1,541 research outputs found

    Temporal non-commutative logic: Expressing time, resource, order and hierarchy

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    A first-order temporal non-commutative logic TN[l], which has no structural rules and has some l-bounded linear-time temporal operators, is introduced as a Gentzen-type sequent calculus. The logic TN[l] allows us to provide not only time-dependent, resource-sensitive, ordered, but also hierarchical reasoning. Decidability, cut-elimination and completeness (w.r.t. phase semantics) theorems are shown for TN[l]. An advantage of TN[l] is its decidability, because the standard first-order linear-time temporal logic is undecidable. A correspondence theorem between TN[l] and a resource indexed non-commutative logic RN[l] is also shown. This theorem is intended to state that “time” is regarded as a “resource”

    Normalization and sub-formula property for Lambek with product and PCMLL -- Partially Commutative Multiplicative Linear Logic

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    This paper establishes the normalisation of natural deduction or lambda calculus formulation of Intuitionistic Non Commutative Logic --- which involves both commutative and non commutative connectives. This calculus first introduced by de Groote and as opposed to the classical version by Abrusci and Ruet admits a full entropy which allow order to be relaxed into any suborder. Our result also includes, as a special case, the normalisation of natural deduction the Lambek calculus with product, which is unsurprising but yet unproved. Regarding Intuitionistic Non Commutative Logic with full entropy does not have up to now a proof net syntax, and that for linguistic applications, sequent calculi which are only more or less equivalent to natural deduction, are not convenient because they lack the standard Curry-Howard isomorphism

    Non-normal modalities in variants of Linear Logic

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    This article presents modal versions of resource-conscious logics. We concentrate on extensions of variants of Linear Logic with one minimal non-normal modality. In earlier work, where we investigated agency in multi-agent systems, we have shown that the results scale up to logics with multiple non-minimal modalities. Here, we start with the language of propositional intuitionistic Linear Logic without the additive disjunction, to which we add a modality. We provide an interpretation of this language on a class of Kripke resource models extended with a neighbourhood function: modal Kripke resource models. We propose a Hilbert-style axiomatization and a Gentzen-style sequent calculus. We show that the proof theories are sound and complete with respect to the class of modal Kripke resource models. We show that the sequent calculus admits cut elimination and that proof-search is in PSPACE. We then show how to extend the results when non-commutative connectives are added to the language. Finally, we put the logical framework to use by instantiating it as logics of agency. In particular, we propose a logic to reason about the resource-sensitive use of artefacts and illustrate it with a variety of examples

    Partially Commutative Linear Logic and Lambek Caculus with Product: Natural Deduction, Normalisation, Subformula Property

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    International audienceThis article defines and studies a natural deduction system for partially commutative intuitionistic multiplicative linear logic, that is a combination of intuitionistic commutative linear logic with the Lambek calculus, which is non- commutative, and was first introduced as a sequent calculus by de Groote. In this logic, the hypotheses are endowed with a series-parallel partial order: the parallel composition corresponds to the commutative product, while the series composition corresponds to the noncommutative product. The relation between the two products is that a rule, called entropy, allows us to replace a series-parallel order with a sub series-parallel order -- this rule (already studied by Retoré) strictly extends the entropy rule initially introduced by de Groote. A particular subsystem emerges when hypotheses are totally ordered: this is Lambek calculus with product, and when orders are empty it is is multiplicative linear logic. So far only the sequent calculus and cut-elimination have been properly studied. In this article, we define natural deduction with product elimination rules as Abramsky proposed long ago. We then give a brief illustration of its application to computational linguistics and prove normalisation, firstly for the Lambek calculus with product and then for the full partially ordered calcu- lus. We show that normal proofs enjoy the subformula property, thus yielding another proof of decidability of these calculi. This logic was shown to be useful for modelling the truly concurrent exe- cution of Petri nets and for minimalist grammars in computational linguistics. Regarding this latter application, natural deduction and the Curry-Howard iso- morphism is extremely useful since it leads to the semantic representation of analysed sentences

    On noncommutative extensions of linear logic

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    Pomset logic introduced by Retor\'e is an extension of linear logic with a self-dual noncommutative connective. The logic is defined by means of proof-nets, rather than a sequent calculus. Later a deep inference system BV was developed with an eye to capturing Pomset logic, but equivalence of system has not been proven up to now. As for a sequent calculus formulation, it has not been known for either of these logics, and there are convincing arguments that such a sequent calculus in the usual sense simply does not exist for them. In an on-going work on semantics we discovered a system similar to Pomset logic, where a noncommutative connective is no longer self-dual. Pomset logic appears as a degeneration, when the class of models is restricted. Motivated by these semantic considerations, we define in the current work a semicommutative multiplicative linear logic}, which is multiplicative linear logic extended with two nonisomorphic noncommutative connectives (not to be confused with very different Abrusci-Ruet noncommutative logic). We develop a syntax of proof-nets and show how this logic degenerates to Pomset logic. However, a more interesting problem than just finding yet another noncommutative logic is to find a sequent calculus for this logic. We introduce decorated sequents, which are sequents equipped with an extra structure of a binary relation of reachability on formulas. We define a decorated sequent calculus for semicommutative logic and prove that it is cut-free, sound and complete. This is adapted to "degenerate" variations, including Pomset logic. Thus, in particular, we give a variant of sequent calculus formulation for Pomset logic, which is one of the key results of the paper

    A System of Interaction and Structure

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    This paper introduces a logical system, called BV, which extends multiplicative linear logic by a non-commutative self-dual logical operator. This extension is particularly challenging for the sequent calculus, and so far it is not achieved therein. It becomes very natural in a new formalism, called the calculus of structures, which is the main contribution of this work. Structures are formulae submitted to certain equational laws typical of sequents. The calculus of structures is obtained by generalising the sequent calculus in such a way that a new top-down symmetry of derivations is observed, and it employs inference rules that rewrite inside structures at any depth. These properties, in addition to allow the design of BV, yield a modular proof of cut elimination.Comment: This is the authoritative version of the article, with readable pictures, in colour, also available at . (The published version contains errors introduced by the editorial processing.) Web site for Deep Inference and the Calculus of Structures at <http://alessio.guglielmi.name/res/cos