5,846 research outputs found

    Stereoscopic image quality assessment method based on binocular combination saliency model

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    The objective quality assessment of stereoscopic images plays an important role in three-dimensional (3D) technologies. In this paper, we propose an effective method to evaluate the quality of stereoscopic images that are afflicted by symmetric distortions. The major technical contribution of this paper is that the binocular combination behaviours and human 3D visual saliency characteristics are both considered. In particular, a new 3D saliency map is developed, which not only greatly reduces the computational complexity by avoiding calculation of the depth information, but also assigns appropriate weights to the image contents. Experimental results indicate that the proposed metric not only significantly outperforms conventional 2D quality metrics, but also achieves higher performance than the existing 3D quality assessment models

    Full-reference stereoscopic video quality assessment using a motion sensitive HVS model

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    Stereoscopic video quality assessment has become a major research topic in recent years. Existing stereoscopic video quality metrics are predominantly based on stereoscopic image quality metrics extended to the time domain via for example temporal pooling. These approaches do not explicitly consider the motion sensitivity of the Human Visual System (HVS). To address this limitation, this paper introduces a novel HVS model inspired by physiological findings characterising the motion sensitive response of complex cells in the primary visual cortex (V1 area). The proposed HVS model generalises previous HVS models, which characterised the behaviour of simple and complex cells but ignored motion sensitivity, by estimating optical flow to measure scene velocity at different scales and orientations. The local motion characteristics (direction and amplitude) are used to modulate the output of complex cells. The model is applied to develop a new type of full-reference stereoscopic video quality metrics which uniquely combine non-motion sensitive and motion sensitive energy terms to mimic the response of the HVS. A tailored two-stage multi-variate stepwise regression algorithm is introduced to determine the optimal contribution of each energy term. The two proposed stereoscopic video quality metrics are evaluated on three stereoscopic video datasets. Results indicate that they achieve average correlations with subjective scores of 0.9257 (PLCC), 0.9338 and 0.9120 (SRCC), 0.8622 and 0.8306 (KRCC), and outperform previous stereoscopic video quality metrics including other recent HVS-based metrics

    Stereoscopic video quality assessment using binocular energy

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    Stereoscopic imaging is becoming increasingly popular. However, to ensure the best quality of experience, there is a need to develop more robust and accurate objective metrics for stereoscopic content quality assessment. Existing stereoscopic image and video metrics are either extensions of conventional 2D metrics (with added depth or disparity information) or are based on relatively simple perceptual models. Consequently, they tend to lack the accuracy and robustness required for stereoscopic content quality assessment. This paper introduces full-reference stereoscopic image and video quality metrics based on a Human Visual System (HVS) model incorporating important physiological findings on binocular vision. The proposed approach is based on the following three contributions. First, it introduces a novel HVS model extending previous models to include the phenomena of binocular suppression and recurrent excitation. Second, an image quality metric based on the novel HVS model is proposed. Finally, an optimised temporal pooling strategy is introduced to extend the metric to the video domain. Both image and video quality metrics are obtained via a training procedure to establish a relationship between subjective scores and objective measures of the HVS model. The metrics are evaluated using publicly available stereoscopic image/video databases as well as a new stereoscopic video database. An extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates the robustness of the proposed quality metrics. This indicates a considerable improvement with respect to the state-of-the-art with average correlations with subjective scores of 0.86 for the proposed stereoscopic image metric and 0.89 and 0.91 for the proposed stereoscopic video metrics

    Blind assessment for stereo images considering binocular characteristics and deep perception map based on deep belief network

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    © 2018 Elsevier Inc. In recent years, blind image quality assessment in the field of 2D image/video has gained the popularity, but its applications in 3D image/video are to be generalized. In this paper, we propose an effective blind metric evaluating stereo images via deep belief network (DBN). This method is based on wavelet transform with both 2D features from monocular images respectively as image content description and 3D features from a novel depth perception map (DPM) as depth perception description. In particular, the DPM is introduced to quantify longitudinal depth information to align with human stereo visual perception. More specifically, the 2D features are local histogram of oriented gradient (HoG) features from high frequency wavelet coefficients and global statistical features including magnitude, variance and entropy. Meanwhile, the global statistical features from the DPM are characterized as 3D features. Subsequently, considering binocular characteristics, an effective binocular weight model based on multiscale energy estimation of the left and right images is adopted to obtain the content quality. In the training and testing stages, three DBN models for the three types features separately are used to get the final score. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed stereo image quality evaluation model has high superiority over existing methods and achieve higher consistency with subjective quality assessments

    A blind stereoscopic image quality evaluator with segmented stacked autoencoders considering the whole visual perception route

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    Most of the current blind stereoscopic image quality assessment (SIQA) algorithms cannot show reliable accuracy. One reason is that they do not have the deep architectures and the other reason is that they are designed on the relatively weak biological basis, compared with findings on human visual system (HVS). In this paper, we propose a Deep Edge and COlor Signal INtegrity Evaluator (DECOSINE) based on the whole visual perception route from eyes to the frontal lobe, and especially focus on edge and color signal processing in retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). Furthermore, to model the complex and deep structure of the visual cortex, Segmented Stacked Auto-encoder (S-SAE) is used, which has not utilized for SIQA before. The utilization of the S-SAE complements weakness of deep learning-based SIQA metrics that require a very long training time. Experiments are conducted on popular SIQA databases, and the superiority of DECOSINE in terms of prediction accuracy and monotonicity is proved. The experimental results show that our model about the whole visual perception route and utilization of S-SAE are effective for SIQA

    Object-based 2D-to-3D video conversion for effective stereoscopic content generation in 3D-TV applications

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    Three-dimensional television (3D-TV) has gained increasing popularity in the broadcasting domain, as it enables enhanced viewing experiences in comparison to conventional two-dimensional (2D) TV. However, its application has been constrained due to the lack of essential contents, i.e., stereoscopic videos. To alleviate such content shortage, an economical and practical solution is to reuse the huge media resources that are available in monoscopic 2D and convert them to stereoscopic 3D. Although stereoscopic video can be generated from monoscopic sequences using depth measurements extracted from cues like focus blur, motion and size, the quality of the resulting video may be poor as such measurements are usually arbitrarily defined and appear inconsistent with the real scenes. To help solve this problem, a novel method for object-based stereoscopic video generation is proposed which features i) optical-flow based occlusion reasoning in determining depth ordinal, ii) object segmentation using improved region-growing from masks of determined depth layers, and iii) a hybrid depth estimation scheme using content-based matching (inside a small library of true stereo image pairs) and depth-ordinal based regularization. Comprehensive experiments have validated the effectiveness of our proposed 2D-to-3D conversion method in generating stereoscopic videos of consistent depth measurements for 3D-TV applications
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