1) norm. The additive neural network successfully solves the XOR problem. Experiments on MNIST and CIFAR datasets show that the classification performance of the proposed additive neural network is comparable to the corresponding multi-layer perceptron and convolutional neural networks