186 research outputs found

    Exploiting loop level parallelism in nonprocedural dataflow programs

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    Discussed are how loop level parallelism is detected in a nonprocedural dataflow program, and how a procedural program with concurrent loops is scheduled. Also discussed is a program restructuring technique which may be applied to recursive equations so that concurrent loops may be generated for a seemingly iterative computation. A compiler which generates C code for the language described below has been implemented. The scheduling component of the compiler and the restructuring transformation are described

    PAWS: A performance evaluation tool for parallel computing systems

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    A description is given of PAWS (parallel assessment window system), a set of tools that provides an interactive user-friendly environment for analysis of existing, prototype, and conceptual machine architectures running a common application. PAWS consists of an application tool, an architectural characterization tool, a performance assessment tool, and an interactive graphical display tool. The application characterization tool provides a facility for evaluating the level and degree of an application's parallelism. The architecture characterization tool allows users to create, store, and retrieve descriptions of machines in a database. This approach permits users to evaluate conceptual machines before building any hardware. The performance assessment tool generates profile plots through the interactive graphical display tool. It shows both the ideal parallelism inherent in the machine-independent dataflow graph and

    Distributed computing system with dual independent communications paths between computers and employing split tokens

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    This is a distributed computing system providing flexible fault tolerance; ease of software design and concurrency specification; and dynamic balance of the loads. The system comprises a plurality of computers each having a first input/output interface and a second input/output interface for interfacing to communications networks each second input/output interface including a bypass for bypassing the associated computer. A global communications network interconnects the first input/output interfaces for providing each computer the ability to broadcast messages simultaneously to the remainder of the computers. A meshwork communications network interconnects the second input/output interfaces providing each computer with the ability to establish a communications link with another of the computers bypassing the remainder of computers. Each computer is controlled by a resident copy of a common operating system. Communications between respective ones of computers is by means of split tokens each having a moving first portion which is sent from computer to computer and a resident second portion which is disposed in the memory of at least one of computer and wherein the location of the second portion is part of the first portion. The split tokens represent both functions to be executed by the computers and data to be employed in the execution of the functions. The first input/output interfaces each include logic for detecting a collision between messages and for terminating the broadcasting of a message whereby collisions between messages are detected and avoided

    Distributed Recovery in Applicative Systems

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    Applicative systems are promising candidates for achieving high performance computing through aggregation of processors. This paper studies the fault recovery problems in a class of applicative systems. The concept of functional checkpointing is proposed as the nucleus of a distributed recovery mechanism. This entails incrementally building a resilient structure as the evaluation of an applicative program proceeds. A simple rollback algorithm is suggested to regenerate the corrupted structure by redoing the most effective functional checkpoints. Another algorithm, which attempts to recover intermediate results, is also presented. The parent of a faulty task reproduces a functional twin of the failed task. The regenerated task inherits all offspring of the faulty task so that partial results can be salvaged

    Structural Checking Tool Restructure and Matching Improvements

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    With the rising complexity and size of hardware designs, saving development time and cost by employing third-party intellectual property (IP) into various first-party designs has become a necessity. However, using third-party IPs introduces the risk of adding malicious behavior to the design, including hardware Trojans. Different from software Trojan detection, the detection of hardware Trojans in an efficient and cost-effective manner is an ongoing area of study and has significant complexities depending on the development stage where Trojan detection is leveraged. Therefore, this thesis research proposes improvements to various components of the soft IP analysis methodology utilized by the Structural Checking Tool. The Structural Checking Tool analyzes the register-transfer level (RTL) code of IPs to determine their functionalities and to detect and identify hardware Trojans inserted. The Structural Checking process entails parsing a design to yield a structural representation and assigning assets that encompass 12 different characteristics to the primary ports and internal signals. With coarse-grained asset reassignment based on external and internal signal connections, matching can be performed against trusted IPs to classify the functionality of an unknown soft IP. Further analysis is done using a Golden Reference Library (GRL) containing information about known Trojan-free and Trojan-infested designs and serves as a vital component for unknown soft IP comparison. Following functional identification, the unknown soft IP is run through a fine-grained reassignment strategy to ensure usage of up-to-date GRL assets, and then the matching process is used to determine whether said IP is Trojan-infested or Trojan-free. This necessitates a large GRL while maintaining a balance of computational resources and high accuracy to ensure effective matching

    Computer architecture for efficient algorithmic executions in real-time systems: New technology for avionics systems and advanced space vehicles

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    Improvements and advances in the development of computer architecture now provide innovative technology for the recasting of traditional sequential solutions into high-performance, low-cost, parallel system to increase system performance. Research conducted in development of specialized computer architecture for the algorithmic execution of an avionics system, guidance and control problem in real time is described. A comprehensive treatment of both the hardware and software structures of a customized computer which performs real-time computation of guidance commands with updated estimates of target motion and time-to-go is presented. An optimal, real-time allocation algorithm was developed which maps the algorithmic tasks onto the processing elements. This allocation is based on the critical path analysis. The final stage is the design and development of the hardware structures suitable for the efficient execution of the allocated task graph. The processing element is designed for rapid execution of the allocated tasks. Fault tolerance is a key feature of the overall architecture. Parallel numerical integration techniques, tasks definitions, and allocation algorithms are discussed. The parallel implementation is analytically verified and the experimental results are presented. The design of the data-driven computer architecture, customized for the execution of the particular algorithm, is discussed


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    Confocal microscopy is a widely used tool that provides valuable morphological and functional information within cells and tissues. A major advantage of confocal microscopy is its ability to record multi-color and optically sectioned images. A major drawback to confocal microscopy is its diffraction-limited spatial resolution. Though techniques have been developed that break this limit in confocal microscopy, they require additional hardware or accurate estimates of the system’s impulse response (e.g., point spread function). Here we investigate two deep learning-based models, the cGAN and cycleGAN, trained with low-resolution (LR) and high-resolution (HR) confocal images to improve spatial resolution in confocal microscopy. Our findings conclude that the cGAN can accurately produce HR images if the training set contains images with a high signal-to-noise ratio. We have also found that the cycleGAN model has the potential to perform as the cGAN model but without the requirement of using paired inputs

    Big Data and MapReduce Challenges, Opportunities and Trends

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    Nowadays we all are surrounded by Big data. The term ‘Big Data’ itself indicates huge volume, high velocity, variety and veracity i.e. uncertainty of data which gave rise to new difficulties and challenges. Big data generated may be structured data, Semi Structured data or unstructured data. For existing database and systems lot of difficulties are there to process, analyze, store and manage such a Big Data.  The Big Data challenges are Protection, Curation, Capture, Analysis, Searching, Visualization, Storage, Transfer and sharing. Map Reduce is a framework using which we can write applications to process huge amount of data, in parallel, on large clusters of commodity hardware in a reliable manner. Lot of efforts have been put by different researchers to make it simple, easy, effective and efficient. In our survey paper we emphasized on the working of Map Reduce, challenges, opportunities and recent trends so that researchers can think on further improvement
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