530 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Theories, Tools and Challenges for the Community

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL), a re-branding of neural networks (NNs), has risen to the top in numerous areas, namely computer vision (CV), speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. Whereas remote sensing (RS) possesses a number of unique challenges, primarily related to sensors and applications, inevitably RS draws from many of the same theories as CV; e.g., statistics, fusion, and machine learning, to name a few. This means that the RS community should be aware of, if not at the leading edge of, of advancements like DL. Herein, we provide the most comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art RS DL research. We also review recent new developments in the DL field that can be used in DL for RS. Namely, we focus on theories, tools and challenges for the RS community. Specifically, we focus on unsolved challenges and opportunities as it relates to (i) inadequate data sets, (ii) human-understandable solutions for modelling physical phenomena, (iii) Big Data, (iv) non-traditional heterogeneous data sources, (v) DL architectures and learning algorithms for spectral, spatial and temporal data, (vi) transfer learning, (vii) an improved theoretical understanding of DL systems, (viii) high barriers to entry, and (ix) training and optimizing the DL.Comment: 64 pages, 411 references. To appear in Journal of Applied Remote Sensin

    Interpretable Hyperspectral AI: When Non-Convex Modeling meets Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    Hyperspectral imaging, also known as image spectrometry, is a landmark technique in geoscience and remote sensing (RS). In the past decade, enormous efforts have been made to process and analyze these hyperspectral (HS) products mainly by means of seasoned experts. However, with the ever-growing volume of data, the bulk of costs in manpower and material resources poses new challenges on reducing the burden of manual labor and improving efficiency. For this reason, it is, therefore, urgent to develop more intelligent and automatic approaches for various HS RS applications. Machine learning (ML) tools with convex optimization have successfully undertaken the tasks of numerous artificial intelligence (AI)-related applications. However, their ability in handling complex practical problems remains limited, particularly for HS data, due to the effects of various spectral variabilities in the process of HS imaging and the complexity and redundancy of higher dimensional HS signals. Compared to the convex models, non-convex modeling, which is capable of characterizing more complex real scenes and providing the model interpretability technically and theoretically, has been proven to be a feasible solution to reduce the gap between challenging HS vision tasks and currently advanced intelligent data processing models

    Advances in Hyperspectral Image Classification Methods for Vegetation and Agricultural Cropland Studies

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    Hyperspectral data are becoming more widely available via sensors on airborne and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platforms, as well as proximal platforms. While space-based hyperspectral data continue to be limited in availability, multiple spaceborne Earth-observing missions on traditional platforms are scheduled for launch, and companies are experimenting with small satellites for constellations to observe the Earth, as well as for planetary missions. Land cover mapping via classification is one of the most important applications of hyperspectral remote sensing and will increase in significance as time series of imagery are more readily available. However, while the narrow bands of hyperspectral data provide new opportunities for chemistry-based modeling and mapping, challenges remain. Hyperspectral data are high dimensional, and many bands are highly correlated or irrelevant for a given classification problem. For supervised classification methods, the quantity of training data is typically limited relative to the dimension of the input space. The resulting Hughes phenomenon, often referred to as the curse of dimensionality, increases potential for unstable parameter estimates, overfitting, and poor generalization of classifiers. This is particularly problematic for parametric approaches such as Gaussian maximum likelihoodbased classifiers that have been the backbone of pixel-based multispectral classification methods. This issue has motivated investigation of alternatives, including regularization of the class covariance matrices, ensembles of weak classifiers, development of feature selection and extraction methods, adoption of nonparametric classifiers, and exploration of methods to exploit unlabeled samples via semi-supervised and active learning. Data sets are also quite large, motivating computationally efficient algorithms and implementations. This chapter provides an overview of the recent advances in classification methods for mapping vegetation using hyperspectral data. Three data sets that are used in the hyperspectral classification literature (e.g., Botswana Hyperion satellite data and AVIRIS airborne data over both Kennedy Space Center and Indian Pines) are described in Section 3.2 and used to illustrate methods described in the chapter. An additional high-resolution hyperspectral data set acquired by a SpecTIR sensor on an airborne platform over the Indian Pines area is included to exemplify the use of new deep learning approaches, and a multiplatform example of airborne hyperspectral data is provided to demonstrate transfer learning in hyperspectral image classification. Classical approaches for supervised and unsupervised feature selection and extraction are reviewed in Section 3.3. In particular, nonlinearities exhibited in hyperspectral imagery have motivated development of nonlinear feature extraction methods in manifold learning, which are outlined in Section Spatial context is also important in classification of both natural vegetation with complex textural patterns and large agricultural fields with significant local variability within fields. Approaches to exploit spatial features at both the pixel level (e.g., co-occurrencebased texture and extended morphological attribute profiles [EMAPs]) and integration of segmentation approaches (e.g., HSeg) are discussed in this context in Section 3.3.2. Recently, classification methods that leverage nonparametric methods originating in the machine learning community have grown in popularity. An overview of both widely used and newly emerging approaches, including support vector machines (SVMs), Gaussian mixture models, and deep learning based on convolutional neural networks is provided in Section 3.4. Strategies to exploit unlabeled samples, including active learning and metric learning, which combine feature extraction and augmentation of the pool of training samples in an active learning framework, are outlined in Section 3.5. Integration of image segmentation with classification to accommodate spatial coherence typically observed in vegetation is also explored, including as an integrated active learning system. Exploitation of multisensor strategies for augmenting the pool of training samples is investigated via a transfer learning framework in Section Finally, we look to the future, considering opportunities soon to be provided by new paradigms, as hyperspectral sensing is becoming common at multiple scales from ground-based and airborne autonomous vehicles to manned aircraft and space-based platforms

    Self-supervised remote sensing feature learning: Learning Paradigms, Challenges, and Future Works

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    Deep learning has achieved great success in learning features from massive remote sensing images (RSIs). To better understand the connection between feature learning paradigms (e.g., unsupervised feature learning (USFL), supervised feature learning (SFL), and self-supervised feature learning (SSFL)), this paper analyzes and compares them from the perspective of feature learning signals, and gives a unified feature learning framework. Under this unified framework, we analyze the advantages of SSFL over the other two learning paradigms in RSIs understanding tasks and give a comprehensive review of the existing SSFL work in RS, including the pre-training dataset, self-supervised feature learning signals, and the evaluation methods. We further analyze the effect of SSFL signals and pre-training data on the learned features to provide insights for improving the RSI feature learning. Finally, we briefly discuss some open problems and possible research directions.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Mixture of Latent Variable Models for Remotely Sensed Image Processing

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    The processing of remotely sensed data is innately an inverse problem where properties of spatial processes are inferred from the observations based on a generative model. Meaningful data inversion relies on well-defined generative models that capture key factors in the relationship between the underlying physical process and the measurements. Unfortunately, as two mainstream data processing techniques, both mixture models and latent variables models (LVM) are inadequate in describing the complex relationship between the spatial process and the remote sensing data. Consequently, mixture models, such as K-Means, Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA), characterize a class by statistics in the original space, ignoring the fact that a class can be better represented by discriminative signals in the hidden/latent feature space, while LVMs, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Sparse Representation (SR), seek representational signals in the whole image scene that involves multiple spatial processes, neglecting the fact that signal discovery for individual processes is more efficient. Although the combined use of mixture model and LVMs is required for remote sensing data analysis, there is still a lack of systematic exploration on this important topic in remote sensing literature. Driven by the above considerations, this thesis therefore introduces a mixture of LVM (MLVM) framework for combining the mixture models and LVMs, under which three models are developed in order to address different aspects of remote sensing data processing: (1) a mixture of probabilistic SR (MPSR) is proposed for supervised classification of hyperspectral remote sensing imagery, considering that SR is an emerging and powerful technique for feature extraction and data representation; (2) a mixture model of K “Purified” means (K-P-Means) is proposed for addressing the spectral endmember estimation, which is a fundamental issue in remote sensing data analysis; (3) and a clustering-based PCA model is introduced for SAR image denoising. Under a unified optimization scheme, all models are solved via Expectation and Maximization (EM) algorithm, by iteratively estimating the two groups of parameters, i.e., the labels of pixels and the latent variables. Experiments on simulated data and real remote sensing data demonstrate the advantages of the proposed models in the respective applications
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